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Rating:  Summary: Best Benet story Review: Benet wrote this a while back, but it's worth reading, particularly in view of some of the shenangians going on in the Monica affair. Stone sold his soul and lived a long and fruitful life, the devil not bothering him at all due to the promised eventual payoff. Came time for the payoff, Jabez Stone hired the F. Lee Bailey of the time, silver toungued orator Daniel Webster. The jury was picked by the Devil, no voir dire there. And Webster started his talk. It's good reading today if you can find it. I have searched hard for a Complete Works of Benet, prose and poetry. His ouevre is not so great that it should be difficult to do. There are many other good stories in there, Johnny Pye and the Fool Killer, By the Waters of Babylon, and poems, too, John Brown's Body of course, but How Hillbilly Jim Won The Georgia Fiddler's Contest, too, and a host of others. Benet is not an author to shove away on the back shelves and forget. He deserves to be read.
Rating:  Summary: a worthy legend for America and for Webster Review: A young nation, built on reason and skepticism, America doesn't have a whole lot of myths and legends. With the possible exception of Parson Weem's tales of young George Washington, the stories of Washington Irving, and a few tall tales like Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, and John Henry, the best might be found in Stephen Vincent Benet's Faust-influenced but distinctly American short story and screenplay, The Devil and Daniel Webster, which has also been adapted for the stage and turned into an opera. Jabez Stone of Cross Corners, New Hampshire is a man of little luck, until, with his wife and children ill and a whitlow on his own thumb, he barks : I vow it's enough to make a man want to sell his soul to the devill And I would, too, for two cents! With that, a stranger appears and Jabez makes a deal, signing it in blood, which changes his luck drastically. Over the next ten years, Stone prospers, becoming wealthy and an important man in politics. But with his mortgage to the stranger coming due, Jabez Stone regrets the deal he's made and pays a visit to his neighbor, Daniel Webster, of Mansfield, NH--the nation's greatest lawyer and New England's most revered citizen--to see if Mr. Webster will take him on as a client and see if there's not some way out of the deal. A lesser man might balk at the prospect of such a fight, but Daniel Webster has a special regard for his constituents and cheerfully assures Jabez that they'll prevail : For if two New Hampshiremen aren't a match for the devil, we might as well give the country back to the Indians. Webster's first ploy is to challenge the stranger's right to prey upon Americans : 'Mr. Stone is an American citizen, and no American citizen may be forced into the service of a foreign prince. We fought England for that in ë12 and weíll fight all hell for it again!' 'Foreign?' said the stranger. 'And who calls me a foreigner?' 'Well, I never yet heard of the dev -- of your claiming American citizenship,' said Dan'l Webster with surprise. 'And who with better right?' said the stranger, with one of his terrible smiles. 'When the first wrong was done to the first Indian, I was there. When the first slaver put out for the Congo, I stood on her deck. Am I not in your books and stories and beliefs, from the first settlements on? Am I not spoken of, still, in every church in New England? 'Tis true the North claims me for a Southerner, and the South for a Northerner, but I am neither. I am merely an honest American like yourself--and of the best descent--for, to tell the truth, Mr. Webster, though I don't like to boast of it, my name is older in this country than yours.' This prompts Webster to recourse to Stone's rights as an American : 'Aha!' said Dan'l Webster, with the veins standing out in his forehead. 'Then I stand on the Constitution! I demand a trial for my client!' 'The case is hardly one for an ordinary court,' said the stranger, his eyes flickering. 'And, indeed, the lateness of the hour-' 'Let it be any court you choose, so it is an American judge and an American jury!' said Dan'l Webster in his pride. 'Let it be the quick or the dead; I'll abide the issue!' And so begins a trial, presided over by Justice Hathorne, who likewise oversaw the Salem Witch Trials, with a jury made up of the likes of Walter Butler, Simon Girty, King Philip, Reverend John Smeet, and Morton of Merry Mount. Inevitably, even these dastards are swayed by the rhetorical power of Daniel Webster and Jabez is released from his contract. The stranger good-naturedly conceding : 'Perhaps 'tis not strictly in accordance with the evidence,' he said, 'but even the damned may salute the eloquence of Mr. Webster.' Despite this graciousness, Daniel Webster grabs and threatens him, but then relents to his pleading. In exchange for being let go, the stranger predicts Webster's future for him. The stranger well knows of Webster's desire to be president one day and of his pride in his speaking ability. He warns that the dream will never come true and, perversely, the ambition will be thwarted by Webster's own talent : '[T]he last great speech you make will turn many of your own against you,' said the stranger. 'They will call you Ichabod; they will call you by other names. Even in New England some will say you have turned your coat and sold your country, and their voices will be loud against you till you die.' Webster takes the news surpassing well and in turn receives an assurance : 'So it is an honest speech, it does not matter what men say,' said Dan'l Webster. Then he looked at the stranger and their glances locked. 'One question,' he said. 'I have fought for the Union all my life. Will I see that fight won against those who would tear it apart?' 'Not while you live,' said the stranger, grimly, 'but it will be won. And after you are dead, there are thousands who will fight for your cause, because of words that you spoke." 'Why, then, you long-barreled, slab-sided, lantern-jawed, fortune-telling note shaver!' said Dan'l Webster, with a great roar of laughter, 'be off with you to your own place before I put my mark on you! For, by the thirteen original colonies, I'd go to the Pit itself to save the Union!' Sure enough, Webster's great speech in favor of the Missouri Compromise in 1850 would ensure its passage but with its provision for admitting a new slave state to the Union would make him anathema to hardcore abolitionists and doom his presidential hopes. Benet helped adapt this story for the screen and it made for one of the really underrated great American films. With sterling performances by Edward Arnold as Webster and Walter Huston as the stranger, here called Mr. Scratch, the middle portion of the story, detailing Jabez Stone's rising fortunes and declining character, is greatly expanded. This is problematic because James Craig as Jabez is pretty nondescript, but Jane Darwell as his mother and Simone Simon as a sultry vixen who becomes the Stone's housemaid help to carry us through until the trial starts. One interesting aspect of Benet's tale is his refusal to let his countrymen off the hook; the Devil is obviously integral to the American experience and though Webster matches the Devil in the end, he too hears the siren call of Mr. Scratch. In the end though Webster is redeemed by his all consuming love of the nation : And they say that if you go to his grave and speak loud and clear, 'Dan'l Webster--Dan'l Webster!' the ground'll begin to shiver and the trees begin to shake. And after a while you'll hear a deep voice saying. 'Neighbor, how stands the Union?' Then you better answer the Union stands as she stood, rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, one and indivisible, or he's liable to rear right out of the ground. What a worthy legend for America and for one of the greatest of her citizens. GRADE : A
Rating:  Summary: Best Benet story Review: Benet wrote this a while back, but it's worth reading, particularly in view of some of the shenangians going on in the Monica affair. Stone sold his soul and lived a long and fruitful life, the devil not bothering him at all due to the promised eventual payoff. Came time for the payoff, Jabez Stone hired the F. Lee Bailey of the time, silver toungued orator Daniel Webster. The jury was picked by the Devil, no voir dire there. And Webster started his talk. It's good reading today if you can find it. I have searched hard for a Complete Works of Benet, prose and poetry. His ouevre is not so great that it should be difficult to do. There are many other good stories in there, Johnny Pye and the Fool Killer, By the Waters of Babylon, and poems, too, John Brown's Body of course, but How Hillbilly Jim Won The Georgia Fiddler's Contest, too, and a host of others. Benet is not an author to shove away on the back shelves and forget. He deserves to be read.
Rating:  Summary: Great Piece of American Literature Review: Daniel Webster might be a Yankee New Englander, a politician and peddlar. This fictious short story by Stephen Benet utilizes a great American statesmen in a great legal case, albeit a fictious one. I first read this in the 8th grade for a book report. It stands out as an entertaining classic of American literature. I also recommend books by James Fennimore Cooper.
Rating:  Summary: Lost Treasure Resurfaces Review: Following Stephen Vincent Benet's untimely death in 1943, his literary reputation plummeted. He, who had been one of America's most admired and popular writers, seemed to vanish from literary memory. Now, though, we have Townsend Ludington's brilliant and insightful anthology of Benet's works, reminding us of the range and power and beauty we have been missing. Benet is indeed a national treasure, and it will be to our shame if we ever let his contributions be lost again. Three or four of his works have entered the public consciousness--unfortunately, to the point at which people tend to think of them as mythic or folkloric, without a known author. Among these is the anthology's title story, "The Devil and Daniel Webster," some excerpts from the distinguished Civil War narrative poem "John Brown's Body," and the story "By The Waters of Babylon," which has been dubbed the original of the post-apocalyptic horror genre of science fiction. All the Benet you are likely to know is in this anthology, plus things you didn't know about before that are likely to delight you. You will meet Benet the yarn-spinner in new guises-- a story like "The Minister's Books" is a chilling read for a Halloween evening, scarier by far than the more famous "The Devil and Daniel Webster," at least to this reviewer's taste. "Jacob and the Indians" is not only a colorful tale based on history, but a lyrical vision of America as Benet saw it--not perfect, but a land with at least the potential to be a Promised Land for everyone. This book shows us Benet the humorist, Benet the lover, Benet the insightful social commentator, Benet the poet of issues both intimate and cosmic. He was a man with healthy values, and he is able to communicate those values sometimes with a chuckle and sometimes with the equivalent of a hammer blow. But always entertainingly. One of the functions of fine literature is to make the reader's hair stand on end--and if anybody can accomplish this, it is Benet. Buy and read this anthology. My guess is that you not only won't be sorry--you will want more Benet.
Rating:  Summary: I think it was real Review: Most of the poems i read are almost fake , stevens poems were real at heart he had alot of topics that made you think a little i think that alot of people can learn from his poetry.
Rating:  Summary: The complicated made humorous Review: The book is the perfect companion for a rainy night. Benet is startling in his lucid and gentle exposure of the myriad of character flaws the has plagued humanity since the beginning. He died during the second world war after dedicating his talents to exposing the true mission of the axis cause. His "Into Egypt" is the perfect vehicle to describe racial intolerance and historical short-sightedness, while the Devil and Daniel Webster sheds humorous light upon a bygone era of american folklore. This book is not to be missed in anyones lifetime. For those who has had a bad experience purchasing a product that needs assembly, reference his "Letter to Bloomingdale's:-" for he demonstrates how to get all your points across, and your shot in the bull's eye and still not compromise personal integrity.
Rating:  Summary: Great Stories Review: This book is incredibly hard to find---Amazon was, as, usual, the only place that had it for me. I was dying to read the story that sparked the movie, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." About seven mountain men who go down to town to git themselves thar brides! I really enjoyed Benet's style; I was completely unfamiliar with his writing previously. I also read "The Devil and Daniel Webster," included, which seems to be the most popular of his writings. It was a good tale. Interesting author, interesting writings. I'm donating my copy to the library; their Benet listings are sadly lacking! Everyone needs a little "backwoodsman" in their lives!
Rating:  Summary: Great Stories Review: This book is incredibly hard to find---Amazon was, as, usual, the only place that had it for me. I was dying to read the story that sparked the movie, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." About seven mountain men who go down to town to git themselves thar brides! I really enjoyed Benet's style; I was completely unfamiliar with his writing previously. I also read "The Devil and Daniel Webster," included, which seems to be the most popular of his writings. It was a good tale. Interesting author, interesting writings. I'm donating my copy to the library; their Benet listings are sadly lacking! Everyone needs a little "backwoodsman" in their lives!
Rating:  Summary: Benet's Twain-Like Take: Is Lucifer a Foreigner? Review: This lightweight (literally, if not figuratively) story of the hapless farmer Jabez Stone, of Cross Corners, New Hampshire, and his rescue from a cavalier deal with the devil by Daniel Webster is an entertaining, patriotic lark. Although Webster was a lawyer, the narrator tells us, and the "the biggest man...next to God...He never got to be President." Published in 1937, and with a homespun Twain-like love of freedom and the wry vigilance which watches over it, Stephen Vincent Benet's entertaining lark, set "in the border country, where Massachusetts joins Vermont and New Hampshire" is patriotic without being jingoistic or nationalistic. At the end, after the narrator informs us that devil keeps clear of Marshfield and hasn't been seen in New Hampshire he concludes: "I'm not talking about Massachusetts or Vermont."
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