Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Book Indeed... Review: I find this book to be extremely intricate and so very divine--much like Jean-Claude. *Smiles* It is the most facinating book yet, for once, I can find nothing wrong with it. It does not have limits, it follows the previous lines in the story, but it goes beyond. It is wild, if you will...it tells the reader, no SHOWS the reader, what Jean-Claude's little friend Asher is like--almost an evil image of Jean-Claude. It ties so many things together and explains it to where if the reader thinks, they understand. If they do not have imagination, then they do not. It is not hard to understand, you merely need to be open-minded. I love this book, and couldn't put it down for days! Even now, I look back to it for little things here and there. Quotes or thoughts, concepts or what not, Anita Blake's got it all--pace, flair, and style. This is such a good book...such an enticingly beautiful one. If you loved the books before, this is THE ONE TO BUY! If you could understand any of the books before, then you shall surely love this one. I know there are many critics out there, but I think that perhaps they were just not very open-minded...because I've read this one over and over, and I still love it, every little speck of it.
Rating:  Summary: Uggh! Laurell K. Hamilton has done MUCH better. Review: I have all the Anita Blake books, and most of them are worn out from reading and re-reading, but this one got one reading, and was tossed. The plot was slim to none, the brutality was terrible, it was just useless. Luckily she got back on track with Blue Moon. Read the rest of the series, but do yourself a favor and skip this one.
Rating:  Summary: Not her best, but still very good Review: I started the book on Wednesday morning and finished it that afternoon. It's a fast read, very enjoyable. I'm finding I don't like some of the characters as well as I used to, while other characters are fast becoming like old friends. The story doesn't hang together as tightly as some of her previous books, but it still works. It works very, very well.
Rating:  Summary: Hamilton has spoiled me-I can't read anyone else's books now Review: I've read all the books in this series and I couldn't put ANY of them down. I read Burnt Offerings (can't underline) in just two school nights! It was my most favorite because it had even more characters than the previous ones. Each creature was developed to capture the reader; grip him/her and pull them into a whole other realm of pleasure and fantastic possibilities. Never was there a book that swallowed me into a whole new dimension as this did. Jean Claude is enrapturing. He's everything a vampire was meant to be! Richard is enchanting. He's the man of many a fantasy. Anita is the key to everyone who ever wanted to stand up for themself or for someone else. She and Hamilton are my newfound heroines. Hamilton seems to be able to take all I've ever been interested in (read my mind) and write about each creature with great depth. I found every one of her books absolutely enthralling!! She's an asset to the entire writing profession. She is inspiring and entrancing. All of my friends want to snatch my books away and I just tell them to go buy their own copies (because I can't go without rereading the entire series later-I know they'll try to keep them). Burnt Offerings is my favorite (that's saying a lot). Blue Moon was absolutely awesome. For the first time with any book, I have absolutely NO criticisms for the sequels written after the first! I have got to get on my knees and plead for Hamilton to write more...She's the best author I've ever encountered after years of excessive reading! One could say that she's the one I've been searching for. I recommend this to anyone who loves adventure, loves romance, has an excellent sense of dark/witty humor, loves myth/gore, and loves realistic sci. fi./fantasy type sci.fi. I know if you love gory movies with actual plot you will love Laurell K. Hamilton's entire series. If you're not the "series-type reader," I recommend Burnt Offerings as your number one choice...But, good luck trying to force yourself not to buy the rest of the series-That'll be a chore!
Rating:  Summary: excellent Review: Anita seems to be getting more wreckless with her line of work. She needs to stake Jean-Claude and get back with Richard. Burnt Offerings is the worst book that Hamilton has written in this series, but it is still good. I hope she gets a new one out that is even more action-packed and bloody than any one before.
Rating:  Summary: A rave review for Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake Series Review: I'm a sci-fi reader that's hard to please. With my teenage attention span, I'm constantly looking for books that will keep my attention and challenge my reading level. The books of the Anita Blake Series are fast-paced and funny. Hamilton laces the werewolf and vampire feuds with stinging humor and good advice. The entire series is a good read...most definetly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely captivating...You only need to pick it up once. Review: Hamilton makes the story interesting with all the different stories converging into one spectacular masterpiece. The stroy wraps the reader into the world of Anita Blake. It is like the Never Ending Story... You keep wanting to give adivce to the main character. You feel her lust and pain through Hamilton's words. Absolutely Captivating.
Rating:  Summary: Warped sense of humor and fun. Loved it. Review: Anita Blake raised the dead for a living. She also was granted the title of Executioner. Her ex-boyfriend, Richard, is were. Her current one is vampire, Jean-Claude, Master Of The City. Even Anita did not understand exactly what all that meant. Now the Council is in town. None of those under Jean-Claude or Richard are safe. Anita finds herself surrounded by the pack, the undead, the council, and the human law. It is up to Anita to somehow make all satisified. If that means she has to kill everyone, so much the better. She was not called the Executioner for nothing! ***Advance warning here. This series is very gory and detailed. No punches are held back. Anita has a sick sense of humor, but, in my opinion, so do most of us readers who enjoy Horror. I found myself enthralled by this story and laughing at the most unexpected times. Wonderful!***
Rating:  Summary: it was ok... Review: I have the entire series and i think of all of them this is the most disappointing. It was still a great book and I couldnt put it down unitl I was done reading it but it just was missing something the other books had. Or maybe it had too much. To begin with it seems like all the werecreatures are wimps and they all get raped or tortured. Personally i dont like the rape thing. Ok, i can deal with one or two creatures getting raped but it seems like all the characters in the book either get raped or have been raped in thier past. Also its like the only person who ever does anything in the book(or any of the books) is Anita. Cant anyone do anything without her there to hold thier hand? Shes also seems to get a kick out of discribing her every article of clothing and exactly where all her weapons are located. Hamilton takes more time describing Anitas wardrobe then she does anything else. It gets old after a while. Other then this the book was great and i hope there will be more from this series.
Rating:  Summary: Where's A Match? Review: So far this book is the worst in the Anita Blake series (Blue Moon is a close second). Anita seems to be totally out of control (or crazy). I hope Hamilton returns to her earlier zombie/vampire plots. Anita Blake should leave the weres alone! She's not a shrink (or a vet either). Maybe she should be renamed "Akita" Blake.