Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I Have EVER read! Review: I thought that this was definetly a wonderful book! Although I may be under age, but I am a very advanced reader. I felt that Ronnie was certainly a character to care for. She was into a affair with Tom, a political consultant, and was smart and did not mention the publicity out loud. I disagree with some of the reviews I have read. I have read over 2000 books and I feel that this one is certainly MUCH, MUCH better than any other Adult book I have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: What happened? Review: I usually like Karen Robard's books but this was simply awful. The characters were shallow and the lead female (definitely cannot be described as a heroine) was appalling - the type of woman who gives gold-digging a bad name! She was selfish, thoughtless, dislikable and most importantly STUPID, and the fact that the lead male couldn't resist her reflected even more badly on him. I am trying to think of a single character here who I can be positive about, but I can't find one. I started reading but ended up skimming through this in about an hour, it wasn't worth even that much time.Borrow it if you must, but don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I was disappointed by this novel. The character Ronnie was portrayed as weak, cheap, and careless of her marriage vows by having a extramarital affair with Tom (who did seem decent). If she hated her husband, then get a divorce, stop whining about growing up poor and get a decent job and man! Senator's Wife was just not the effort...don't spend your money.
Rating:  Summary: Far from my favorite by this author! Review: I've enjoyed a number of Robbards' recent books such as Hunter's Moon and Walking After Midnight. I can't recommend The Senator's Wife with much enthuiasm, however. Robbard's heroines are usually strong women who deal admirably with responsibility, adversity and danger. Here she has created a heroine who has married into money and power for all the wrong reasons and is miserable because of it. In fact, her ways of dealing with her prediciment are to either lean on others or induldge in self-destructive behavior. It was difficult to have any sympathy at all for the heroine untill she is unjustly accused of a murder. A secondary character, a hooker and single mom (durring the novel becoming an ex-hooker) in danger because of what she knows is more like a typical, resourceful, Robbards heroine.
Rating:  Summary: Too Good To Put Down Review: I've never read any of her books, but got desperate waiting for Danielle Steel's latest novel, and after reading this one, I'll be sure to look for more of her books the next time I go to the book store. I could not put the book down! I thought the characters were very real and was so happy when Ronnie finally ended up with Tom. I was a little confused with what Marla and Ronnie had to do with each other, but when it all tied together at the end, it finally clicked with me! Great book!
Rating:  Summary: Not a single redeeming character in the book!!! Review: I've read many of the reviews written here and I can't believe all the people who still liked Tom. I agree completely that Ronnie is the most selfish, shallow, mercenary character I have ever encountered in a book. In any other book, she would have been the protagonist, not the heroine. She isn't a character that you love to hate. She is a character that you wish had been killed off early in the book to make room for more interesting characters. But, it seems that everyone is ignoring the past history of Tom and many of the reviews are making him out to be Ronnie's victim. The man openly admitted he cheated on his wife, but when he caught her cheating on him, he went ballistic and a messy divorce ensued. I threw the book across the room in a fit of rage after reading that bit of hypocrisy!!! Can anyone say "double standard"? The sanctimonious, self-righteous attitude of his made me want to puke. How could anyone admire a "man who is trying to turn his life around" when he is the one who sent it into the toilet to begin with? He blamed his wife for setting him on a path of self-destruction, but he totally justified the fact that he had been cheating on her for years by saying he was only having one-night stands with "women who made themselves very available". Let's have a dose of reality here, buddy! If it's good enough for the gander, it's good enough for the goose. I'm very glad I found this book at a used book store and didn't pay full price for it. I would truly be tempted to ask for my money back otherwise. Karen Robards has always been an author that I automatically bought her books without reading the back cover. You can bet I will be more careful in the future. This book offended my moral standards of right and wrong. All the characters in this book were just plain WRONG!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I Have EVER read! Review: I've read some of the other reviews and a common theme was that the main characters, and particularly Ronnie were not likeable. I definitely agree. I can't think of another book ever with such a totally selfish, destructive, narcissistic main character as Ronnie. The story opens with Ronnie covered with red paint and called a name,while her protectors stood and watched unable to apprehend the woman. I was sympathetic until the author developed Ronnie's character more. Ronnie sold herself to the highest bidder and then refused to sleep with her husband or wholeheartedly try to help him win his election. She did continue to enjoy the lavish lifestyle provided by the horrible husband. Then, when Tom was hired to change her image, she scornfully refused to cooperate. When Tom refused to sleep with her, because he had a second chance to turn his reputation around and become a success professionally, Ronnie kept up the pressure until she eventually destroyed his business and reputation. Well if it dresses like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it must be a duck(or high-priced prostitute). I also had no sympathy for this poor thing whose x-rated pictures were published. Wow, take off your clothes and seduce a guest at a large party, don't bother to shut the curtains. I'd say the person wanted to be seen. When Ronnie refused to cooperate with the lawyer because she couldn't believe anyone could think she killed her husband, it was truly ridiculous. Ronnie may have graduated from college, but she never showed a sigh of intelligence. I tended to have sympathy with Tom for part of the book, however, any man who throws away a girlfriend of several years and a chance to redeem his reputation and business because he can't keep his pants zipped deserves no sympathy. Tom criticized his best friend for a short fling, and turned around and destroyed the business and their reputation for an affair with a married woman. What a self-centered, hypocrite! Ronnie didn't deserve the millions from her dead husband, but I guess she will need it to take care of Tom after destroying his business. I guess that will make him for sale as much as she was. I really think Marla was the only character with moral value. At least she knew what she was. I can't believe I spent the money to buy a hardback book. I would have felt cheated if I'd paid a quarter for the book at a yard sale. Well, enjoy Karen Robards. From my feelings and the reviews of some of the other readers, I think you'll lose money on future books. The suspense wasn't there, the romance wasn't there, the story continuity wasn't there; and steamy sex between characters you don't like doesn't cut it.
Rating:  Summary: First, last and only Karen Robard's book Review: I've read some of the other reviews and a common theme was that the main characters, and particularly Ronnie were not likeable. I definitely agree. I can't think of another book ever with such a totally selfish, destructive, narcissistic main character as Ronnie. The story opens with Ronnie covered with red paint and called a name,while her protectors stood and watched unable to apprehend the woman. I was sympathetic until the author developed Ronnie's character more. Ronnie sold herself to the highest bidder and then refused to sleep with her husband or wholeheartedly try to help him win his election. She did continue to enjoy the lavish lifestyle provided by the horrible husband. Then, when Tom was hired to change her image, she scornfully refused to cooperate. When Tom refused to sleep with her, because he had a second chance to turn his reputation around and become a success professionally, Ronnie kept up the pressure until she eventually destroyed his business and reputation. Well if it dresses like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it must be a duck(or high-priced prostitute). I also had no sympathy for this poor thing whose x-rated pictures were published. Wow, take off your clothes and seduce a guest at a large party, don't bother to shut the curtains. I'd say the person wanted to be seen. When Ronnie refused to cooperate with the lawyer because she couldn't believe anyone could think she killed her husband, it was truly ridiculous. Ronnie may have graduated from college, but she never showed a sigh of intelligence. I tended to have sympathy with Tom for part of the book, however, any man who throws away a girlfriend of several years and a chance to redeem his reputation and business because he can't keep his pants zipped deserves no sympathy. Tom criticized his best friend for a short fling, and turned around and destroyed the business and their reputation for an affair with a married woman. What a self-centered, hypocrite! Ronnie didn't deserve the millions from her dead husband, but I guess she will need it to take care of Tom after destroying his business. I guess that will make him for sale as much as she was. I really think Marla was the only character with moral value. At least she knew what she was. I can't believe I spent the money to buy a hardback book. I would have felt cheated if I'd paid a quarter for the book at a yard sale. Well, enjoy Karen Robards. From my feelings and the reviews of some of the other readers, I think you'll lose money on future books. The suspense wasn't there, the romance wasn't there, the story continuity wasn't there; and steamy sex between characters you don't like doesn't cut it.
Rating:  Summary: Ho Hum... Review: If romances were only about the hero, this book would be fine. But they're not - you also need a heroine who's relatable and some sparks between the characters. I guess my problem with this story was that I didn't really like Ronnie that much. I mean - she seemed nice enough, but Robards never really discussed why she had such a *need* for money... and had been essentially willing to prostitute herself for it. She also seemed to have a superior attitude towards people who didn't wear designer clothes. Ronnie was more like the lead characters in a Jane Krantz book than a Karen Robards book (all glitz and glamour and no substance underneath it all). And I liked Tom enough. But again - not enough character development. He had a lot of potential, and certainly was sexy, but I didn't *care* about him like I like to care about the hero in a good romance. I guess that's the problem with this book - the characters were interesting... I just didn't really care about them. When I finished, I looked around and said "What next?" rather than wishing the book wasn't over.
Rating:  Summary: COME ON KAREN YOU CAN DO BETTER & HAVE!!! Review: IF YOU HAVE NEVER READ A BOOK BY KAREN ROBARDS - DO NOT BUY THIS ONE. BUY ANY OTHER ONE FIRST. I was terribly disappointed in this book. I always get Karen Robards new books usually without reading the blurb on the back because she has never yet disappointed me (UNTIL NOW!).
The main character is married and falls into an affair with the hero which she justifies by saying she hasn't slept with her husband in a year and her marriage hasn't turned out like she thought it would. Sorry but to me that just doesn't cut it.
The murder mystery isn't bad but I just couldn't get over the fact that the heroine was a cheating wife.
Come on Karen, you can do better & you have!