Rating:  Summary: To Kill A Mockingbird Review: The plot of TO Kill a Mockingbird get's two thumbs up as they say in the movies. I felt that the author did a good job by making us see it from an eight year olds perpective.Well it took place in old town during the time racism occured. I felt that alone had me intrigued to read the book . It was intersting to me because the book had two different stories going on at one time. I felt that the author showed me as a reader that a kid growing up with a single parent was hard and that it's even harder when your parent is a hard worker and he doesn't have time to see you so you go and start own adventures like Scout and Jem do by trying to find things about there scary and mysterious neighbor Bo Radley. In my opinion I would say that the author portrayed Atticus as a man who does what he thinks is right by defending a African American man who he thinks is innocent eventhough knowing the whole town will look at him and his kids differently.That made me think about all my past situations where I had to the do the right thing. I thought the book had key elements but the part I liked the most was when Scout met Bo and found out that he was a good man. That tells the reader to don't judge a book by it's cover. I recommend for everyone to read this book because this book has a lot of meaning to it. It shows the way a kid grows up in rough times and the racial issues in that period of time. I gave the book four stars because after every chapter I wanted to read it not knowing what to expect.
Rating:  Summary: My Review on To Kill a Mockingbird Review: I have juss finish reading To Kill a Mockingbird and i liked it. The story starts off in a town called Maycomb. The characters are Jem and Scount Finch along with their father, Atticus Finich. Atticus is an attorney and he is defending an african-american man, Tom Robinson, because he is acused of raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell. Jem and Scout are the two kids that try to get Boo Radley out of his house. Boo is supposedly a big, tall monster-child. Jem and Scout meet a new kid from the block, Dil, who is visiting for the summer. He dared Jem to touch the side of the Radley house. Jem does it and they never messed with the Radleys til Dil came back next summer. When he comes back, they are wiser, so they decide to go to the Radley house at night. When they do Nathan Radley, Boo's brother, scares they off with a shot of his shotgun. When they run off over the wire fence, Jems pants got stuck on it. When he came back to get in the next night Jem went back and tried getting his pants back, and he found the rip stitched up and ready for him to get it. It was the work of Boo Radley. They find that Boo isnt a bad person, but they he is friendly. I would really recommed this book if you like reading race-related books. This book also has mischif in it when Scout and Jem try to get Boo to come out. I thought this book was really good because I like the whole jist of the book. The whole getting Boo out of his house part was really good because of the sneaking around part and stuff. I really liked this book and recommend everyone to read it atleast once.
Rating:  Summary: To Kill A Mockingbird Review: I chose this book knowing already it was a classic novel of our time. So I decided to experience this book myself, and right away I fell in love with it. Every moment was excellently described, down to the last detail. The character depictions drew me in as I could relate to the way Jem and Scout acted. The events that occurred were interesting and Harper Lee writes the novel with such imagery, it is easy to imagine everything going on. The book is easy to understand, though it contains lots of symbolism, including the title itself To Kill A Mockingbird. The book definitely deserves 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: I wasnt inspired and am unsure of what the fuss was about??! Review: The main story of "To Kill a Mocking Bird" tells the tale of Jem and Scout Finch, brother and sister and children of lawyer Atticus. When a young man is accused of the rape of a white woman, Atticus agrees, amidst tremendous controversy, to defend the accused in the town's court of law. During the lead up to the case Scout and Jem have to tolerate racial slurs and insults because of their fathers role. In spite of his brilliant performance in the courtroom and the overwhelming evidence against the white family's accusations the defendant is found guilty. He is later shot dead whilst in Prison. The issues of this book include poverty against wealth, racial separations and boundaries, relationships between people, religion and self-discovery. A book packed with issues is always thought provoking and this is no exception. There are three main characters in the book, Scout a tomboy who looses her temper a lot, Jem her older brother who is the more level-headed of the two and Atticus their laid back, gentle Dad. The book is written in Scouts perspective giving you an insight to her views of life. Other characters include Dill, a young boy that spends summers with Jem and Scout, Bob Ewell a nasty lazy drunkard whose daughter is the accuser from Atticus's case and Boo Radley. Boo Radley is the mysterious character that was once accused of stabbing his father in the leg with a pair of scissors. The style of this book is in the narrative of Scout. The genre of this book I think now is slightly dated and old. Personally I thought this book was interesting to read although probably only once. I think that this was because I found it really slow at the beginning but it did get gradually better towards the end as there is a big twist in the storyline. One good point to this book is that after reading this book your vocabulary is enriched with long completed words. I can understand the book but I am slightly unsure what all the fuss is about? Maybe when I'm older my interests will have changed and I will want to read this book a lot more? I mean don't get me wrong this book is well written and everything but considering it takes a lot of concentration to read it, it didn't really leave me with a satisfied feeling. I wasn't inspired.
Rating:  Summary: To Kill a Mockingbird Review: Through the innocent eyes of an 8 year-old child, Scout Finch and her older brother Jem are faced with the racism of society as their father, Atticus, defends a black man accused of rape. This book reveals the "norms" of the time period and expresses realistically the various points of view. The heroic figure, Atticus Finch, teaches his children the ways of the world and instills the values that are needed to become accepting and responsible adults. Through some comedy and truth, the story conveys messages to the reader about life, racism and human emotion. I recommend this book to all readers because it reaches to all levels.
Rating:  Summary: Jene's Review Review: A book that covers everything from the lose of innocence to racial tensions in the 1930s, To Kill a Mockingbird is the perfect novel for all ages. I really enjoyed this book told through the eyes of a young girl. the only reason why i did not give this novel a 5 is because of its very slow start. It was kind of hard for me to get into it at first. Once i did get into the book at aroung the 3rd chapter, I could not put it down.
Rating:  Summary: OVERRATED AD NAUSEAM Review: This is not great literature, and I avoid teaching it at all costs. It's not even good. The characters are black and white (pardon the pun) two-dimensional cardboard cutouts. The rednecks are evil, the blacks are victims, and the self-righteous Atticus is too good to be true. Perhaps he is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln, but he lacks the wit and humanity of that great president. If the lack of complexity and verisimilitude doesn't stick in your craw, then the insipid narration of the androgynous Scout will. This lightweight invention is popular due, in part, to the fact that the reader can feel morally superior to white trailor trash as he identifies with the demigod, Atticus. Shakespeare, the consummate craftsmen of characterization, understood that even the evil (save Iago) have some redeeming qualities, and the good flaws. Yeah, I know he's just a dead white male, but some of us out there haven't cast our lot with the post-modern feminist multicultural crowd. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is about as deep as a rain puddle.
Rating:  Summary: To Kill a Mockingbird Review: Set in the small, sleepy town of Maycomb, Alabama during the time of America's Great Depression, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird tells of people's perspective into racism. Through the eye of Scout Finch, the young narrator, Harper Lee described the situation of Maycomb and its people, especially the ones closest to Scout, her father Atticus, and brother Jem. Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl, is being defended by Atticus who is a lawyer. Tom Robinson symbolizes one of the mockingbirds of the story, an innocense looked down upon because of his race. Boo Radley, a metally retarded neighbor is constantly pestered by Scout and her brother because of their childish curiousity. They did not understand, however, that they were treating Boo with disrespect because of his differences. The story goes on to describe the prejudice and racism that lives on depsite the bold kindness of the protagonist, Atticus Finch. Atticus told Scout that it is inside the court "All men are created equal." But outside on the street, people are not equal because of their differences. To Kill a Mockingbird symbolizes the attack on innocense because of their differences. You don't kill a mockingbird, because it does no sin.
Rating:  Summary: An Inspiring Novel Review: This story about a southern lawyer named Atticus and his family, Jem and Scout, is a wonderful, adventurous, heartfelt drama that teaches many life lessons. The story has two different plots. The first story is about Jem and Scout growing up in the 1930's. The story is being told by Scout, whose real name is Jean Louis Finch. Scout is a tomboy but very well educated. Scout lives with her brother, father, and black cook whose name is Calpurnia. The second plot is about Scout's father who is a lawyer in Macomb, Alabama and is from a well-respected local family. He had to raise his children alone and has taught them a strong sense of morality and fair play. During the 1930's there were great problems between the races, and he was one of the few commited to getting equality for both blacks and whites. He agrees to defend a black man charged with rape, exposing himself and his family to anger from the white community. A big part of the story focuses on the prejudices between African -Americans and the Whites in the southern states of the U.S.A. Scout remembers this summer in 1930 and tells it to us in the eyes of a child. She not only talks about the views of the white community, but also talks about the black community and gives important details of thier lives. This is a great book for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: Do not buy. Review: This book is the worst book in the world. I read half way through the book and gave up because it made no sence