Rating:  Summary: Top-Notch Tanenbaum Review: "Absolute Rage" is the latest entry in the long-running Butch Karp-Marlene Ciampi series about two lawyers who marry and have kids, but who otherwise lead unusual lives. Butch works as the chief assistant District Attorney in New York City, where he encounters endless bureaucracy and constant political pressure from his superiors. Marlene runs a business training guard dogs, and she is determined to avoid the violence that marked the earlier part of her life. She has always had a penchant for trying to right wrongs, which more than once has placed her family in the line of fire. However, Marlene has decided that the satisfaction and excitement of bringing bad guys to justice is not worth the risk to herself and her loved ones.Alas, resolutions are made to be broken. Marlene and Butch meet the Heeny family on Long Island. The Heeneys include Rose, her volatile husband, Red, and their three children. Red Heeney is a firebrand union agitator who is trying to clean up the corruption in the coal-mining town of McCullensburg, West Virginia. However, Red's outspoken stand against corruption has tragic repercussions. Before long, Dan Heeney, Red's son, calls on Marlene to come to West Virginia to help him. Butch also gets involved in the ugly situation in West Virginia when the governor makes him a special prosecutor. It is Butch's job to bring justice to this lawless town. Tanenbaum's books all have several common threads. The dialogue is hip and saucy, and is often laced with sarcasm and flip humor. The prose is effortless and entertaining, and there is almost no objectionable language or gore. His books usually deal with important social issues. In "Absolute Rage," Tanenbaum's effectively describes how a small town gradually becomes completely corrupt. In McCullensburg, the mining company owns everything, including all of the elected officials. The characters in "Absolute Rage" are, as always, colorful and vivid. One of the most fascinating characters is Butch and Marlene's daughter, Lucy, who has grown up before our eyes. She is now a student in Boston College. Lucy has been a language prodigy for years and, unlike her parents, she is an ardent Catholic. In this novel, she experiences her first romantic encounter. Tanenbaum also brings back the fascinating Tran, a former guerilla fighter from Vietnam who has been a Karp family friend since the early days. "Absolute Rage" has a number of predictable elements. As always, Marlene and Lucy are offbeat and unconventional. It is a foregone conclusion that the Karps will be up to their ears in danger before the final page is turned. However, Tanenbaum writes so engagingly and his books have such heart, that most readers will fall in love with the Karps and will root for them to prevail over the forces of evil.
Rating:  Summary: Top-Notch Tanenbaum Review: "Absolute Rage" is the latest entry in the long-running Butch Karp-Marlene Ciampi series about two lawyers who marry and have kids, but who otherwise lead unusual lives. Butch works as the chief assistant District Attorney in New York City, where he encounters endless bureaucracy and constant political pressure from his superiors. Marlene runs a business training guard dogs, and she is determined to avoid the violence that marked the earlier part of her life. She has always had a penchant for trying to right wrongs, which more than once has placed her family in the line of fire. However, Marlene has decided that the satisfaction and excitement of bringing bad guys to justice is not worth the risk to herself and her loved ones. Alas, resolutions are made to be broken. Marlene and Butch meet the Heeny family on Long Island. The Heeneys include Rose, her volatile husband, Red, and their three children. Red Heeney is a firebrand union agitator who is trying to clean up the corruption in the coal-mining town of McCullensburg, West Virginia. However, Red's outspoken stand against corruption has tragic repercussions. Before long, Dan Heeney, Red's son, calls on Marlene to come to West Virginia to help him. Butch also gets involved in the ugly situation in West Virginia when the governor makes him a special prosecutor. It is Butch's job to bring justice to this lawless town. Tanenbaum's books all have several common threads. The dialogue is hip and saucy, and is often laced with sarcasm and flip humor. The prose is effortless and entertaining, and there is almost no objectionable language or gore. His books usually deal with important social issues. In "Absolute Rage," Tanenbaum's effectively describes how a small town gradually becomes completely corrupt. In McCullensburg, the mining company owns everything, including all of the elected officials. The characters in "Absolute Rage" are, as always, colorful and vivid. One of the most fascinating characters is Butch and Marlene's daughter, Lucy, who has grown up before our eyes. She is now a student in Boston College. Lucy has been a language prodigy for years and, unlike her parents, she is an ardent Catholic. In this novel, she experiences her first romantic encounter. Tanenbaum also brings back the fascinating Tran, a former guerilla fighter from Vietnam who has been a Karp family friend since the early days. "Absolute Rage" has a number of predictable elements. As always, Marlene and Lucy are offbeat and unconventional. It is a foregone conclusion that the Karps will be up to their ears in danger before the final page is turned. However, Tanenbaum writes so engagingly and his books have such heart, that most readers will fall in love with the Karps and will root for them to prevail over the forces of evil.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe a little thin on the edges Review: but I gulped it down nevertheless! As usual, the unstopable Marlen goes head first into something she really, really shouldn't have and finds herself, and her family, in a midst of a generations old feuds in a truly Wild West town, full of colourful characters. Expectedly, things quickly turn for the worse and (unexpectedly) Karps do not come out of this mess unscathed (no, I won't go into details - read the book). Maybe not the best in the series, but I am biting my nails for the next installment nevertheless.
Rating:  Summary: Too ridiculous to be interesting Review: I am an avid reader of Butch Karp & Marlene Ciampi series. However, the each one becomes more and more ridiculous. Absolute Rage was so ridiculous that is was unenjoyable reading. Also, the more I read Mr. Tanenbaum the more I am beginning to dislike him. I find his ridiculing of any place other than New York City very offensive. He constantly degrades anyone and their capabilities if they do not work in New York. This time West Virginia...a novel before Delaware. Get a grip Bob....there is a life outside of the Big Apple.
Rating:  Summary: Marlene spins out of control..... Review: I don't think that Robert Tanenbaum is really very fond of character Marlene Ciampi Karp. Over the years that this series has evolved (this is the 14th book in the series), Marlene and her over-the-top personality have been involved in any number of violent encounters. Her choice of professions (personal security for women) and friends (Tran, A violent Viet gangster, devoted to Marlene and daughter Lucy) have embroiled her, husband Butch, and even the children in many unsavory situations. Butch has remained sort of a "devoted rock", while Marlene has flirted with guns, drink, toyed with the idea of an affair, etc. In "Absolute Rage", Marlene has settled into a different type of lifestyle, on Long Island, training guard dogs in the manner of her own devoted Neapolitan mastiff. Daughter Lucy, now at Boston College, is back, and really shines in this novel; much of which is told from her point of view. The Karps become entangled with another family at the beach, West Virginians, the Heeneys. Violence directed at the Heeney family soon touches the Karps, and no one is safe. While Butch tries to stop the violence through legal channels, wife Marlene unleashes the fury of a woman whose family is threatened. Still entertaining, with sharp characterization and a feeling that Karp will soon be deserting the DA's office for something different, Tanenbaum gives us another tale of family woven with violence that will keep your heart pounding until the end. Still, one hopes that in novel 15, Tanenbaum will give Marlene's wild side a little rest...... Excellent!!
Rating:  Summary: Marlene spins out of control..... Review: I don't think that Robert Tanenbaum is really very fond of character Marlene Ciampi Karp. Over the years that this series has evolved (this is the 14th book in the series), Marlene and her over-the-top personality have been involved in any number of violent encounters. Her choice of professions (personal security for women) and friends (Tran, A violent Viet gangster, devoted to Marlene and daughter Lucy) have embroiled her, husband Butch, and even the children in many unsavory situations. Butch has remained sort of a "devoted rock", while Marlene has flirted with guns, drink, toyed with the idea of an affair, etc. In "Absolute Rage", Marlene has settled into a different type of lifestyle, on Long Island, training guard dogs in the manner of her own devoted Neapolitan mastiff. Daughter Lucy, now at Boston College, is back, and really shines in this novel; much of which is told from her point of view. The Karps become entangled with another family at the beach, West Virginians, the Heeneys. Violence directed at the Heeney family soon touches the Karps, and no one is safe. While Butch tries to stop the violence through legal channels, wife Marlene unleashes the fury of a woman whose family is threatened. Still entertaining, with sharp characterization and a feeling that Karp will soon be deserting the DA's office for something different, Tanenbaum gives us another tale of family woven with violence that will keep your heart pounding until the end. Still, one hopes that in novel 15, Tanenbaum will give Marlene's wild side a little rest...... Excellent!!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely fascinating Review: I have come to the conclusion that there should be a warning on books that have ongoing storylines. I would never have purchased this one. My apologies to the Tanenbaum fans but I was in a hurry to purchase a book to read and I grabbed this one. Having not been familiar with the Karp/Chiampi series, I can only say my first experience was terrible. The Karp/Chiampi characters are about as off the wall as one can get; that coupled with "Mr. MIT" Dan Heeney living in Hicksville, WA, tying up per chance on a train/the beach with a super linguist/devote Catholic, Papa Jewish DA, Momma "Not Sure I want to Be a Mom or Mobster." Please. How much drivel is one expected to take? Being a practicing Catholic as well, I am still not sure what sort of light Mr. Tanenbaum is attempting to shed on Catholicism with his portrayal of Lucy and his statement that she ran into a typicl dark Church that had been "Vatican Two-ed". I find the term offensive and can only state that the last two Parish's to which I have belonged are bright, airy, inspriring structures. (Although I do appreciate his point, generalizations detract from credibiblity.) At the ending I expected this may be a sequel, that and the references to Marlene "One Eye", or was it "St." Lucy stoking the opium pipe for "Uncle Tran." Please. Are we to expect a comic Book Sereies next? Perhaps from now on I should just take my time in the bookstore...
Rating:  Summary: Another first-class atom bomb for Tanenbaum Review: I seriously doubt if Tanenbaum could write a book that wasn't an absolutely I-couldn't-put-the-book-down read. This is one of his best. It starts calmly enough, and gradually buillds up to a brain bashing crescendo as it zeroes in on some genuine hillbilly killers who hold an entire region of West Virginia in terror and who have involved Butch and his family by killing a friend. Lucy is by now a young woman and happily is more deeply involved in the plot than she has been in quite some time. Needless to say, altho' Marlene starts out as a calm, civilized type, she reverts easily to the bull-bashing physical type that seems to be ingrained in her psyche. No fan of Tanenbaum's will be dissatisfied with this book. Unlike many authors who write successive series, he doesn't spend page after page telling about the past or describing the personalities of his characters. He lets that information develop as part of the story, which is a real relief. About the only thing I could find to strongly disagree with is Tanenbaum's tendency to make Butch overly idealistic. I think Butch's final assessment of the situation in West Virginia is far closer to reasonable than his puritanical view of how it was achieved. I can't wait for another in this series.
Rating:  Summary: This Year's Winner from Tanenbaum! Review: Robert Tanenbaum's newest offering in the Butch Karp / Marlene Ciampi series is Absolute Rage, a book that drags the Karps out of New York City and into the lovely and dangerous West Virginia mountains. It's not Tanenbaum's best in the series, but it is a great, rollicking read that will satisfy Karpophiles everywhere. Marlene Ciampi, we learn, has once again given up the gun. She has taken instead to raising and training Neopolitan Mastiffs on a farm on Long Island. Her financial windfall from her previous employment at a high-profile security company affords her the luxury of doing pretty much what she darn well pleases. This pleasant bucolic life comes to an abrupt end when she meets her summer neighbors, the Heeneys, from West Virginia. Husband "Red" Heeney is a union organizer who seeks to unseat the current corrupt union president and return some of the power to West Virginia's poorest and least-empowered workers, the coal miners. Red, despite his noble efforts on the part of exploited workers, is a drinker, a braggart, and a brawler who seems to bring misery to his family. Nevertheless, when Red, his wife Rose, and their youngest child Lizzie are murdered in their West Virginia home, Marlene is moved to help the two remaining Heeney sons find the killers and bring them to justice. Butch Karp finds himself in the middle of West Virginia violence by way of a friend and former professor who persuades Butch to take the job of outside prosecutor in the Heeney murders. The West Virginia governor would like to "clean up Dodge," but he knows that the town's corruption runs deeper than the coal in the mountains and will take an outside force to effect any real change. Karp takes the job to escape a frustrating political situation in the city. In typical fashion, Marlene's approach to rooting out and punishing the killers runs counter to Butch's ingrained belief in the rule of law. Readers who find Lucy Karp, the Karp's young language prodigy, an engaging and interesting character will enjoy her acquisition of a boyfriend. Lucy's insistence that she is too ugly and too peculiar to find love melts away under the attentions of Dan Heeney, Red's youngest son. Lucy discovers that she is quite possibly every bit as alluring as her mother was and still is. As she steps further from childhood, Lucy learns not only about her own heart but that of her lifelong friend Tran. The Vietnamese gangster has long been Lucy's friend and teacher, but she learns, this time out, that despite his outward veneer of civility and humanity, he is a cold killer underneath. The loss of this fiction, combined with the near-loss of brother Zik, shake Lucy's faith in God to its foundation. Lucy's younger brothers, twins Zik and Zak, are also interwoven in this story. Tanenbaum has chosen to flesh out their characters rather than leave them, as he once described them, as "indistinguishable larvae." Zik, the gentle Giancarlo, is an artist and a humorist, while Zak seems destined to join French Legion or perhaps the Green Berets, as his passion is plinking at rats with a small-caliber rifle and blowing stuff up. Tanenbaum seems aware that readers have favorite characters they wish to revisit in each novel, so he has managed to find places for Guma and V.T. Newbury in this venture. Even Murrow, Karp's deadpan assistant and one of the most promising new characters to come along since Harry Bello, makes a small appearance. As a result, the book is contrived, but happily so. It is a visit to familiar territory, a bus trip home, if you will. The reader must suspend belief-nay, the reader must stick her belief to the bedpost and remind herself to retrieve it in the morning-but the overall effect of the book is a tonic for the heart as well as the intellect. Few writers of popular, gobble 'em-down fiction manage to work in Vietnamese folk songs, St. Theresa of Avila, and giant slobbery dogs with as much success as Robert K. Tanenbaum.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely fascinating Review: This is the first Tanenbaum book I have read, and halfway through found myself wishing that the author had written a series with the same main characters. To my delight, I discovered that there are 14 books in the Karp/Cianni series, and tonight I ordered the first 5 - I am looking forward to reading all of them! What fun to discover a "new" author!