Rating:  Summary: Another Hit! Review: This is Anita at her best. All I can say is more, more, more. Keep them coming!
Rating:  Summary: Really good read, but too many plot lines competing. Review: I really loved this book, but I thought that there were just too many plot lines trying to vie for the spotlight. I would have loved to see 2-3 of the minor plot lines pulled away and the space used to further develop Anita's now "extended" family, or to flesh out the protagonists. Sometimes "less" really is "more". There were some points when I had to wonder if the girl ever sleeps!! All in all it was a very good book and I WILL be back for the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Devoured it! Review: Another great "offering" from Laurell Hamilton! The only criticism is that her books are so good they force the reader to devour them in one sitting. I did miss Edward and more exploration of Anita's necromancy powers, but it was interesting to see the unmasking of some of the vampire council and development of the Asher character. Also a good job of exploring what Anita's relationship with Jean-Claude is doing to her internally and externally in her relationships with friends, police, etc. Now the long, agonizing wait for the next Anita Blake novel. Write faster Ms. Hamilton!
Rating:  Summary: Great read it in one day.. Review: Though not the best of the Anita Blake Series I liked the way the story flowed. I liked the multiple story lines but also felt some of the storylines could have been expanded and split into two books.
Rating:  Summary: I couldn't put the book down! Review: Laurell Hamilton has done it to me again! BURNT OFFERINGS is the latest book in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series that has kept me up reading until the wee hours of the morning (something I rarely do). Although I'm not a vampire buff, the author's premium writing style and deliciously complex characters make this book a page turner. One of the problems that the protagonist faced needed more attention, but the other plot lines more than made up for it. Regarding the firepower: it's nice to see an author that has done their research before incorporating things into a story. The author's capacity for realism and ability to plunge the reader into a whole range of emotions make this book a must read!!
Rating:  Summary: Keep them coming! Review: Burnt Offerings is another great Anita Blake book. Jean Claude is quite yummy, too bad he's dead. Richard even yummier? Let's see, they are a triumverate, Jean Claude is out of it during the day, Richard is around all the time. They should be able to work something about among the three of them. Perhaps next time. It helps that Richard is at least speaking to Anita again. Yes, one too many plot lines, maybe, but it was very easy to follow all of them. Yes, the leopards need a leader, the Council needed to come into the twentieth century as we are entering the twenty-first, and everyone needs someone. I did miss Edward in this episode, but his Uzi was a nice touch. Keep up the good work. I just got this book from Amazon on Saturday, and I finished it on Sunday. Now, the long agonizing wait until the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Who can do better? Review: This is one of the most captivating authors of our decade! Laurell can capture your imagination and bring you into her world with a minimume of effort. I always wait for the next book with excitement and anticipation.
Rating:  Summary: Stupendously spine chilling good fun. Review: If only there were a 100 Laura K. Hamilton's, nay a thousand. You've done it again Laura, i waited a whole nail biting year and more. I wanted to know what would happen with Richard, Jean Claude, and Anita, and so much more. You are in my opinion the best. Read Burnt Offerings you wont be let down, (first things first. Read all her books that have come before if you havent, then read Burnt Offerings.) Keep on rocking Hamilton....
Rating:  Summary: Very very good. Review: This is the best book in the series so far. I found it a bit hard-paced, true, and a bit involved with the "relationship" side of things. Nevertherless the revelations are interesting, the monsters are cunning, the characters are four-dimentional, and the story is involving. I do hope there's more coming. And soon.
Rating:  Summary: Good, definitely readable, but too many plotlines ... Review: If you haven't read all the Anne Rice Vampire books, you probably won't be bothered by some parallels. However, I was annoyed because the similarities I found were the things that annoyed me in the Rice books as well. For instance, The Tale of the Body Thief was this drawn-out Rice tale in which Lestat is able to float from Body to Body, taking over not only the bodies of other vamps, but of humans as well. It was terrible. Suddenly Laurell Hamilton has this character, The Traveller, and guess what this vamp can do? Inhabit bodies. Or there's the mournful tale of Jean-Claude and his traveling companions from centuries ago, Julianna and Asher. Due to various reasons, Julianna died (centuries ago) and Asher blames Jean-Claude. Can we say Claudia, Louis, and Lestat? Aaaaaa! There's other things too, but those really jumped out at me. My other complaint about this book is that she's got a million complicated little plot lines going at once. I think she should have written two books, as this book could nicely have been pulled apart into Burnt Offerings, and perhaps something entitled Challenge or something to that effect, as that would take care of the other plotlines. Despite all my complaints, I started the book last night and am now left with about 4 chapters to go. So it's quite readable, and definitely better than the last one, but I think the first books in the series were the best. Regardless, I will buy the next book in the series too. I may not be thrilled with this Offering, but I am loyal.