Rating:  Summary: Can I get a refund? Review: If the authors spent less time engaged in bible-thumping, in-your-face evangelism...... they might've had a mediocre story. Instead, woodenly clumsy characters are used to deliver a literalist view of the Christian Bible..... making for an annoyingly shallow read.
Rating:  Summary: A DEFT PROFESSIONAL READING Review: He comes from an acting family (Robert Culp is his father and actor Joseph Culp is his younger brother), yet voice performer Jason Culp has proved his mettle on his own with a continuing series of superior readings. He hits a homer again with this thriller based on biblical prophecies. The collaboration of Mr. LaHaye and veteran suspense writer Greg Dinallo is a fortuitous one as each brings unique gifts to the telling of this story. Fans of Mr. LaHaye's Left Behind Series will stand in line for "Babylon Rising" and recent admirers will be won over by a new hero, Michael Murphy, a Biblical prophecy scholar of a different sort. No poring through musty manuscripts for him in the comfort of office or home but he's out in the field on archaeological digs searching for and testing ancient artifacts. Of, course, knowing Mr. LaHaye that's not all his protagonist does - he also discovers what may well signal the end of the human race as we know it. Listen and begin an unforgettable journey. - Gail Cooke
Rating:  Summary: Better then what the last five books of Left Behind Series Review: I will agree that the character development had something to be desired. At least the book could stand on its own. Lately the only good parts to the LB series have been the beginning to reconcile the cliff hanger from the previous book and a new cliff hanger to wait for in the next book. I would like the next book to be a little more advanced.
Rating:  Summary: Babylon Risible Review: This is possibly the worst book I've ever bought. How did La Haye's editor ever allow this mess? The characters and action are low-grade comic book. Behaviours range from sanctimonious to psycho-hysterical, with none of it remotely credible. Even the lion doesn't act believably. I found myself wondering whether it was a self parody, like "True Lies" -- but without any wit. Multiplying the florid, overblown and hackneyed events is La Haye's mind numbing repetitiveness, as if by belaboring his pseudo-facts he can somehow make them sound true. When he compounded these abuses by adding pompous proselytizing, I brought out the gong.
Rating:  Summary: Watered-Down Indiana Jones Review: Having read the first three books of the Left Behind series, I was thrilled when I saw Babylon Rising sitting on the shelf. I was hooked by the first chapter. The character of Michael Murphy had such promise in the beginning. But he became more stereotypical as the story progressed to the point where I almost lost interest in reading the rest of the book. For instance, I felt that he bounced back way too quickly from a devastating personal loss. Then there was Isis, who jumped from wimp to heroine in the space of a chapter. She didn't impress me at all. As for the plot, I'm curious to see where LaHaye takes it. So, I will wait for the sequel (due next Fall). You can check out the book's website at www.babylonrisingbook.com and to learn how LaHaye got his idea for the series and to post feedback.
Rating:  Summary: A fun read Review: I greatly enjoyed "Babylon Rising" and was surprised by the negative reviews posted here. I found BR to be a fun, well-written book (certainly better written than the "Left Behind" books) that kept me engrossed in the story until the very end. I highly recommend "Babylon Rising", and wish it wouldn't be a year until the next book comes out!
Rating:  Summary: Not even close! Review: This was so far below an adult reading level that it killed the book. I agree with the other reviewers. The characters were not very developed or particularly believable. It seemed a little like a far-fetched super-hero movie. The timing was always perfect, they always guessed exactly where to find each item. Like I said to my husband....Tim LaHaye needs to stick to what he's good at....the research. The Left Behind Series is so good.....and this just isn't.
Rating:  Summary: Babylon Falling Review: Like many I picked this book up thinking that the quality would be on par with the left behind series. Boy are we all disappointed! It could have been a very good book had it not been so poorly written. I forced myself to finish but my husband couldn't even do that. Major flop.
Rating:  Summary: So sorry, Mr. LaHaye! Review: I respect Mr. LaHaye -- both as a Biblical scholar and a human being. As a freelance writer and journalist myself, I recognize good quality writing, and I have been a fan of the Left Behind series. So I had high hopes when I eagerly pulled this book off the shelf. What a disappointment! The plot was not even close to believable, and the characters were so shallow, they weren't even two-dimensional. So little care was given to the outlandish scenarios in the book that I honestly felt my intelligence was insulted, just reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Babylon Ain't Rising Here Review: What a disappointment. Now we know who did the research and who did the writing with Left Behind. Where are you Jerry!? Oh, yeah; writing "Soon". Come on Mr. Lahaye, if you're going to write a book for a Christian audience, you should treat us with the respect we deserve. The plot lines here are fantastic! The writing is atrocious. Example: A woman with a crushed wind-pipe swallows a pill. Our hero shoots a falcon out of the air with a bow and arrow. A woman stops murderous cult members by screaming a twenty-five hundred year old language at them (what!?), and my favorite, Nebuchadnezzar calls Daniel "Daniel", not Belteshazzar. Helloooo? Get some help, Tim. This has the potential to be a great series, but you need someone to take off the edge.