Rating:  Summary: it is the book that has the Hollywood ending! Review: The differences between the book and the movie are remarkable as other reviewers have noted but if you liked the movie that makes the book all the more interesting.The book is set in the Hamptons and New York. The protagonist, Schmidt, is a 60-year-old WASP lawyer who retires from his law firm partnership when his wife becomes terminally ill. The wife is from an old rich WASP family and works as a literary fiction editor. Schmidt's daughter, a Harvard-educated yuppie who does PR for a tobacco company, is planning to marry a junior partner at Schmidt's old firm. This horrifies Schmidt partly because his future son-in-law doesn't read books or appreciate culture but mostly because the young lawyer is Jewish. Much of the book centers on Schmidt's horror at a formerly genteel world of New York law firms and Long Island beaches, now despoiled by an influx of Jews. The last half of the book is devoted to a romance between Schmidt and a 20-year-old half-Puerto Rican waitress, complete with a Hollywood happy ending. The screenplay transplants the action to Omaha, Nebraska. Schmidt and his wife are middle class salt-of-the-earth types. There are no Jews in evidence. The daughter is living 1000 miles away and her future husband is objectionable to Schmidt because he's a "nincompoop" and his family, rather than being successful happily married Jewish psychiatrists, consists of divorced white trash-y New Age-y folks. The movie Schmidt, played by Jack Nicholson, is unrelievedly sad and pathetic. There are no romances with young women for movie Schmidt (no romances with any women, actually). Maybe we should give Hollywood for making a movie that is substantially darker than an already fairly dark novel.