Rating:  Summary: Another enthralling Grisham masterpiece Review: I could not put this book down at all; Grisham came through
again, as I hoped he would when I borrowed this book for
a one-day loan from the library. I quickly dissolved it
and returned it to the library for the next lucky borrower.
I enjoyed all aspects of the book, and was hooked by page 2.
While tiptoeing through the gray area of the Jury system, Grisham
managed to portray very clearly the stubborness of the foreman
of a jury he knows is being tampered with.
Despite the fact that the bad guys have hundreds of millions
of dollars at stake if they lose the trial, they proceed to
tamper, not knowing that the foreman has discovered them.
I don't want to spoil it for you, so get it! And read it!
It rules!
Rating:  Summary: Predictable...almost! Review: Not his best, that was A Time To Kill. The protagonists were completely unlikeable albeit clever. The shenanigans pulled off by Nicholas and Marlee are most improbable but fascinating. The sleeze-bag legal community pretty true to form as I discovered after a few years with a firm. This book much better than Rainmaker and Pelican Brief. Grisham is really stretching for shocker plots
Rating:  Summary: One of Grisham's worst - but still outstanding! Review: I have read all of John Grisham's works, except for "A Time To Kill." This is not as good as his other novels, but it is still a definite "must read." If Grisham keeps writing like this, it will get harder and harder for him to outdo himself
Rating:  Summary: Review by Justin Hughes Review:
The Runaway Jury is one of John Grisham's best books. The plot is very
creative and interesting.
-for those of you who have not read the book yet, I don't advise you to read on. It might ruin the book for you.-
The only things I didn't like about the book is that it doesn't tell how Marlee knew about The Fund. I thought it was a little corny how Marlee gave Fitch the money back at the end. Don't get me wrong, because I really really enjoyed the book.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, captivating, all in all good Review: John Grisham turned out another interesting book. The plot is easy to follow and keeps people wanting to read more. I throughtly enjoyed the novel. Hopefully John Grisham will continue to produce other fine books to read
Rating:  Summary: "The Firm" revisited Review: John Grisham has written a couple of very good books, but with his latest bombs such as "The Chamber" and "The Rainmaker", it appears that he returned to a plot that worked well for him. Unfortunately he did a very poor job of hiding his re-use of this plot. I am sure, he would have sued anyone else who wrote this book for plagerism. Also, as an attorney, Grisham knows that all these shannigans that were pulled by his characters would have been caught and stopped. Come on John, if you have lost touch with the reality of practicing law, go hang around the courthouse in Oxford and get some real stories. You are wasting your writing talents on improbable and unrealistic material when there is a lot of good stuff out there.
Rating:  Summary: Edge of your seat excitement. A must have for Grisham fans. Review: I gave this book a fitting rating, (9.75). Any higher and I would not be able to read any thing else!!
Rating:  Summary: No likeable characters; "twist" ending visible from halfway Review: The best thing about this book: pages and pages of legal issues at the heart of tobacco litigation. But -- I got an even clearer picture in a 3 page article in Barron's.
The worst thing: the protagonists aren't likeable, and don't struggle. In fact, they endure not a single set-back through the course of the book. After I saw the double-cross coming, I stuck around with perverse (and not very high) hopes of seeing them get shot in the head in the final pages
Rating:  Summary: A captivating, witty, educational read. Review: It's amazing how the day-to-day activities of ordinary
people suddenly become so captivating. With today's
tobacco issues and the media's coverage of trails, the timing of this novel was perfect. I found it very witty and
educational. A very entertaining book
Rating:  Summary: Grisham's newest novel is a great story about a timely issue Review: John Grisham's latest novel explores a contemporary issue and gives us an intriging story about real characters. This is another novel that you will want to stay up late and finish. Grisham makes it fun to explore timely issues such as the addictive qualities of tobacco as well as the cutthroat nature of big business and the legal profession. The characters are real enough that you can identify with them or hate them. This newest novel is not a tired remake of other Grisham novels and is quite possibly his best since "A Time to Kill"