Rating:  Summary: Babylon Flop Review: I bought this book because that author stressed in his introductory message what a great book he had written... thrilling, gripping etc. Well, it isn't. Most of the action scenarios were ridiculous.The plot was predictable but the situations beyond belief. Even in fiction, can anyone fly into a desert and in less than 24 hours find a biblical artifact that has been hidden and buried for millenia in an abandoned ancient sewer, under a modern day city. And later the hero is able to wiggle through an air shaft in a pyramid, that initially was barely able to admit a small remote control drone. And when he reaches the inner sanctum of the pyramid, the bad guy "Talon" is waiting inside with his trained killer falcons. Fortunately, the hero was able to kill one of the attacking falcons with his bow and arrow! Bantam published this book but I bet they won't run the series.
Rating:  Summary: Ashamed... Review: I too am a fan of Left Behind, and a great many other Christian novels, but this is just poor writing. I have had to roll my eyes, and frankly, I'm embarrassed by the characterizations of Christians in this novel, and of the non-Christians as well. There are no shades of gray of morality in this book, and the implausibility is difficult to ignore. - At one point, a character with a broken windpipe lays in the hospital bed and we're told that the "pill" she was given was a heavy sedative. Now I ask you, who can swallow a pill with a broken windpipe? - After a major archaeological find -- a priceless artifact that could very well bolster the historical accuracy of a book of the Bible, the main character allows an undergraduate assistant to help verify its authenticity and then promptly takes into his class. Does this seem plausible? - At another point a simple bit of biblical reference graffiti written at a prominent site is characterized by the media as an "attack by Christian fanatics", which is seemingly believed by the public. Is this really the way people think and behave? I would hate to be treated the way the Christians in this book are treated by the fictional media and society illustrated, but perhaps more deeply, I would hate to be a non-christian in this tale even more because of the evil characterizations given all non-believers. I started reading this after reading The Da Vinci Code (DVC), by Dan Brown. DVC was a great novel, but deeply upset me because of all of the blatant belittling of Christianity and horrible factual errors that a great deal of avid readers in the world will take as fact. Despite my grief over these errors, I found DVC to be riveting, and must admit enjoying it. Babylon Rising has many similarities (both main characters are college professors, both deal with ancient symbols and biblical history, both have pale and mysterious looking murderers, and both seemingly "preach" their doctrines to their reader audience. The truth presented in Babylon Rising is unquestionably more accurate than that of DVC, but nobody will care about that because Babylon Rising is a much more shallow study, whereas DVC is teeming with cockamamie conspiracy nonsense that is made to sound believable. As such, DVC will have a far more greater influence on the beliefs of non-Christians, and the church as a whole will suffer for it. There is far too little excellent relevant Christian entertainment outlets available today, and I believe Tim LaHaye and Greg Dinallo have done a great disservice with Babylon Rising in writing for an already segmented church body. They SHOULD be writing for non-believers, instead of characterizing them as evil-doers in what I can only see as a method of self-aggrandizing their Christian following. I'm ashamed to be characterized like any of these characters, but that's okay. Anybody can see that they aren't "real".
Rating:  Summary: Far superior to the Left Behind Series and Soon Review: Tim Lahaye chose a winner to co-author Babylon Rising. Greg Dinallo has added adrenalin, subtlety and clarity to Babylon Rising in ways that outshine both Left Behind, and Jerry Jenkins new SOON series. The main hero is Murphy, a loveable, sincere, driven, and action-prone biblical archeologist. His wife, Laura, is bright, supportive, and gifted in her own right. Additionally, Shari is his brightest student--a protege who brings youth, energy and commitment to the plot. Then there are the anti-heroes: A college dean who believes anything religious or biblical cannot be academic; Methuselah, a mystery man who keeps supplying Murphy with important artifacts, but who requires him to face deadly tests before each gifting; The Seven, a mystery cabal, who seek certain artifacts, so they can tap into their dark powers and, yes, rule the world. Finally, there is Talon, a hit man who loves his work, and brings much danger and heartache to Murphy. While the above cast may sound like they will come together in the same chaotic type plot we often found in Left Behind, the authors keep the storyline tight. I easily kept the characters in their places, and had a good grasp on what they were thinking at all times. Another plus, is that there are some wonderful subplots and tensions here. Murphy's relationship with a colleague named Isis is so subtle--I really want to know how they end up. Isis herself seems to change throughout the story--yet we are not completely sure what is happening. Bottom-line: This is the best of the Left-Behind spin-offs, and ranks near the top with other apocalyptic and supernatural thrillers such as the Fire of Heaven trilogy, the Christ Clone trilogy, and even Frank Peretti's novels. BUY, READ, SHARE AND DISCUSS!
Rating:  Summary: Embarrassing Review: I was looking forward to reading this book. I loved the Left Behind series and believed that I would enjoy Tim LaHaye's new series of adventures based on the biblical prophesy. Almost from the beginning I was rolling my eyes and cringeing at the silliness of the plot and characters. As an Evangelical Christian, I was embarrassed at Mr. LaHaye's attempt to portray us as a poor, picked on, misunderstood minority of do-gooders. So he thinks that the future will have us seen as terrorists? Puleeease!!! I know that there are Evangelical Christians who will like this book because they want to believe that everyone is out to get them. For the sane members of the church and everyone else, don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: exciting and fascinating thriller Review: A biblical archeologist searches for artifacts that are found in the bible to prove that the events written about actually took place. He is no Indiana Jones but Professor Michael Murphy has had enough hair-raising adventures to rival that of the movie icon. Right now he is searching for the Brazen Serpent ordered destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar because people worshipped the false idol and not the true God. Also interested in retrieving the Brazian Serpent is a mysterious, powerful and wealthy cabal known as the Seven. They control a multi-billionaire, who specializes in communications and electronics. They have entrusted their henchman Talon to retrieve the artifact once Murphy finds the three pieces but the Seven's lackey discovers that his opponent is formidable and the unspoken war they are engaged in will become very personal on both sides quite soon. Readers will find BABYLON RISING an exciting and fascinating thriller based on events and objects mentioned in the Bible. Tim LaHaye tantalizes his audience with The Seven, an evil group who wants to convert the planet into a one world religion that they can control. To do so, the Seven are trying to turn mankind against evangelical Christians who they paint as dangerous fanatics. The protagonist of this story is a loveable, sincere and honest person who will hopefully star in future adventures as this novel is a winner that deserves sequels. Harriet Klausner
Rating:  Summary: This is NOT "Left Behind".... Review: I am a big fan of Tim LaHaye, so it kills me to have to write this review of "Babylon Rising". The plot line is implausible, the characters are, at best, two-dimensional. So much is thrown at the reader with so little effort to make the characters likeable or even realistic. At first I expected "Indiana Jones meets the Book of Revelation", but it reads like an old B-grade Hollywood serial. My disappointment is palpable - I so looked forward to this book! I recommend everyone to read "Apocalypse Dawn" by Mel Odom instead. I won't be reading any sequels in this series.
Rating:  Summary: Babylon Rising Review: This book was a great read just like the rest of his books. Michael is a wonderful character. It had the same affect on me as the Left Behind series. Babylon Rising will keep you up reading for hours and hours. I dont know what else to say excpet that if you haven't read it yet. Get a copy of it and read it. It's has all the action like "Lara Croft's Tomb Raider" and has the Christian aspect to it. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: This is NOT Left Behind! Review: I was eager to start this book after reading the Left Behind series as I felt LaHaye and Jenkins wrote a good series, even if it was a litte drawn out. I was very disappointed in LaHaye's attempt however. The story line is juvenile, full of holes, and portions of the story are totally inconceivable (e.g. how does a woman who has just been strangled to death at the end of the chapter, later, stumble into a police station interrogation room an collapse in her husband arms?). I haven't even finished the book yet and I'm not sure I'll be able to. A friend of mine said he gave the benefit of the doubt and read the second book in the series and it was written just as poorly. Oh well, I'll have to move on and and search for a decent Christian writer. If anyone can recommend a better Christian series, please let me know.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Story! Review: I borrowed this book off of a friend of mine not knowing what to expect. I, personally, enjoy the Left Behind series more, because those books have more action and more character development than Babylon Rising. Still if you're a fan of the Left Behind series, pick up a copy of Babylon Rising. You will enjoy it, rest assured.
Rating:  Summary: Babylon Rising Review: I'm a fan of Tim Layhaye's since reading tthe Left Behind series. I couldn't wait for each book in the series to come out! With the new series Babylon Rising, I feel that he has a winner again! Frm the action filled start to the end he kept my eyes glued to the book. I read it in two days and I love the way that the religious faith and fiction come togethor to keep your attention. I'm watching for the next book.