Rating:  Summary: Laurell Hamilton does it again Review: I read this book in one sitting. It kept me compelled to find out how Anita would deal with the elders, and what was the status of her love triangle. How will Anita resolve her difficulties with Richard? I gues we will just have to wait until the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to put down. Review: I have read all of the Anita Blake books and this one is really great. As I started reading it, I was slightly disappointed and thought this book is predictable, but was I wrong. Anita and Jean-Claude's relationship is well explored and the supernatural thrills just keep coming and grabbing you by the throat. It ends well, and did not leave me hanging. Well done, Laurel K. Hamilton!!
Rating:  Summary: Gotta love it!!!!! Review: I've read all the other LH books and must say this is the best one yet! The ending was rushed, but the many different plotlines I can relate to. How many people have only one problem at a time? It's like having final in five different classes, but not studying until the night before. Oh, and about the not sleeping thing -- she was knocked out for a day, how much more sleep do you need!!! Well, I read it twice since I got it (a week ago) and it's great!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Anita handles psychodrama better than most! Review: My housemate and I are reading the books in tandem - it kills me to have to wait till she is done before I can talk about them! This is the fastest that Anita has gotten neck-deep in aligators - and it is non-stop. From the first, she is busy rescuing and kibbitzing and nudging - all things she does so well. This is both good and bad; the plethora of plotlines was not something I had a problem with - the fact that everything happens in about 48 hours was something that bugged me. Not only that, but she doesn't ever go to sleep during the entire book. Now, in previous books, Anita would kvetch about being tired, but no mention is made here... I am left feeling as if this *might* be a result of the vampire marks, but there is no clue given about that. I think her necromancy powers were wonderfully explored - she raised dead in more ways than one. I suspect her ... newfound 'lupa ability' (I don't want to spoil it) has as much to do with her affinity for the dead as her being part of the pack-gestalt. Anita is DEFINITELY loosening up, even if she feels herself to be a 'slut' for it. My housemate and I keep speculating on exactly *what* will make her break down and finally integrate Richard into things - we suspect that Asher is going to have a strong part to play in that. And it is clear that Jean-Claude and Asher used to play footsie, as it were - if Jean-Claude can tell that Anita is doing something, she will be able to tell when he lets loose with Asher... WHEEEE!!! Problems with the book: Too compressed - the action should have taken a week. Anita never sleeps - no explanation. They SHOULD have saved Warrick; he was too delicious. What IS Dolph's problem, and why is HE in charge of the Spook Squad? I expect that to be revealed in future books. The firefighting stuff should have been more in-depth. Richard and Anita and Jean-Claude still being a problem - get it TOGETHER, girl! Richard looking for a new lupa... and being a DORK about Liv's activities with Sylvie. Delights: A! sher, and how Anita brought him over. Anita finally realizing her main problem with the pack is fear of her own darkness. Jean-Claude as a person, with REAL character development. Richard apologizing, AND Richard playing himself up - he needs to be less of a boy-scout! Yet Another Triumvirate! In closing - I think that if Anita is still alive in, oh, 30 years - The council should invite her in as a member. With Jean-Claude as the FLUNKY!
Rating:  Summary: Point for Ms. Hamilton Review: I work in a book store and I recommend these books to anyone remotely interested in Vampires. Anyone who tries the first book,GUILTY PLEASURES, comes back for more. Point for me. They can't help themselves because they get sucked into a fast-paced, fingernail embedded, knock-down, drag out, pissa story. Point for Ms. Hamilton. Just read em, ma petite.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting plausible development of the Anita Blake saga Review: Whilst not quite as good as The Killing Dance, Burnt Offerings picks up all the dangling threads and weaves them into a credible continuation, although it does come to a rather abrupt end which is rather unsatisfying. Ms Blake's dilemma over her two men still doesn't seem to be over, despite her having chosen Jean-Claude, but it is completely understandable she went with him rather than the more stable (and some might argue suitable) Richard. I also liked her friends' (both human and "monster") reaction to her lover, although I'm not sure I'm convinced by Ronnie's new boyfriend... An interesting idea that will definitely be developed in later works is the fact that the triumvirate is theoreticaly entwined forever, and there is no way that Richard could keep bitching that long and survive! My criticisms are few and not really very major: Hamilton's tendency to describe Blake's clothing in minute detail, as well as certain stock phrases which reoccur with irritating frequency (e.g. "Edward stopped hunting humans. They were too easy" which obviously wasn't a problem with this book. Although I enjoy Edward as a character, he would definitely have been too much of a distraction and superfluous to this story). Nevertheless, this is heartily recommended - but only if you've read the other books in order first; you'll miss out if you don't!
Rating:  Summary: Getting better with time Review: Unbelievable! Tht is the only word that can describe Laurell K. Hamilton's latest masterpiece. Not only does Anita have to discover who's setting fire to abandoned buildings in St Louis, she also has to worry about two of the Vampire COuncil members who came to town about Mr. Oliver from "Circus". ANd we thought WE had problems.
Rating:  Summary: Finally!! Review: Finally, Anita and Jean-Claude, I have been waiting for so long for them to be together. I can't wait for the next book to come!! If you know the next Anita Blake series, please contact me. Thank you. What is really interesting is that the Council is afraid of her, or Jean-Claude would say cautious of her. Even though they wouldn't admit it.
Rating:  Summary: A Really Great Read!! Review: I have to disagree with the people who say this is not one of Ms. Hamilton's best. I think this is one of the best in the series. Anita is more real and her relationship with Jean Claude is very beliveable. From the first book you could see this relationship developing. Richard never felt "right". I hope Ms. Hamilton keeps up the great stories and the relationship between Anita and Jean Claude. I also hope she keeps making Anita a "real" person. I liked the exit from "red neck". She's still tough, but likable.
Rating:  Summary: I WANT MORE, MORE, MORE Review: I must say that Anita has mellowed since I first read Guilty Pleasures, but with every book I found that I still like her. I loved Burnt Offerings because it explored more than just the paranormal. I know that people will disagree with this, but I wonder what would happen if Anita lets go of her inhibitions for a couple of pages and just have an all out sexfest with Richard (get him out of her system & yada, yada, yada). It would be an experience to see Jean-Claude's response to this. (Maybe he would want to watch or with their strong connections, he would maybe experience it also). Just a thought. I also loved the fact that even the oldest and most powerful Vamp fears Anita. That is pretty powerful. I really enjoyed this book because it shifted away from her necromancer skills and explored her relationships with the shapeshifters, vamps, ratmen and her human counterparts. I love the intimacy she has with Jean-Claude, being a romance freak, I understand the little intimacy of being a couple. I mean she gives a little as far as his requests goes, only if she's in the mood though. The little touches and the little couple things they do is totally hot, while the hint of respect and fear he feels for her is still under the surface. I understand about missing Edward, but if you rememberd from Bloody Bones, her necromancer in training was missing so I think that Laurell is exploring each relationship on a different level. Edward was not needed in this book. Him being in it would take away from her exploring her powers as lupa and part of the triumviarate (correct my spelling please). I hope that the next edition of Anita Blake will whet and quench all the appetites of the loyal readers of this series. I am waiting, as usual, very impatiently for the next installment. Keep up the good work Ms. Hamilton.