Rating:  Summary: A Guest Not so Distinguished As You Might Think. Review: I found this book quite disappointing. It is about an elderly woman named Lily Maynard and her family. Or what is left of it. She is a divorced mother of three children, technically, although one has sort of disappeared (and the more you read the more you think you might have done the same). Miller highlights Lily's shining moments as an author and the fame and popularity her talents have found. Her son, Alan, takes her in temporarily until there is room for her at the nursing home. She is somewhat unbearable, although, that was not the real problem with this novel. For some reason, unlike Miller's other works, it was just really super boring. I kept reminding myself not to walk away without finishing it. Without at least giving it that much of a chance. At the end, instead of feeling like it was a good book after all, I was just glad I had finished it. Not the worst but certainly not the best.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Sue Miller for another great book. Review: I really enjoyed this book. I think Sue Miller is a brilliant writer. I just love her style. This book moved me. It's a story that showed some realities of life. As always with Sue Miller books I feel very close to the characters.
Rating:  Summary: This novel hit home with me Review: I was impressed by the intelligence, depth, and power of this novel. Sue Miller has succeeded here in spinning a tale that makes *real* many issues that I have struggled with personally, including dealing with an aging parent, the raw edges that inevitably surround familial relationships, the doubts that so many of us develop in midlife about ourselves, our successes and failures, and on and on. So many times as I read this book I found myself marvelling at how Wilson had captured a thought or a feeling I had experienced myself--and had thought, naively,was uniquely my own. Then there is the fine portrayal of Lily, the fiercely independent, articulate, interpersonally cold yet socially idealistic writer who struggles with her declining physical and mental capacities from Parkinson's disease. The way that Miller approaches and analyzes Lily's past and her own ruminations about the past is nothing short of masterful. Complementing the author's incisive depiction of the complex matrix of bonds and divisions that comprise an extended family, she offers insights into some of the most divisive and vexing political/social issues of our time, including the historical struggle of white Americans of good conscience to try to find a way to act rightly with respect to race relations. She never preaches, and never really takes sides when presenting this aspect of her story--but she demonstrates that she truly *understands* the various experiences, perspectives, and viewpoints that have emerged in response to this most contentious of issues. This book impressed me tremendously. I have no idea whether this is because in some objective way, Sue Miller has created here a triumphant work of literature; conversely, it may just be a matter of this being the right book at the right time for me personally. Ultimately, I guess it doesn't matter.
Rating:  Summary: A Strong Character Study Review: Sue Miller is a powerful writer, and although this isn't her most stimulating novel it still has enough to recommend it. Lily Maynard finds celebrity in her 70's as she writes her memoirs. She and her former husband Paul ran a church that was heavily involved in the early civil rights movement, and it was this involvement that ended their marriage. Lily enjoys her late-in-life fame, but now Parkinson's Disease is forcing her into a retirement home, and as she waits for a unit to become available she moves in with her son Alan and his French wife Gaby. Lily's relationship with Alan has always been strained, as Alan has 'issues' with his strong-willed mother. These issues come to the forefront as they live together, and as Lily begins to deteriorate. Added to the mix is a writer doing an article about Lily, who brings up issues long-buried and best forgotten. The novel is a strong character study of these characters: Lily, Alan and his wife and sons, and the lonely free-lance writer. Secrets, (none too shocking) are eventually revealed and issues resolved, but don't expect much in the way of plot or action. Just enjoy Miller's skill at creating these characters and bringing them to life.
Rating:  Summary: The Distinguished Guest is a disappointment by Laura @ HHS Review: Sue Miller's novel is captivating. I read it in one night because it was so good I couldn't put it down and go to sleep. I literally stayed up all night with this novel. The characters, Lily and her son in particular, are well drawn. The relationships are interesting. Miller really made me think with this book. I have read a few of her novels, and this is by far the best.
Rating:  Summary: A TOUCHING BUT UNFLINCHING STORY Review: Sue Miller's THE DISTINGUISHED GUEST is an immensely readable, sensitive, yet honest portrait of a fiercely independent, proud and intelligent woman stricken with Perkinson's disease. It is also a story of relationships within her family. Circumstances have brought her to live with her son and his wife 'for just a short while' -- her presence there triggers memories and emotions that have been allowed to lie comfortably dormant for years, bringing them to the forefront of several of the characters' minds, forcing them to reassess many things they had considered to be 'etched in stone'. Lily Maynard, the 'distinguished guest' of the title, has become a bit of a literary celebrity late in life -- her memoirs were published to wide acclaim when she was seventy-two. She takes this gentle, respectful attention in both hands, relishing it and the opportunity it gives her to speak out and have some influence on her world. Her pronouncements alternately intrigue, delight and rankle those around her. As the disease progresses, and her grip on her faculties becomes more tenuous, she is forced to reassess both her life and the motives behind her writing -- how much of what she is telling is true, how much is creatively enhanced (and to what ends)? What is she really trying to accomplish? Her presence in the household brings pressures to bear on other family members as well. They are there to stand by her and help her when she needs it -- but they are also seeing her as they have never seen her before. They are also seeing things in themselves and in each other that gives them both the need and the opportunity to have another look at their own lives. This is not a book with a lot of 'action' -- but it is a very rewarding read in many ways. Miller's skill at developing these characters, at allowing the reader to look at them a layer at a time, is very satisfying. Relationships between them are very human and real -- they grow and shrink, adapt and change as they progress through life. With a little reflection, this book could easily be a tool allowing us to enhance our abilities to take a good look at our own lives and values -- and we can all stand to do that from time to time. This book is entertaining on one level, but it is more than that -- there is much to be gained here, much to be savored. As tempting as it might be to read through this book in one setting, I think it is most likely the type of work that bears unhurried reflection -- and repeated reading.
Rating:  Summary: Vivid Characters Expose the Roots of Unwitting Alienation Review: This book has some of the best character development that I have read in recent years. It reminds me of classic novels, like those of Charles Dickens (such as Oliver Twist) for capturing the interior perspective of the character. Four characters receive this thorough treatment, and through their thoughts you see the tangled, complex relations that have built up around one woman's decision to leave a marriage many years before. Those who like lots of action and plot surprises will hate the book. Those who adore nuanced dialogue and story development will find this a subtle treat. The Distinguished Guest revolves around the visit by Lily Maynard, who became a literary superstar in her 70s for her memoirs of a failed marriage and her fiction about the challenges of integration in the 50s and 60s. She is suffering from Parkinson's Disease and needs help. Plans are being made for her to move into a nursing home, but there is a wait for a place. In the meantime, she is staying with her son, Alan, and his wife. The house is constantly filled with visiting writers and scholars who want to consult with and interview the famous Lily. Each character is strongly alienated from each other character based on an incomplete understanding of that character's perspective and experience. None of them make much of an attempt to bridge the communications' gaps. The book provides a useful perspective on the problems of achieving closeness among adults, and adds helpful insights into family roles. The book has an unusual and rewarding style. It shifts seamlessly among literary snippets, old letters, internal thoughts, dialogue, and visual images to provide a broad perspective on the issues. The Distinguished Guest also addresses the philosophical issue of what one's responsibility is towards fostering racial equality and integration. The book has a lot of useful observations about that issue that will be especially informative to those who missed the civil rights struggles of the 1960s and 1970s. Those perspectives launch themselves forward into providing insight for today's society. I had the pleasure of listening to the book be read in an unabridged version by Frances Cassidy. She does a marvelous job of capturing the essence of each character, their directness or wiliness, with her easy shifts in accent, pacing, and pauses. I felt like I was listening to a great one woman dramatic performance on Broadway. I suspect that the book is harder to understand without the benefit of this outstanding reading, available from Books on Tape. After you read this story, I suggest that you write a series of letters to those you care about to explain your feelings about them, and what your own motivations are in life. These disclosures can be a healing balm that soothes the chafing caused by misunderstanding your pursuit of your convictions as representing a lack of love for the person. By revealing what you meant, you can overcome negative presumptions that create a hurtful distance. Enjoy being closer, even if that means feeling less distinguished in the process.
Rating:  Summary: Vivid Characters Expose the Roots of Unwitting Alienation Review: This book has some of the best character development that I have read in recent years. It reminds me of classic novels, like those of Charles Dickens (such as Oliver Twist) for capturing the interior perspective of the character. Four characters receive this thorough treatment, and through their thoughts you see the tangled, complex relations that have built up around one woman's decision to leave a marriage many years before. Those who like lots of action and plot surprises will hate the book. Those who adore nuanced dialogue and story development will find this a subtle treat. The Distinguished Guest revolves around the visit by Lily Maynard, who became a literary superstar in her 70s for her memoirs of a failed marriage and her fiction about the challenges of integration in the 50s and 60s. She is suffering from Parkinson's Disease and needs help. Plans are being made for her to move into a nursing home, but there is a wait for a place. In the meantime, she is staying with her son, Alan, and his wife. The house is constantly filled with visiting writers and scholars who want to consult with and interview the famous Lily. Each character is strongly alienated from each other character based on an incomplete understanding of that character's perspective and experience. None of them make much of an attempt to bridge the communications' gaps. The book provides a useful perspective on the problems of achieving closeness among adults, and adds helpful insights into family roles. The book has an unusual and rewarding style. It shifts seamlessly among literary snippets, old letters, internal thoughts, dialogue, and visual images to provide a broad perspective on the issues. The Distinguished Guest also addresses the philosophical issue of what one's responsibility is towards fostering racial equality and integration. The book has a lot of useful observations about that issue that will be especially informative to those who missed the civil rights struggles of the 1960s and 1970s. Those perspectives launch themselves forward into providing insight for today's society. I had the pleasure of listening to the book be read in an unabridged version by Frances Cassidy. She does a marvelous job of capturing the essence of each character, their directness or wiliness, with her easy shifts in accent, pacing, and pauses. I felt like I was listening to a great one woman dramatic performance on Broadway. I suspect that the book is harder to understand without the benefit of this outstanding reading, available from Books on Tape. After you read this story, I suggest that you write a series of letters to those you care about to explain your feelings about them, and what your own motivations are in life. These disclosures can be a healing balm that soothes the chafing caused by misunderstanding your pursuit of your convictions as representing a lack of love for the person. By revealing what you meant, you can overcome negative presumptions that create a hurtful distance. Enjoy being closer, even if that means feeling less distinguished in the process.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Emotions Review: This book left me with mixed emotions. At times I liked it, and at times I was left feeling disappointed. I think she could have done a better job with this story. I do know that I didn't like some of the characters, and maybe that's why I was left with the mixed feelings about the book over all.
Rating:  Summary: A Disapointment Review: This was the first book I've ever read by Sue Miller. I'd heard about her and I wont be running out for another one of her books any time soon. Yes, she's a good writer; however, it was all of this character build up with a real good story lacking. I was fooled when I read the title, The Distiguished Guest. I was hoping for something more mysterious, revealing and thought provoking. It's essentially a book that reads like a premise to the beginning of a new soap opera for television. Lily is the matriarch...and when the book is over...you'll ask yourself, "Is that it? What happens next?". I'll admit there were a few lines that I underscored in the book that struck me (but only a few). I liked reading these lines: In the field alongside their house they have planted young apple trees--Duchess, Grayenstein, Yellow Newton, Jonathon. They have all had a lot to drink by now, and they are talking animatedly about the craziness in their families. These letters are nobody's business but hers. She wouldn't like anyone, even family, pawing through them after she's gone. The talking simply dried up, the turning away became the state of things between us. "Maybe it's all like dreaming anyway, Lily. Our lives. You know." We shall be changed. O death, where is thy sting. So...if anyone's in the mood for an intro to a soap opera-like book...get this one.