Rating:  Summary: Good read if it's your first Grisham Review: Good read, but if you've read all of his books you might be a little disgruntle. One good lawyer book is enough for me. This definitely was it. Check out Airframe. That's nice.
Rating:  Summary: A very inspiring novel. I admire Patrick's life. Review: Patrick Lanigan was the symbol of everyones dreams. For an example, his friend Karl wanted to be Patrick adn just run away with no cares in the world. I also admire his ability to play the system like he did. He had a play for everything they threw at him and he walked away a free man. I can only dream of such things. Overall I liked the novel very much. It was well written and the suspense was wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Very disappointing! Review: I think that John Grisham must be getting tired - this book is the most boring one and I have read all of his novels - I kept waiting for it to get interesting and it never happened. The only thing I learned was how to move money around the world - that is if I ever get any money to move around the world! The characters were never developed and the final thought on this one was "who cares"
Rating:  Summary: Take a sabbatical, John. . . Review: I should know better by now. The Firm, A Time To Kill, and the Client remain among my favorites of all time. But lately, Johnny Boy seems to be more concerned with getting a book out every year as quickly as possible so he can take the rest of the year off. Too often, I felt like I was reading the Cliff Notes on a real book that has yet to materialize! He seems to assume we've all read every one of his books, so he can just change the names and locations, and he doesn't have to bother with character development. Money laundering? Why bother with details? You read The Firm, didn't you? Well, just keep that in mind as you read that Patrick stole the money. The bad guys who want their money back? They're just like the ones in Runaway Jury. (You did read that one, didn't you??) This book did keep me reading. The "newer" characters--by that I mean those we haven't seen likenesses of in previous Grisham grinds--are ciphers. For example, Patrick's wife/widow/whatever is a total stock-in-trade bimbo without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. The man she's had on the string since age 14 displays the cliched mannerisms of every high school bully in the South. But hey! I forgot. . .if they'd been more sympathetic, well, maybe Patrick wouldn't have skipped out with the dough and we wouldn't have a book, now, would we??? In fact, no one in this book seems to be for real, except maybe Patrick's lawyer, who's the only one that seems to have any semblance of a normal life. Or at least tries. He can't pick up his daughter from soccer because Patrick needs him to run to New Orleans and meet with purdy little Eva. What to make of Eva? Well, remember the girl in Runaway Jury? Here she is again with a Brazilian accent. The only difference is that we don't have a clue as to what makes her tick. (Kind of the like the girl in Rainmaker--another book with an ending that's so convoluted I laughed out loud) How many more years does John have to go on his contract with the publisher? Hopefully, not too many. The man needs to take a sabbatical to get these Mississippi/Carribean/South America money-laundering lawyer paper dolls out of his system. Until then, I'm not even springing for the paperbacks. I borrowed the Chamber, and ever since don't trust my hard-earned dollars to Johnny anymore. I'd advise everyone here to do the same until he finds fresh inspiration and can once again write a book that the whole country talks about. . .
Rating:  Summary: Grisham's best book yet! Couldn't put this book down. Review: This is an excellent book. It includes a great deal of the same old legal ramblings that Grisham is known for, but the mystery and complexity of the story are outstanding.
Rating:  Summary: Weak book marred by sloppy ending Review: Where is the John Grisham we all know and love? The Partner's watery plot and weak characters are shameful in comparison to three of the finest novels I've ever read: A Time to Kill, The Firm, and The Pelican Brief. In contrast, The Partner meanders through the story of a selfish, crafty man who justifies even his most extreme actions (corpse mutilation?)
even when they are ridiculous.
The most interesting, and sadly, the least successful component of the book is the ending.... Grisham takes what could have been a highly successful ending and ruins it with sloppy, rushed writing. Did his hand get tired during the last page and a half? For that's what the reader is left with: a mere handful of paragraphs for Patrick's entire journey, 366 pages long, to utterly disintegrate.
In order to return to the quality of his former titles, I think Mr. Grisham should slow down a little. I know he wants to churn out these million-dollar bestsellers ASAP (who wouldn't?) but a day more here, a day longer there, and perhaps his readers wouldn't feel that they sailed around the world only to sink in the final port of call, which is exactly how I felt after the last page of The Partner
Rating:  Summary: I read it in one day, but the ending...WHY? Review: I loved this book all the way through, until the very end. You had to admire the cunningness of the main character and his ability to "disappear." After looking at a couple other on-line reviews, I was glad to see I wasn't, however, the only one left "annoyed and irritated" by the ending. There is NO basis for it! It comes so far out of left field, that even looking back with it in mind, it cannot be supported. There's too many characters to get to know any of them very well, and some just drop out of the picture altogether. The story itself is engrossing, and pulls the reader forward and a rapid pace, but the ending...Oh John, WHY
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother sleeping when you start this one. Review: AMAZING. Grisham has done it again. The plot was Thick and Engrossing. One of the best last page twists I have ever read. It will either tick you off or keep you waiting for his next bestseller. Grisham is one of the cleanest writers ever. This book will intrigue young and old. And your mind won't be warped in the process
Rating:  Summary: shit book Review: The worst book I have ever read in my life.
Don't waste your money on this one
Rating:  Summary: A credible read! Review: This a return to the days of the old Grisham, the story teller.Enjoyed the plot and the story progressed rapidly and fluidly. Did not like the main character or his wife . For that matter none of the characters were likable.
With on exception, Patrick's girlfriend. The ending took away from the book, unless a sequel is afoot