Rating:  Summary: Suspenseful Thriller Review: As the years have gone by, I've been increasingly disappointed with Stephen King's books. While his writing has improved, his creativity has gone, in my opinion, into a long decline. I have to admit that he has been experimenting with his writing, trying some different things, trying to expand into other genres, but unfortunately his experimentation gets inflicted upon us, his fans, as released books. With "Black House", Stephen King and Peter Straub find their way back to the top of the Horror heap.First of all, this book does have graphic moments. If you get queasy at the sight of blood, or reading about blood, and dripping entrails, and children being eaten by someone or something, it's time to move on to another book. I've tried to determine whether Peter and Stephen could have written the book without the graphic detail. I think they could have toned it down somewhat, but, I also think that they were trying as hard as possible to make you realize that that which was responsible for all the events that occurred at French's Landing was truly evil, and could not possibly be suffered to exist in our world. Does the writing focus too much on scenery? Authors' choice. Furthermore, the goal of the authors was to set up how perfectly NORMAL the town was. How perfectly MUNDANE all these people are. These people are almost stereotypes. However, THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE! The shock of the animal among us is best if the animal is inflicting himself on normal, quiet suburban families. When Van Helsing goes out to hunt vampires, we expect to see vampires. When you go to the local convenience store, you do not expect to be abducted by someone that's going to eat your liver raw, perhaps while you are still alive. Do you need to know what happened in "The Talisman" to read this book? No. You will want to read "The Talisman" after reading this book. The only contrived part of this book was the references in it to the Gunslinger books and to "Hearts in Atlantis". The references are insider references that will be lost on some people who aren't avid Stephen King readers. The body of the book is an excellent setup for the end of the book, about which I will reveal nothing. Historically I've found many of Stephen King's endings weak. However, not in "Black House". The ending here is superb, very tight, and very appropriate. Enough discussion about the ending. This book was written for the journey, as a long book should be, and not the ending. The enjoyment is in the travel, not the destination. In this case the journey is enjoyable, though the authors manage to build the suspense so slowly and inexorably that you often want to flip to the last chapters and find out what is going on because the pace of story development is almost too slow for those of us used to the instant gratification of movies and video games. And yes, the lack of punctuation was intentional in that sentence. If you like Stephen King, particularly his early work, and if you like Peter Straub, you'll love this book. I have only read a little of Peter Straub, and his writing is okay, but I've read nearly everything Stephen King has written. This book is excellent writing for both. In fact, I really enjoyed "The Talisman", which is a fantasy. I think that both gentlemen should write more books together. Each is a quartet, but together they are a symphony. As always with reviews, there is a point to stop reading the review and start reading the book. Now is that time.... Go buy and good bye.
Rating:  Summary: A surprise Review: After reading 'the talisman', I immediately started 'Black house'. This book has surprised me in many ways, for it is very different from its companion. First of all, the writing style is quite different. It bothered me that King/Straub wrote about the position of the reader, describing him as floating in the characther's kitchen for example. I don't need to read that, because when reading a book I try to be inside of the character, instead of floating around it. I could say this writing style created a bit of a distance between me and the book. I didn't like that very much. A second surprise was the fact that little 12 year old Jack of the almost fairy-tale like 'Talisman' has grown up and is living a normal life. This is a big step for the reader. I did like it though.. it was great to read about Jack in 'adult form'. The way King/Straub have developed his character is quite brilliant, not to mention realistic. Thirdly, 'black house' is a lot blacker emotionally than 'the talisman', more scary too. For some people this will be an improvement, for others a disappointment. Anyway, as always King didn't let me down as far as the story and characterbuilding is concerned. I have just finished the book and am hungry for a third one. The references to the dark tower series (more or less one of my top reads so far)were .. perfect. In short: the difference between this book and 'the talisman' is a bit abrupt at first, and I personally prefer 'the talisman', but still 'black house'is certainly a very very good read.
Rating:  Summary: Solid Foundations for the Tower Review: As a sequel to The Talisman, Black House is quite brilliant. As a stand-alone novel, it is also an exceptional work, and this is probably why it works so well. As a Constant Reader, the references to the Dark Tower and The Talisman certainly didn't baffle me, I relished them. Overall, Black House is a thrilling novel which is extremely hard to put down (a testimony to the authors is the fact that I ended up cursing them at 3am because I couldn't put the book down earlier). Sure, it feels more like a King novel than Straub, but that is probably to be expected - although the decision to link it with the DT was apparently Peter's idea. Overall, I rate this novel very highly, and bought the hardcover edition of The Talisman shortly after reading it (I already had the paperback, but thought what the heck) and am about to embark on a journey through Black House's crooked doorway again very shortly. I look forward to it, and honestly rate this as one of King's best works (I know Peter Straub had a hand, but I'm a King collector). It was interesting to catch up with not only an adult Jack, but Ted Brautigan also. Looking forward avidly to the release of DT 5.
Rating:  Summary: I cannot adequately express my disappointment Review: I want to start off by saying that I am a fan of both writers and that The Talisman is my favorite Stephen King or Peter Straub book, but this sequel is just awful. I won't recap the book, that has been done repeatedly, I will just give my thoughts. 1) When did King and Straub become John Steinbeck? Out of the first 100 pages at least half was dedicated to scenery. It was way too much detail and it felt, and it was, completely unnecessary filler. 2) The bikers were good, but you could never really feel for them because you always learned about them not of them by them. We met everyone else in the town practically, but they couldn't have spent a chapter of raven flying in and out of their homes to give us a better feel of the people? I couldn't understand that for the life of me, especially when Doc and Beezer are going to be major characters! 3) The book took over 590 pages of 624 to get into the Black House!! They spent more time on scenery of places that we never visited, then they did in the finale of the book! 4) There should have been an extended chapter earlier on describing the Black House and the machinery, because when the machinery happens, you are not really sure what is going on. The Big Combination? Where in the world did that come from? The author mentions that seeing the house is like a dream so much is forgotten. Nice try. That is called Lazy. Gorg could have shown us the house and not been affected, plus it would have given more clarity to the ending. 5) 400+ pages to have the name of Roland mentioned. This combined with the weak, and I think commercially driven, tie in to the wonderful Dark Tower series seemed forced and in many places nonsensical. I will reserve complete judgment on that until the 5th Dark Tower book comes out, and it better have Jack and Ty in it or I am re-rating this book a 2. I only gave the 3rd star in the hope that this is leading to something pretty cool in the next Dark Tower installment. 6) There was not enough time in the Faraway/Territories, and the few, and I mean FEW pages should have been used better to explain the Black House further and give the book more depth. 7) The Fisherman needed more time spent on his background as well. I could keep going but I only have limited time. Overall, in my opinion, this book is severely lacking and extremely disappointing. I wasn't thrilled with the 4th Dark Tower book, and I am outright bothered by this pitiful attempt, I am really hoping that King brings it all together for a fantastic book 5 of The Dark Tower. That would make this book slightly better. On it's own, or as a fan of the Talisman, I say stay away. It is like being a fan of The Godfather and then seeing Godfather III, it takes something away from the first one. Re-read the Talisman and forget about this book. The only reason to read it is if you a Dark Tower fan like I am.
Rating:  Summary: This was boring Review: I have read many works from both authors and I found this one to be their worst. Without giving things away I will share some frustrations. 1. There were characters developed and tossed away without being necessary in moving the story along. They revealed "secrets" that were already known by Jack or were going to be quickly figured out regardless of the character's intervention. 2. There was build up and suspense that went nowhere and the ending was just plain lazy. 3. The evil doers were just a bit too feable.
Rating:  Summary: I can't wait for another Review: I read the talisman a while ago and I got lost in the world that King and Straub created. With Black House it takes you right back in but with a new twist. If you liked the talisman you will enjoy black house I don't know how many times it sent chills up my spine. You will find yourself watching out for gorgh and the aballah.
Rating:  Summary: Closer, but . . . Review: The Talisman was clearly an early work by these two and Black House started off very strong, evincing more experience. Unfortunately, like its predecessor, it suffers from a weak and somewhat predictable ending. Still, until the last 100 pages, I found the writing highly enjoyable and the story engaging. In particular, Part I of the novel was riveting and far more scary than much of King's most recent work. If, like me, you are interested in the Dark Tower series, it seems clear that this story will tie in to Dark Tower V and therefore I'd try to get to it.
Rating:  Summary: Return to the Territories Review: This sequel to The Talisman plays to the strengths of both writers. King's fantastic and horrific visuals are well complimented by Straub's style and finesse. The book is an intriguing mystery, with a definite sense of menace. Old friends and foes from The Talisman make their presence known and even the Dark Tower makes an oblique appearance. (Mainstream King fans may have missed King's epic fantasy series based on Childe Roland. It won't interfere with your enjoyment of this one, but it is definitely worth checking out.) Great characters like the radio savant Henry Leyden make the reader's acquaintance, and the occasional mistake (The beer brewing, college educated, biker gang for example) are easily forgiven. The story still doesn't feel complete, however. Hopefully the writers have a final tale to tell of Jack Sawyer and the Territories. (Now I'm going to have to read Bleak House, a Dickens that I haven't gotten to yet, and see how it compares.)
Rating:  Summary: Move over ... Straub fan coming through :) Review: Okay, first of all I am not a Dark Tower fan. I guess I still am a King fan - although a disgruntled one from Insomnia onwards - but I am a huge Straub fan. Talisman was fantastic, and although it has been a while since I have read it, I found this easy to get into. The writing style seemed more pitched in Straub country, although Stephen has been maturing of late as well. King fans? Buy this, it is probably as good as he has been over the last few years. Being a Straub fan, I missed the wider canvas that he paints - True this is a big book, but it felt like some of the strokes were rushed and it doesn't have the resonance that his ealier work - such as Ghost story ( my favourite novel ) or Floating Dragon - contains. I did a thing typical of when I read a King novel - I closed the book half elated that it was as good as it was, and half wishing it did not have to end only to put it back without pause on my book case. When the story is strong, the characters deep and the tone gripping I usually read it again. With Kings latest I find that I finish it still hungry for more - somehow it doesn't satisfy. This is not to say that the novel is bad, as you can see I have given it four stars, but I wonder what could have been had Straub been at the helm al alone except for the occasional chip in by King. Seems that I like my King in moderation these days. Nothing bad about that. But Mr Straub? Bring it on!
Rating:  Summary: A COMPLETE LET-DOWN Review: I'm sorry, but Stephen King lost me.( I never realy carred for Mr.Straub's writing..) I live in Holland and for some reason his latest book; " From a buick 8 " was published here first...Such garbage!!!!!!It looked like he had some notes laying around from the time he wrote Christine...plain awfull!! But anyhoe, I picked up this book and after 50 pages I had enough. I like to be drawn into a book and not read some dry comments about where we're going and how the curtains look. I know a thing or two about writing but enough with setting the scene allready!!! No, I think I'll even pass on everythings eventually. No more King for me alas.