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Rating:  Summary: Great Familiar Faces, But You May Find New ONes To Love! Review: After "American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, Volume 1," Volume 2 seems kind of anti-climactic. While the people covered --- from E. E. Cummings (1894-1962) to May Swenson (1913-1989) --- produced work of great genius, most of their best just don't seem on par with William Carlos Williams, T. S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, or Ezra Pound. Still, what great poetry it all is. The most space is bestowed to Cummings, Hart Crane, Langston Hughes, Louis Zukofsky, Robert Penn Warren, George Oppen, Charles Olson, and Elizabeth Bishop. Crane's "The Bridge" is printed complete. The reader will have a few quibbles. I think more of Cummings's poems should have been included, and where is W. H. Auden (1907-1973)? He came to the U.S. in 1939 and became an American citizen: why couldn't the editors have included his poems written as an American citizen, since they *are* American poems? Yet these quibbles do not override the pleasure of the whole. I myself can hardly wait for volume 3: if it will cover 20 years as this volume does, then we will be treated with the likes of Robert Lowell, Richard Wilbur, A. R. Ammons, Allen Ginsberg, James Wright, and Sylvia Plath.
Rating:  Summary: "What thou lovest well is thy true heritage" Review: Although not widely read and appreciated, American poetry underwent a renaissance in the Twentieth Century. At some point, readers will look back at our Twentieth Century poetry as a benchmark of literature and a guide to the thoughts, feelings, and events of our difficult century. In this, the first of four projected volumes covering the Twentieth Century, the Library of America gives access to a treausre of reading, moving, elevating, and disturbing. The book consists of readings from 85 (by my count) poets. The poets, are arranged chronologically by the poet's birthday. The earliest writer in the volume is Henry Adams (born 1838) and the concluding writer is Dorothy Parker (born 1893). Some writers that flourished later in life, such as Wallace Stevens, thus appear in the volume before works of their peers, such as Pound and Elliot, who became famous earlier. For me, the major poets in the volume are (not surprising choices here), Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, W.C. Williams, Ezra Pound, T.S. Elliot, Marianne Moore. They are represented by generous selections,including Elliot's Waste Land, Steven's Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction, and several Pound Canto's given in their entirety. It is the mark of a great literary period that there are many writers almost equally meriting attention together with the great names. There are many outstanding writers here, some known, some unknown. To name only a few, I would includeE.A Robinson, James Weldon Johnson, Adelaide Crapsey, Vachel Lindsay, Sara Teasdale, H.D. Robinson Jeffers, John Crowe Ransom, Conrad Aiken, Samuel Greenberg. It would be easy to go on. There are different ways to read an anthology such as this. One way is to browse reading poems as they catch the reader's eye. Another way is to read favorite poems the reader already knows. I would suggest making the effort to read the volume through from cover to cover. Before beginning the paricular poet, I would suggest reading the biographical summary at the end of the volume. These are short but excellent and illuminate the authors and the poetry. The notes are sparse, but foreign terms in Pound and Elliot's poetry are translated, and we have selections from Elliot's and Marianne Moore's own notes. By reading the volume through,one gets a sense of continuity and context. Then, the reader can devote attention to individual poems. Some twentieth century works, such as those by Pound, Elliott,Moore Stevens are notoriously difficult. Read the works through,if you are coming to them for the first time, and return to them later. I was familiar with many of the poems in the book before reading the anthology but much was new to me. I learned a great deal. My favorite poet remains Wallace Stevens, partly because he comibined the life of a man of affairs, as an attorney and insurance executive, with deep art. This remains an ideal for me. It is true as well for W.C. Williams, although I am less fond of his poetry. The title to this review is taken from "Libretto" by Ezra Pound, (page 371). It is the best single sentence summation I can think of for the contents of this volume.
Rating:  Summary: A must have for any poet-lover Review: I strongly believe that poetry is not only the real path to serenity,but also the true reflection of the mind and heart.This book will indeed be one of my most valuable books.I am a poet and i recently wrote and published a book of poems called Treasured Misfortunes which helped me understand the great work of poetry when many are put together in one spectacular book.Words of poetry are a sacred treasure to those who really appreciate its depth.This book introduce people to one another minds,hearts and provides complete joy in learning so much about other people way of thinking and,experiences.I encourage people to always read poetry ,for its a real world of its own.Books like this book must be on every book shelf.I indeed recommend this great book to be read and for all the poems to be thought of with respect to life.Poetry is a secret inspirational method many use to walk away from despair and into the happiness of life.I personally believe in my own words as a poet and as to how i see life. Life holds beauty in the eyes who reflect it. Life holds beauty in the words of poetry that inspires it. Life holds beauty in a vision of joy and a heart of love that seeks it. Amazon .com is wnderful for allowing poets to reach people lives.Tell a friend about this great book and, enjoy reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Is everybody happy? Review: The real job of the anthologist is not, of course, to assemble anthologies but to anger and annoy readers. Only census takers have more doors slammed in their innocent faces. That said, a few words in defense of this excellent volume. Yes, there's plenty of second-tier or third-tier verse here, and those in search of pure poetry (no rocks, no soda, shaken not stirred) should probably save their pennies and buy the LOA volumes devoted to Frost, Stevens, etc etc. But a book like this one does give a splendid sense of cultural context. Sometimes the giants loom only larger when they're stuck in a line-up with their diminutive peers. And some of those lesser lights are actually quite talented, too. So unless you're truly fixated on iambic quality control, you should find much to love, and even more to like, in the capacious and paper-thin pages of APTTCV1.
Rating:  Summary: "My hand in yours, Walt Whitman --so--" Review: This volume is the second of a projected four volume anthology of Twentieth Century American Poetry in the Library of America series. American poetry richly deserves this extensive treatment, and this series may serve to introduce America's poets to a growing number of readers. This volume begins with E.E.Cummings (born 1894) and concludes with May Swenson (born 1913) The volume has almost an embarrassment of riches. By my count there are 122 separate poets included. The book includes a brief biography of each writer included which is invaluable for reading the book. As with any anthology of this nature,the selection is a compromise between inclusiveness and quality. Readers may quarrel with the relative weight given to various poets in terms of number of pages, and with the inclusion or exclusion of writers. (I was disappointed that a poet I admire, Horace Gregory, gets only two pages, for example). Overall, it is a wonderful volume and includes some greatpoetry. There are favorites and familiar names here and names that will be familiar to few. A joy of a book such as this is to see favorites and to learn about poets one hasn't read before. A major feature of this volume is its emphasis on diversity -- much more so than in volume 1 or in the Library of America's 19th century poetry anthologies. There are many Jewish poets (including Reznikoff, a favorite ofmine, Zukofsky, Alter Brody, Rose Drachler, George Oppen, Karl Shapiro, and others) and even more African-American Poets (Lanston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Richard Wright, Waring Cuney, Sterling Brown, Arna Bontemps, Robert Hayden and many more.) There are also selections from blues and popular songs which to me is overdone. Of the poets unknown to me, I enjoyed particularly Lorine Niedecker, Laura Riding, and Janet Lewis -- women are well represented in this volume. I have taken the title of this review from the Cape Hatteras section of "The Bridge" by Hart Crane.(page 229) Crane has more pages devoted to him than any other writer in the volume and deservedly so. "The Bridge" and "Voyages" are presented complete together with some of the shorter poems. This tragic, tormented and gifted writer tried in The Bridge to present a vision of America mystical in character, celebratory of the merican experience, and inclusive in its diversity. The poem is a worthy successor to the poetry of Whitman who is celebrated in it. The title of the review,I think, captures both Crane's poem as well as the goal of the volume as a whole in capturing something of the diversity of experience reflected in 20th Century American Verse.
Rating:  Summary: "My hand in yours, Walt Whitman --so--" Review: This volume is the second of a projected four volume anthology of Twentieth Century American Poetry in the Library of America series. American poetry richly deserves this extensive treatment, and this series may serve to introduce America's poets to a growing number of readers. This volume begins with E.E.Cummings (born 1894) and concludes with May Swenson (born 1913) The volume has almost an embarrassment of riches. By my count there are 122 separate poets included. The book includes a brief biography of each writer included which is invaluable for reading the book. As with any anthology of this nature,the selection is a compromise between inclusiveness and quality. Readers may quarrel with the relative weight given to various poets in terms of number of pages, and with the inclusion or exclusion of writers. (I was disappointed that a poet I admire, Horace Gregory, gets only two pages, for example). Overall, it is a wonderful volume and includes some greatpoetry. There are favorites and familiar names here and names that will be familiar to few. A joy of a book such as this is to see favorites and to learn about poets one hasn't read before. A major feature of this volume is its emphasis on diversity -- much more so than in volume 1 or in the Library of America's 19th century poetry anthologies. There are many Jewish poets (including Reznikoff, a favorite ofmine, Zukofsky, Alter Brody, Rose Drachler, George Oppen, Karl Shapiro, and others) and even more African-American Poets (Lanston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Richard Wright, Waring Cuney, Sterling Brown, Arna Bontemps, Robert Hayden and many more.) There are also selections from blues and popular songs which to me is overdone. Of the poets unknown to me, I enjoyed particularly Lorine Niedecker, Laura Riding, and Janet Lewis -- women are well represented in this volume. I have taken the title of this review from the Cape Hatteras section of "The Bridge" by Hart Crane.(page 229) Crane has more pages devoted to him than any other writer in the volume and deservedly so. "The Bridge" and "Voyages" are presented complete together with some of the shorter poems. This tragic, tormented and gifted writer tried in The Bridge to present a vision of America mystical in character, celebratory of the merican experience, and inclusive in its diversity. The poem is a worthy successor to the poetry of Whitman who is celebrated in it. The title of the review,I think, captures both Crane's poem as well as the goal of the volume as a whole in capturing something of the diversity of experience reflected in 20th Century American Verse.
Rating:  Summary: The Library of America is generally splendid, but. . . . Review: you'd be much better off to buy other volumes in the series. This two-volume anthology is generally a two-thousand page waste of time. Most poetry is consigned to oblivion for a reason! What is here rescued is frankly not worth it, and the "literature" here is of historical rather than intrinsic interest. A monument to "inclusivity" and "diversity," but full of poor writing, the Common Reader is here advised to invest in Library of America's wonderful volumes of the poetry of Frost, Stevens, Whitman, and, whenever they finally appear in the future, Dickinson, Melville, Eliot, and Bishop.
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