Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I just finished Right Hand of Evil and was extremely disappointed. I'm not a fan of of the occult and satanism, but I thought I'd give Mr. Saul the benefit of the doubt on this one since he has given me some chills in his other books. None were to be had though. I found the plot neither terrifying or interesting. Again extremely disappointed and I only give this one star simply because I can't give it less.
Rating:  Summary: NOT 1 OF JS's BEST! Review: I just got done reading this novel and all I can say is that Mr. Saul must have been in quite a rush to finish this unfortunate tale, the plot starts somewhat intriguing with Cora Conway giving birth to this demon child, who is never again mentioned by the way. The scene captures your attention, but that's about the only time this happens in the book. It then goes on describing the life of the present day Conways and their moving to the town where it all began, meaning the "evil". The storytelling seems a little "hurried", as if the author can't wait to go on to the next "sacry" scene, when he could have developed the characters a little more instead of filling the pages with "frightening" moments that could have been easily taken from "Freddy's Nightmare". But even worse is the ending, which is completely illogical and inconsequential (that's all I can say as I don't want to spoil it for those who aren't done reading it). JS has written much better books than this one, so don't let this lousy novel fool you, he is a great author....
Rating:  Summary: Just OK Review: I quit reading John Saul's works several years ago, because while I enjoyed them at first, I found he used the same type of tricks in each story. My sister said it best: "Once you've read one of his books, you've read them all." But I wanted something to read and thought I'd see if his more recent works would convince me to add him to my "favorite authors" list.While THE RIGHT HAND OF EVIL didn't wow me, it at least seemed different than his usual stuff (keeping in mind I'm talking about works I read back in the 80's). It wasn't great, and was similar to other haunted/possessed house stories I'd read by other authors, but it was better than nothing. I might give him another chance, if the subject interested me, but I wouldn't expect greatness. I hope he surprises me next time.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not great Review: The story was very understandable. Characters were each very original and led different paths and played different types of roles that contributed to the fear factor of the plot. The setting was very eerie. The house lived in was also just about living. What upsetted me was the ending. Maybe to some it would sound good, but to me it was sorta lame. Also, the book was pretty comparable to "The Shining" by "Steven King". I would recommend this book to those who haven't read that book.
Rating:  Summary: Kewl Review: This book is really kewl. The story is so understandable, even an 8 year old could understand it. The plot is simple, yet there is plenty of detail to everything, describing the places and what is going on. John Saul creates and a house of a greater evil. I would have rated this book higher, but it is comparable to "The Shining" by Steven King.
Rating:  Summary: A Shocking Disappointment Review: I hate to bash a book or an author, but.....As a long time fan of John Saul, and I have read just about every single book he's ever written, this one is a big fat zero. John, what's happened to you? What was this unoriginal thing? The book started out promising, but from the very beginning it was the same old thing that's been done a million times before. This was as bad as doing another vampire looking for his lost love story. There was nothing new, and it seems to me that the animal sacrifices were meant to plump up an empty story that was going no where fast. Even the ending was a huge letdown, which I will not spoil here. This is absolutely the worst John Saul book I've ever read and I loved all his others. John Saul was one of my favorite authors throughout the 80's. I hope his next work is much better cause this one was a loser.
Rating:  Summary: The Devil is a Lizard! Review: I have been reading John Saul since Suffer The Children came out. Usually his books grab you at the very beginning and don't let go. This book is not one of his better ones and really didn't grab me at all. Ted Conway is a drunk assistant hotel manager with a bad attitude. After losing his current job, he is called to the sanitarium in St. Albans, Louisiana to see his Aunt Cora, who is dying. Cora gives the family mansion to Ted and his family. The family moves and determines to fix up the manse and make it into a hotel. Almost automatically there is opposition to this from the clergy and neighbors. There are evil rumors about the Conway family and their history. The possibility of satan worship is bantered about. Ted becomes the perfect husband after he gives his son to his "master". Janet, Ted's wife,is pleased at the transformation of Ted and can't quite believe it. She shouldn't believe it because it is too farfetched. People don't change overnight. Ted's son Jared becomes the local bogeyman and we find that his "master" is a scaly thing with pustules. This book is not scary at all and does not live up to it's billing.
Rating:  Summary: A Saul Virgin Review: This was my first John Saul experience, and what an experience it was! I had never heard of him and actually came across this book through a friend of mine. She finished reading it and left it on my desk at work for me to take a crack at it. I began to read it and at first was a little put off by the gruesome imagry in the beginning. As I got further into it, it intrigued me and I could not put it down. This book was great and Ic annot see how anyone would rate it just one star. I suggest this book to everyone...well those who like horror and books that get your mind reeling to where you hear all the things that go bump in the night. Absolutely WONDERFUL!
Rating:  Summary: A Big Disappointment Review: No matter how much I try to like John Saul books, and I've spent plenty of money on them over the years, there is just a twisted, almost perverse quality to them that just prevents me from truly enjoying them. I swear that "The Right Hand of Evil" will be my last Saul purchase. There is a definite formula in his writing that holds true again to this book - thus, for someone who has read any of his other work, the result is a very predictable tale. I did not find any of the characters to be sympathetic, and didn't care what happened to them by the end of the book. In fact, it would have been a refreshing change if the whole pathetic Conway family had been killed off by a mob of angry townspeople brandishing torches and pitchforks. My advice: save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This is the 1st of John's books that I've read and the quality of this book has urged me to get another one of his writings, after I'm done with the pile I have now. The Conways have been cursed. A trust means that they had to live in that old abandoned house in which rumours of death, evil and conspiracy had spread through the generations in the little town of St. Alban. Janet's husband, Ted Conway, recovers from his decade long problem of drinking overnight and Jared, their eldest son, takes a turn from his twin sister, someone who was his closest friend since their birth. What's really going on? I broke my own personal record by finishing this book within 10 hours. After reading the 1st 12 chapters, I did not want to stop. The story was very smooth flowing; the plot simple yet mysterious. The main characters were thoroughly developed and the words painted a totally spooky house of horror. I was chilled within those first chapters and wanted to get to the bottom of the terror as quickly as I could. Very enjoyable.