Rating:  Summary: King's Multi-Dimensional Behavior Review: Bag of Bones, the story of a widowed author who returns to a place called Sarah Laughs in order to solve his writing block and the mystery surrounding his wife's death (which he has become obsessed about, leading to nightmares), is one that has been duplicated in similar fashion throghout the years. So why does King succeed where others have failed? Simply put... he did not attempt to sugar coat one aspect of this story, as it draws out, his underlying plots and themes are simply brutal.Whether we are sympathizing with King's Mike Noonan as he scribbles his myseries down, or if we're racking our brains trying to establish links between different oddities, we are always feeling something. King's pedestal is based on his ability to convey emotion to the reader. He will not allow his name to be purely linked to one category, or to one emotion, in any book. The Shawshank Redemption was a prime example of King's dramatic and intellectual side, while Apt Pupil distinguished his dangerous logic. The Dark Tower series is a fantasy landmark, but The Tommyknockers is a sci-fi-ish thriller. If there is another writer as versatile and provenly effective as King, I have yet to see him/her. I only wish other recent King novels could have garnished as good of a review from me, however several of them I simply refused to review (ethically speaking).
Rating:  Summary: A Different Kind of Creepy Review: I recently became a King fan and love his books for their horror which is so grotesque and scary, you can calm your fears by reminding yourself, 'this can't be real'. This book was different in that respect because the debate of whether or not ghosts are real is one that will live on forever. For this reason, Bag of Bones kept me up with my lights on and the blankets pulled to my chin on more than a few occasions. I do think the story kind of dragged on a little and I thought the end was rushed and a little silly. For lack of a better word, it was cheesy. Other than that, a good, scary read by our favorite horror writer.
Rating:  Summary: Enchanting Review: This is my first experience of Stephen King. And boy, how was I hooked. Wonderful ghost and love story at the same time. And that little girl, Kia, was easy to fall in love with. With this one I join the Stephen King's fan club around the world.
Rating:  Summary: Classic King Review: Great book! Not one of his scariest but believe it or not, that's not why I love King. Only King can pull you so deeply into a story that you feel you know the characters personally. How does he do it? This is a great ghost story and love story, and I was hooked from the start. I had lost interest in King's books after reading Misery, which I found to be too cruel and inhumane to enjoy - even as fiction. But Bag of Bones reminds me of his earlier work. I couldn't put it down.
Rating:  Summary: Kings Best if there is one! Review: I was so surprised at the depth of this book, especially for Stephen King. It is intelligent and horrifying. I read with non-stop curiosity and terror. Happy for a real page turner, I was sad to have it end.
Rating:  Summary: Stephen King's Bag Of Bones Isn't Review: Bag Of Bones is an enveloping story about a best-selling author leading a normal, if generous, life. His wife dies suddenly, however, and he greatly misses her presence, or is she not really gone? A few years later, Mike Noonan decides to take a trip to the summer house to which he and his wife used to go. Mike finds himself in the middle of a feud between a young widow and the father of her late husband for custody of her child. He aides her financially, and wants to make sure the child ends up in her hands, but he's not sure if he should intervene. Someone is sure. They're in Mike Noonan's house with him. Mrs. Noonan hadn't done what they wanted. Will Mike?
Rating:  Summary: Quick nurse, the editor's sissors! Review: There are phases of this which remind of "vintage" King, if you can wade through the swamp of self-indulgant "insider" book-biz info, meandering 7-11 philosophy, and lurid male mid-life crisis fantacies. And the boring life-details! He stops just short of a daily report of the guy's BM size and consistancy. Steve, this isn't "Everybody Poops" for cri'sake!
Rating:  Summary: The most incredible, clever book King has ever written. Review: Stephen King has been called the world's scariest novelist; however, many criticts agree that his work is too violent and his excessive use of adult language is not nesessary in his writing. However, while reading Bag of Bones, I ( having read most of his priveous novels) found that this one was different. The book is open for all readers: mystery, horror, suspence, and even romance. This book focuses on the events that happen to a widowed best selling novelist, Mike Noonan who is grieving from his wife's sudden and unexpected death. He suffers from writer's block; a case when writers fear their computers and are literally in pain when they try to write. He begins having a perpetual, repetative dream focusing on his dead wife appearing at the doorsteps of his Maine summer house he calls Sara Laughs. He packs up his belongings and moves into the old house in hope that he will ease up and begin writing again. Along the way, he meets a young woman, Mattie Devore and her daughter Kyra who are suffering from the death of Mattie's husband. Mike begins to notice supernatural occurrences that occasionally appear around Sara Laughs and realizes that they are there to help him (a) begin writing and get over the loss of his wife, and (b) help Mattie and Kyra escape from the clutches of her father in law, Max Devore who is trying to gain custody of his granddaughter. The book is incredible in that it begins a little unnearving, then towards the middle flattens itself out into a love story, and then wraps back up into King's typical scary ending. Where if you are reading in bed, late at night (as many King fans love to do) you will shutter at every noise you hear, and will be terrified of getting up, even to go the bathroom, because King has predicted this so he sets up his stories of normal people doing normal things like going to the bathroom. King also has experience describing Mike Noonan due to his own personal memoirs of his bestselling story life. This is one of the best books I have every read and you won't regret taking a few hours out of a few nights to read this.
Rating:  Summary: A Master at Work, Spooky and Intelligent Review: I really liked this book, a whole damn lot. King puts an ocean of imagery in his books and this one is no exception. The characters (alive and dead) are colorful, believable, likeable, and each fills his or her own niche quite well. It was impossible not to compare the protagonist, Mike Noonan, to King himself. In light of King's recent accident the book is eerie in how prophetic it seems to be (writer's block, fear of being hit on a Maine road, with a dangerous curve, in summer). The ghosts are actual spirits of the dead, not psychic emanations, and I liked that aspect a whole lot. The malicious happenings a result of spectral rage and revenge. The "real world" violence is believable and tragic. The ending wasn't overly happy and I was thankful for that. Horror novels shouldn't end happily in my opinion. The pacing was fast and I hadn't read the story before. For some reason, King's use of the small Maine town with devious inhabitants hasn't grown old. His semi-return to Castle Rock and the various mentioning of its denizens was actually quite a treat. Of course you'd have to be a King fan to appreciate them. The blending of the supernatural with the "real world" was deftly accomplished with a master's skill. King fans read it and enjoy. If you haven't read King before start at the beginning and work your way up.
Rating:  Summary: I think 2 stars is too generous.. Review: Bag of Bones....Bag of Bones, Bag of Bones..That's all I hear! This book was okay while I was reading it but the more I think about it, the more stupid, self-centered, and smutty it was! I would not recommend this book to younger readers because of all of how smutty it was. I love SK, and you can find many posts from me around, but I definitely will stick to his older stuff! If you like these kind of books, sure read it and try to just think about the writing because it is as good as ever, but I find it a little hard. I hope it comes through how hard I am trying to not insult anyone, and I'm sorry if I do!