Rating:  Summary: I liked it, I liked it not Review: This was the first book by John Saul that i read, and i found it compelling in that i wanted to know what the whole deal was behind the family curse, the storyline was decent but not all that original. I did not think it was as bad as some of the other reviews but you might, this book is kinda up to the reader. I got through the book faster than normal, but that might have been due to the fact that i wanted to hurry up and read it so that i could start reading something more exciting. Read at own risk!
Rating:  Summary: A Disappointment Review: I have read every one of John Saul's books, and I was sorely disappointed with this one. The writing was weak, the dialogue unrealistic, and the characters unlikeable. I think John Saul is a very talented writer, but something was seriously lacking from this book. It read like it was slapped together and dashed off to the publisher. Skip this and read Nightshade... Now there's a great read!
Rating:  Summary: Not the best form john Review: It might be a novel by one of the greatest but not a winner. The story revolves around a spirit that dwells in a haunted house and control the lives of some who live within.The starting is really interesting but as the plot unfolds, the only thing worth addictive is the sole curiousity ... what will happen at the end? and still you may not be satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but lacks Saul's usual depth and creativity. Review: This book probably would translate well into a movie. It lacks depth but was enjoyable while it lasted. It took me longer to read than most due to the fact that it wasn't something I couldn't put down.
Rating:  Summary: The Right Hand is only a standard Saul story. Review: Once again a troubled family moves to a small town caught in some kind of time warp (all small towns in John Saul-land are like something out of Pleasantville) that is equally troubled by some hideous secret that terrify the elderly, confound the middle aged, and are humorously dismissed by the local teen-agers (at least in front of their friends). Soon all hell breaks loose and people (most often teen-agers and children) begin dropping like flies. Saul has told this same story since 1977 and, more often than not, it works quite well.Just not this time. The Right Hand of Evil starts off promisingly, with a well drawn look at a marriage disintergrating under the burden of alcoholism. But then Saul begins his standard histronics. Not particularly frightening, but some scenes do pack a punch. I would recommend this for diehard Saul fans only. Those looking for better books from this author should try Creature or The Homing.
Rating:  Summary: Ok, so he isn't Stephen King... Review: I actually found this book quite enjoyable. I haven't read a horror for a while now & this was a perfect one to get me started again. Ok, so John Saul can't do horror like Stephen King but I disagree with many of the reviews about this book. I liked the fact it was in a small town with a secret and the newcomers have to find out what it is etc. The story made perfect sense to me & it wasn't at all difficult following where it was all leading up to. I have never read a John Saul book, but I quite liked this one, it kept me riveted right until the end...I will be going out and getting another one.. For all of you who have never heard of John Saul or read anything of his (like me), pick this one up, it is a good read!
Rating:  Summary: Not the Greatest... Review: To say the least. John Saul has written some entertaining and sometimes scary books in his career, but for the most part they turn out like this one. If you've read one, you've read them all. They are all so surprisingly alike that halfway through you wonder if you've already read it before. No, this is the new one? I couldn't tell... Same evil spirits, same bad child (or children), same animal mutilations (Saul seems to enjoy putting that in a bit TOO much), same idiot parents, same small town people hating the newcomers, same "old curse" on town, house or family...it's the same book after book after book. While it may be interesting to read the first or second time, it does get a bit old. I used to enjoy Saul. I also used to enjoy cheap, B-grade horror flicks when I was thirteen. The same old story needs to change sooner or later. Why he can't seem to find an original horror plot to save his life, I can't figure out. Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Eek! : ( Review: If you like animals DO NOT read this book! It is full of satanic animal mutilations. I put this book where it belongs...torn up and in the GARBAGE!
Rating:  Summary: Cool Review: I loved how John described the setting and how the lone house differed from the rest of the town. It feels very isolated. Creepy setting and nice story line, but theres a -2 from a perfect 5 score because of how I could kinda relate this book to "The Shining" by "Steven King".
Rating:  Summary: Going, Going, Going...Goner Review: This was my first John Saul novel and I wasn't impressed. I'mnot saying I won't read another one. But this one was just...thepits. Now I read quiet a bit, and I love a good scary story from time to time. But this was pitiful. It starts off well, scary house in the woods...that hasn't been lived in for years. Yada Yada...you know the formula. Anyway half way through the book it takes a turn for the worst. No clear plot, or conclusion. Boring desriptions and characters you couldn't care less about. Don't waste your time. Now I read there gonna make a movie out of the book. Can you spell FLOP! I certainly can.