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Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time! Review: Gann was a good trader and self-promoter but was a lousy writer! He was supposed to have had a mystical key which unlocked the future movements of the markets. He never disclosed the mechanics of this key to his students, associates, or family members. Some of his forecasts were astounding while others were simply asinine. There is supposed to be a secret of market prognostication hidden in this book which might become apparent after the third reading. However, it is not likely that any but the most determined reader could get through this literary equivalent of a trip to the dentist's office more than once.Much of Gann's reputation came from an article that Richard D. Wyckoff wrote in 1909 describing Gann's trading skills. However, it should be noted that Wyckoff wrote twenty years after this article that the greatest trader he had ever known was Jesse Livermore - not W. D. Gann! (Furthermore, Gann was not included in Wyckoff's top three traders!) I have known several Gann-type traders over the years but, aside from their hype, have never witnessed any great market foresight coming from these practitioners. In my observation, the most successful Gann-type traders appear to be trend-followers. I have found that it is dangerous to bring preconceptions to the market place. The market is neither right nor wrong - it just IS! Preconceptions cause one to try to catch swing tops and bottoms. This is a hazardous, often financially-fatal practice. It is much safer to go with the flow. Trade with what you are experiencing - not because your forecast indicates that SPX should be trading at 1100 at 10:00AM on September 3.
Rating:  Summary: understanding the master time cycle Review: I feel that alot of gurus claim to have understood this book however I have never seen nor heard a prediction showing an interpretation or clear representation of these wonderful works.I feel that those who do understand would never be inclined to sell courses or in anyway profit from the knowledge within.That is why one must read and understand the bible.Only you know if you have been chosen and when you are you will truly be a believer in GOD. I am a humble mole in the tunnel. please read and getteth thy wisdom and with thy wisdom gaineth thy understanding.
Rating:  Summary: Pick a different book from the author Review: If i did not know that Gann was a successful trader, i would call the author a delusionist, insane and religious fanatic. After i read the book, i was so disappointed, and realized the foundation of his genius in the stock market. While the book is a novel, not what i wanted in the first place, its content and plot quality are so poor I lost the respect for Gann as a writer. If you are looking for a better trading idea or want to know more about his trading methods, this is not the book for you, unless you are in the same category. Gann wrote other books where his methods are more technically producable where he also discussed his time periods. Buy those, do not waste your time with this one. Do not believe in the [stuff] people says about his "secrets" in this book, his only secret is which a lot of people are aware of and could not do it on their own is really a workable plan and disciplins to execute it. This topic is very boring, but yet, if you read "rich dad, poor dad", you must have also agreed that the process of building riches/wealth is a bored one. So instead of seeking for the "secrets", start building your wealth by follow a plan, it will take sometimes. Gann did as he said in all of his books. His methods are more clearly explained in other books. This one he wrote to express what he would like to achieve in life, which he COULD NOT DO, predicting the correct market direction when he wanted it.
Rating:  Summary: My comment on decoding... Review: It is really a good book. One should try to read a few times of this book and then try to see from the writer points of view. Why he made such a story, what he wants to tell us and why he do it this way; and thus how one can find information to decode his writings. The surface story tell you something, but the implied meaning of this story tell you a lot greater. In my opinion, reading his 1909 article & his 2 master course is helpful in decoding too. This book does not only open the door to the secret of stock market, but to the secret of life, facts of life, facts of the Earth & our current understanding of Milky Way. Wish all readers will finally understand what Gann is trying to tell us.
P.S. And if you think you understand this book, go read the Bible and the new theories being developed in mathematics, physics, biology, bible studies, then I am sure your current understanding of our world will be changed. and once your mind is well-tuned, you will start to see the nature around you differently; very differently and namely the A.S.E. way.
Rating:  Summary: Esoteric Masterpiece on Market Behaviour Review: There are certain literary endeavours which have several layers of meaning imbedded in them. This profound book is a very valuable key to economic independence. It requires patience and hard work and probably a life devotion to unwinding its esoteric meaning. Do not expect to read this once and obtain an understanding of what it means. This book requires a good deal of background in esoteric matters such as Astrology and Kabbalism; it also requires diligence because every line must be combed for veiled meanings. There is no quick scheme for riches here. If you enjoy learning, exploring and growing this book will reward you. If you are looking for a get rich quick thing I don't think you will appreciate this work. To the discerning reader, I would suggest that once you have attained Mastery of all this, the irony is that the obtention of the riches becomes almost irrelevant, since you have obtained a wealth that far exceeds that of the mundane world!
Rating:  Summary: A Mystical Masterpiece Review: This book is one of the greatest ever written! I know this may sound absurd to the casual reader since the storyline is really silly and the language is quite flat. However, if you take the time to look beyond the superficial, a whole new world of fascinating brilliancy will appear. This book is up there with Finnegans Wake; it should come with a set of manuals. But those who know how to use it will never reveal what they find! This is the book where Gann has concealed his most powerful tool, never to be taught in any of the other books or courses. And it is not "just astrology" or the long biblical cycles. The bad news is that it is damned hard to find, it has taken me six years of study to say: now I understand its construction, and I still have a distance to go. How far, I don't know, but it is a fascinating journey! I'll give you one clue: when you understand the importance of Walter's puppy love you are on the right track...
Rating:  Summary: Far different from what I expected. A "Bible Code" book Review: This is the first Gann book I ever read. I expected it to be some kind of trading book that taught me about how one of the most famous traders of the last century developed and applied his technique like the Gann Line on the market, or something close to Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. However, this is a fiction of how somebody picking sentences here and there from the Bible, making propheses and earning bucks of gold in commodities markets. I have been a Baptist for half of my life and I study Bible intensely. I certainly would appreciate other traders to turn to Christ as their personal Savior. I just dont buy into that "Bible Code" type of stuff and take the Bible as a means of fortune telling for money making. Still I will go to read other Gann book in the future. However, I just cant recommend this as a trading book to anyone at all.
Rating:  Summary: A MYSTERIOUS AND CHALLENGING BOOK Review: This is the only book written by W.D. Gann which has a different twist for the rest of his stock andl commodities trading books and courses, yet it has full relevance to the markets. Gann said that this book contained a valuable secret. This secret seems to be the "Master Time Factor" which helped him to become a Wall Street legend. A careful analysis of the cotton trades may help you to discover the aster time factor that the fictional "Robert" traded. Gann was very well versed in the Bible and spared no effort to make as many quotations as necessary to prove his point throughout the entire book. Another attractive feature is the many predicitons that are made about the new develppments in science and society that took place just as he had written that they would occur. I think that it is unique and a real master-piece!
Rating:  Summary: W.D. Gann; The Great Guru of Wall Street ! Review: W.D. Gann was a legend in his own time. Although most people today have not heard of him, he was very well known in the first half of the 20th century. He was famous for making amazingly accurate predictions on the stock and commodity markets a year in advance. This book, 'The Tunnel thru the Air', is by far the best book he ever wrote. It is his ONLY book where he gives away his greatest secrets for predicting the markets (well, he sort of gives them away; the reader has to be willing to make a study of the book; that's why Gann advises readers to read the book three times). Using the information obtained from this book, I myself have made some very satisfying stock predictions. Seek, and ye shall find ! Study, and ye shall be rewarded !
Rating:  Summary: The Key To Gann's Method Of Forecasting Review: William D. Gann (1878 to 1955) was an outstanding stock and commodities trader. He was also a prolific teacher of how to make speculation a profitable profession, writing some seven books and producing two courses on trading the stock and commodity markets. However, Gann's superlative skill was his ability to produce annual forecasts of the stock and commodity markets one year in advance. Although he also sent his clients supplements, which corrected his annual forecasts when necessary, the overall accuracy of these annual forecasts is highly impressive. For example, Gann's annual stockmarket forecast for 1929, which was published in November 1928, unequivocally forecast the "Great Crash" in the fall of 1929. Gann's forecasts of the stock and commodity markets were based on his secret "time factor", which he described as follows: "Many people want to know what method I use to determine future indications on the market. I keep charts of the various active stocks and also a set of averages. My charts are different from the charts of the average statistician because they are based on a discovery of my own. I have discovered a "time" factor that enables me to determine important tops and bottoms one year or more in advance. My annual forecasts on stocks, issued in December for ten years past, have proved remarkably correct. The cotton and grain markets can also be forecast by this "time" factor, which enables me to tell when extreme highs and lows will be made, as well as the minor moves" ("Truth Of The Stock Tape", 1923, page 41 of appendix). Although Gann was unwilling to explicitly reveal his time factor in his books and courses on trading the stock and commodity markets, he was prepared to leave strong clues in his novel entitled "The Tunnel Thru The Air", which he wrote in 1927. The book describes the events in the United States leading up to the Second World War through the life of the principal character, Robert Gordon. Most importantly, in the foreword to this book Gann wrote, "'The Tunnel Thru The Air' is mysterious and contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled language.....When you read it the third time, a new light will dawn. You will find the hidden secret.....The future will become an open book". Gann's "valuable secret, clothed in veiled language" in this book is that, as the Bible clearly states, astrology really works. This theme runs throughout the book and is illustrated in the following quotations: "Robert was a great believer in Astrology because he had found this great science referred to so many times in the Holy Bible. He had made notes as he read the Bible at different times where it referred to Astrology or the signs of the heavens and was thoroughly convinced that the influence of the heavenly bodies govern our lives" (page 172). "I believe in the stars, I believe in astrology, and I have figured out my destiny. The Bible makes it plain that the stars do rule" (page 66). "Through my study of the Bible, I have determined the major and minor time factors which repeat in the history of nations, men and markets" (page 70). "I have studied the Bible very carefully because I believe it is the greatest scientific book ever written. The laws are plainly laid down how to make a success. There is a time and a season for everything and if a man does things according to the time, he will succeed" (page 204). "Robert had gone deeply into the Bible study in order to learn more about the great science of Astrology" (page 213). "He read all the books he could get on astrology and began to understand why things had happened as they had" (page 215). In summary therefore, the "valuable secret, clothed in veiled language" of Gann's book "The Tunnel Thru The Air" is that, as the Bible clearly states, astrology really works. Consequently, the very important implication is that the "time factor" which Gann used to prepare his annual forecasts of the stock and commodity markets is in fact astrology. In conclusion, if we as investors and traders wish to emulate Gann's outstanding ability to forecast the stock and commodity markets, it is absolutely necessary that we too learn astrology and then apply this knowledge to the analysis of the financial markets. Once we have mastered how astrological influences affect the financial markets we will, like Gann, become the foremost investors and traders of our generation.
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