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Rating:  Summary: The ONLY translated Aeneid to get Review: I have no idea what the previous review has to do with thebook. I'd like to say that the Aeneid is a beautiful tale and thatthe translator did a beautiful job of maintaining its beauty in English. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and recommend to anyone interested in Classics and Ancient Epic poetry. The above review should be taken 'cum grano salis' (with a grain of salt).
Rating:  Summary: This is a GREAT book. Review: The Aeneid is a beautiful tale and that the translator did a beautiful job of maintaining its beauty in English. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and recommend to anyone interested in Classics and Ancient Epic poetry.
Rating:  Summary: The Chariots Still Crash Review: The Aeneid, one of the most famous and widely translated books of all time, was written during Rome's 'golden era' by Publius Vergilius, an unassuming scholar in acquaintance with the Emperor Augustus. Fragmented history informs us that this long Latin poem came into being in part to give the empire a creation-mythos, in part to honor the sagas of Greece from which the bulk of the Roman belief-paradigm originated: scheming Gods, inflexible Fates, the monsters and melodrama human beings can't seem to get enough of...highbrow entertainment of the bygone era; a homage to and subtle critique of the Homeric ideal. And with hindsight, The Aeneid easily surpasses its source material in terms of scope and sheer writing. The book begins shortly after the devastation of Troy, and the first half chronicles the search of the refugee Trojans for a new home. The task is not an easy one: Aeneas the True and his compatriots are plagued by bad weather and the hallmarks of myth (the Cyclopes from the Odyssey make a brief cameo), while the Gods above, vindictive and conspiring, seek to either halt or hurry along their progress. The second half of the book dictates the arrival of the Trojans to Latium (Italy), the resistance they meet from the natives, and the establishment of Rome proper. The last quarter of the book is a montage of bloody battles, swords and sorrow taking their claim for the greater good of a future empire. I do not speak the 'dead' language of Latin and thus cannot comment on the translation itself; regardless, W.F. Jackson's prose is delight to read - certain passages contain beautiful rhyming schemes; the dialogue and description are extremely well done, retaining an 'old world' tone without becoming stilted or faux-archaic. And throughout the epic adventures and the blood-drenched battles, Virgil's theme - that of Rome's foundation and its preconceived glory - shines through abundantly clear, without ever drowning the reader in heavy-handed sermonizing or extreme sentimentality. An essential text for the student of myth & history. Five stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Chariots Still Crash Review: The Aeneid, one of the most famous and widely translated books of all time, was written during Rome's `golden era' by Publius Vergilius, an unassuming scholar in acquaintance with the Emperor Augustus. Fragmented history informs us that this long Latin poem came into being in part to give the empire a creation-mythos, in part to honor the sagas of Greece from which the bulk of the Roman belief-paradigm originated: scheming Gods, inflexible Fates, the monsters and melodrama human beings can't seem to get enough of...highbrow entertainment of the bygone era; a homage to and subtle critique of the Homeric ideal. And with hindsight, The Aeneid easily surpasses its source material in terms of scope and sheer writing. The book begins shortly after the devastation of Troy, and the first half chronicles the search of the refugee Trojans for a new home. The task is not an easy one: Aeneas the True and his compatriots are plagued by bad weather and the hallmarks of myth (the Cyclopes from the Odyssey make a brief cameo), while the Gods above, vindictive and conspiring, seek to either halt or hurry along their progress. The second half of the book dictates the arrival of the Trojans to Latium (Italy), the resistance they meet from the natives, and the establishment of Rome proper. The last quarter of the book is a montage of bloody battles, swords and sorrow taking their claim for the greater good of a future empire. I do not speak the `dead' language of Latin and thus cannot comment on the translation itself; regardless, W.F. Jackson's prose is delight to read - certain passages contain beautiful rhyming schemes; the dialogue and description are extremely well done, retaining an `old world' tone without becoming stilted or faux-archaic. And throughout the epic adventures and the blood-drenched battles, Virgil's theme - that of Rome's foundation and its preconceived glory - shines through abundantly clear, without ever drowning the reader in heavy-handed sermonizing or extreme sentimentality. An essential text for the student of myth & history. Five stars.
Rating:  Summary: A True Classic Review: This is probably one of the most often reproduced, translated and published books on earth, and with good reason. The mythical foundation of Rome is laid out in this book, with its epic characters and plot, it is a must-read for anyone interested in the classics.
Rating:  Summary: "Fated to be an Exile..." Review: [This review relates to the wondrous Penguin Classics edition of THE AENEID, "Tranlated into English Prose with an Introduction by W.F.Jackson Knight."] If Virgil could lead the poet Dante through the wasteland and Inferno at the end of the Middle Ages, perhaps the poet Virgil, aided by the skill and inspiration of the translator W.F.Jackson Knight, might perform the same needed function for us, here at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. W.F.Jackson Knight, in his very interesting and insightful "Introduction," makes the argument that "the AENEID of Virigl is a gateway between the pagan and the Christian centuries." That much, itself, might serve as the basis for some excellent essays of analysis and interpretation. But Knight has his own path to tread. So we should let him. ------------- "In the beginning, Rome had been a tiny settlement surrounded by enemies -- and it had needed a strong will: proud,disciplined, and sustained -- to survive at all. Rome did survive and was led on by successive hard-won victories to world dominion. The early history is obscure, but the process seems to have taken at least five centuries of almost continuous warfare, and during that period the Romans achieved unparalleled success, apparently through unique merits of their own, combined with a special share of divine favor and good fortune [a nice touch of Pagan sentiment, there, to counter-balance the perhaps over-emphasis on the Christian tie at the beginning]. This spectacular rise of Rome was a matter for wonder and a certain reverence to the Romans themselves, especially when, in the later years of the republican period, new chances of peace and prosperity, AND A NEW ACCESS OF SKEPTICISM threatened THE OLD HABITS OF LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, and SELF-SACRIFICE" [capitals are mine]. --------- Knight continues with his excellent "Introduction" and talks of Publius Vergilius Maro [usually denoted as "Virgil"], the excellent, visionary poet and artist who created the epic poem for Roman patriotic pride, values teaching, and national identity -- THE AENEID. I especially like Knight's discussion of the influences on Virgil as he wrote the epic. -------- "The AENEID is the third, last, and longest of Virgil's poems. It is a legendary narrative, a story about the imagined origin of the Roman nation in times long before the foundation of Rome itself. * * * The AENEID, as any epic should be, is an exciting story extremely well told and full of incident; it can be read as a story and nothing more. However, besides being a story, it is a kind of moving picture -- carrying allusive, and in a sense, symbolic meanings. * * * In the poem [the gods and goddesses]communicate with mortal men either directly or through dreams, visions, omens, and the words of prophets and clairvoyants. Virgil had no doubt that the affairs of the earthly world are subject to the powers of another world, a world which is normally, but by no means always, invisible, but no less real for that.... * * * The great poets have a way of making what is seen reveal the unseen; and they seem to do this better if they collect an enormous quantity of observations on life, their own and other people's, and then condense it under strong pressure so that even a few words have a great power of suggestion and persuasion. No doubt they are all the time choosing with precise accuracy what is most important. The result is an allusive and partly symbolic kind of language able to communicate not merely single happenings but the universal truth behind them. These greater poets also reach back across past time, and represent a view of the world which belongs not to one man or one generation of men but to the men of many succeeding generations or even a whole civilization. The experience which is distilled may be the experience of many centuries; and it may be condensed and focused by a single genius in a single poetic statement. That is what Virgil did to the experience of the Greeks and Romans in the AENEID." ["Introduction." W.F. Jackson Knight. AENEID. Penguin Classics.] ----------------- In talking of the other literary influences which helped inspire Virgil and which he distilled into his own poetic process with the helps of the fires of creative energy and intuition, Knight mentions (of course) the fact of Homer and his two major epics, the ILIAD and the ODYSSEY. He also mentions the influence of Lucretius. But he says: "Virgil knew his [Lucretius] work well and made free use of many hundreds of his phrases in the AENEID, and let them suggest ideas. But since HE VIOLENTLY DISAGREED WITH THE MATERIALISTIC PHILOSOPHY of LUCRETIUS, he could not adopt his thought. Indeed, he apparently delighted in turning it upside down, and expressing something far more like the idealistic philosophy of PLATO, even when the phrases of Lucretius were influencing him." I very much prefer Knight's "prose" English version of the AENEID over most of the other ones which I have encountered. His English prose flows like poetry, and is eminently readable as well as instantly understood. One encounters that famous opening, translated so well into intuitive, inspired English prose: "This is a tale of arms and of a man. Fated to be an exile, he was the first to sail from the land of Troy and reach Italy, at its Lavinian shore. He met many tribulations on his way both by land and on the ocean; high Heaven willed it, for Juno was ruthless and could not forget her anger. And he had also to endure great suffering in warfare." Inspiring and instructive, for Romans, for Dante, and for us!
Rating:  Summary: "Fated to be an Exile..." Review: [This review relates to the wondrous Penguin Classics edition of THE AENEID, "Tranlated into English Prose with an Introduction by W.F.Jackson Knight."] If Virgil could lead the poet Dante through the wasteland and Inferno at the end of the Middle Ages, perhaps the poet Virgil, aided by the skill and inspiration of the translator W.F.Jackson Knight, might perform the same needed function for us, here at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. W.F.Jackson Knight, in his very interesting and insightful "Introduction," makes the argument that "the AENEID of Virigl is a gateway between the pagan and the Christian centuries." That much, itself, might serve as the basis for some excellent essays of analysis and interpretation. But Knight has his own path to tread. So we should let him. ------------- "In the beginning, Rome had been a tiny settlement surrounded by enemies -- and it had needed a strong will: proud,disciplined, and sustained -- to survive at all. Rome did survive and was led on by successive hard-won victories to world dominion. The early history is obscure, but the process seems to have taken at least five centuries of almost continuous warfare, and during that period the Romans achieved unparalleled success, apparently through unique merits of their own, combined with a special share of divine favor and good fortune [a nice touch of Pagan sentiment, there, to counter-balance the perhaps over-emphasis on the Christian tie at the beginning]. This spectacular rise of Rome was a matter for wonder and a certain reverence to the Romans themselves, especially when, in the later years of the republican period, new chances of peace and prosperity, AND A NEW ACCESS OF SKEPTICISM threatened THE OLD HABITS OF LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, and SELF-SACRIFICE" [capitals are mine]. --------- Knight continues with his excellent "Introduction" and talks of Publius Vergilius Maro [usually denoted as "Virgil"], the excellent, visionary poet and artist who created the epic poem for Roman patriotic pride, values teaching, and national identity -- THE AENEID. I especially like Knight's discussion of the influences on Virgil as he wrote the epic. -------- "The AENEID is the third, last, and longest of Virgil's poems. It is a legendary narrative, a story about the imagined origin of the Roman nation in times long before the foundation of Rome itself. * * * The AENEID, as any epic should be, is an exciting story extremely well told and full of incident; it can be read as a story and nothing more. However, besides being a story, it is a kind of moving picture -- carrying allusive, and in a sense, symbolic meanings. * * * In the poem [the gods and goddesses]communicate with mortal men either directly or through dreams, visions, omens, and the words of prophets and clairvoyants. Virgil had no doubt that the affairs of the earthly world are subject to the powers of another world, a world which is normally, but by no means always, invisible, but no less real for that.... * * * The great poets have a way of making what is seen reveal the unseen; and they seem to do this better if they collect an enormous quantity of observations on life, their own and other people's, and then condense it under strong pressure so that even a few words have a great power of suggestion and persuasion. No doubt they are all the time choosing with precise accuracy what is most important. The result is an allusive and partly symbolic kind of language able to communicate not merely single happenings but the universal truth behind them. These greater poets also reach back across past time, and represent a view of the world which belongs not to one man or one generation of men but to the men of many succeeding generations or even a whole civilization. The experience which is distilled may be the experience of many centuries; and it may be condensed and focused by a single genius in a single poetic statement. That is what Virgil did to the experience of the Greeks and Romans in the AENEID." ["Introduction." W.F. Jackson Knight. AENEID. Penguin Classics.] ----------------- In talking of the other literary influences which helped inspire Virgil and which he distilled into his own poetic process with the helps of the fires of creative energy and intuition, Knight mentions (of course) the fact of Homer and his two major epics, the ILIAD and the ODYSSEY. He also mentions the influence of Lucretius. But he says: "Virgil knew his [Lucretius] work well and made free use of many hundreds of his phrases in the AENEID, and let them suggest ideas. But since HE VIOLENTLY DISAGREED WITH THE MATERIALISTIC PHILOSOPHY of LUCRETIUS, he could not adopt his thought. Indeed, he apparently delighted in turning it upside down, and expressing something far more like the idealistic philosophy of PLATO, even when the phrases of Lucretius were influencing him." I very much prefer Knight's "prose" English version of the AENEID over most of the other ones which I have encountered. His English prose flows like poetry, and is eminently readable as well as instantly understood. One encounters that famous opening, translated so well into intuitive, inspired English prose: "This is a tale of arms and of a man. Fated to be an exile, he was the first to sail from the land of Troy and reach Italy, at its Lavinian shore. He met many tribulations on his way both by land and on the ocean; high Heaven willed it, for Juno was ruthless and could not forget her anger. And he had also to endure great suffering in warfare." Inspiring and instructive, for Romans, for Dante, and for us!
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