Rating:  Summary: About this edition Review: 16 years ago i saw these two movies. And i have tried to find them ever since. i really cant remember much of it except the lion and unicorn eating cake withe alice and the really angry red queen and the chess peices. this is by far the best version ever. The 1999 version cant hold a candle to this great film. From the all star cast to the beautiful sceanery and perfect following of thee orignal story....For some reason anything alice is a must have and these videos are a must have Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass are great family films with many laughs, even some chills sure to leave you with great memories forever....
Rating:  Summary: What the Dormouse said Review: ALICE'S charming story is full of puns and ADdled nonsense as she VENTURES INto a rabbit hole and falls, and what a WONDERful world she LANDs in.
Rating:  Summary: True to the story? Review: Brilliant film. I have Alice in Wonderland taped on video and i have been looking for Alice Through the Looking Glass for a long time. While watching it last week, I discovered that Part 2 is also on it, so I saw that for the first time the other day. What can i say? Brilliant acting from the whole cast, especially Natalie Gregory who plays Alice. i recommend it to anyone. Children and adults would love it.
Rating:  Summary: Beware the Jabberwocky! Review: I had seen this back in the 80's and was surprised as to the stars involved in the project. It almost plays out as a who's who of stars from the time. I especially liked Natalie Gregory as Alice. She played the role well as the naive little girl who wants to grow up but childhood wants to keep just a little longer. Sit down and enjoy it with your kids some rainy day and you all will enjoy the warm glow of family again
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY FOUND IT!!! Review: I remember this movie when i was a little girl about 18 years ago and i have always had an eye out for it i wasnt sure which one it was, through the looking glass or wonderland cause it had been so long ago, i first purchased through through the looking glass and although it was really fun to watch with my 4 year old it wasnt the one i remembered so now im purchasing in wonderland, now i will have the two part set:-) no complaints at all with either one of them, im just glad i found them. Im looking forward to them coming out in dvd.
Rating:  Summary: Take a walk with the dream child. Review: If you long to be carried away to a world of nonsense and magic, talking beasts and flowers then Alice is the best tour guide you can employ. This is a book that will find a place close to the heart of a reader of any age that has a place inside reserved for whimsy and childlike wonder. As Alice travels through Wonderland and meets many unexpected characters your imagination will soar. Run a race with a dodo bird. Have tea with the doremouse and his friends the mad hatter and the march hare. Thrill at the "Jabberwocky". Alice proves to be a very level headed young lady indeed as she encounters things that become "curiouser and curiouser!" The story meanders through forests and chessboards that are life size never ceasing to amaze the reader with charm and wit. Lewis Carroll completed a masterpiece of fantasy and social comentary in this classic tale. The book is truly a gift to any one who hopes to hold onto childhoods magic.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant fun, a little something for everyone. Review: Its hard to imagine anyone not enjoying this brilliant book. Whether you're a young child or an experienced reader, you can't help but marvel at the charm that Lewis Carrol creates. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (The Alice books as they are often collectively referred to as) are two of the most enduring children's stories of all time. However, at the same time, they both are considered to be literary achievements in the adult crowd, due to the many societal critiques hidden withing the text.Alice's Adventures in Wonderland begins with the classic scene of young Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Soon she finds herself lost in an insane world. Drinking things make her grow into a giant or shrink to the size of a mouse. Best of all, are Alice's conversations with the many eclectic characters that inhabit Wonderland. Unfortunately, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland comes to an end within the one hundred page mark (it is a children's story, after all). Fortunately, this collection holds the book's sequel Alice Through the Looking Glass. In this Alice stumbles through a looking glass and finds herself in Wonderland again. This time around she becomes a pawn in a giant game of chess. The reader follows her adventures as he tries to become a queen by making it to the eighth square. This chessboard element proves a very intersting way of advancing the storyline. What truly gives this book its lasting charm is its characters. Whether its the Mad Hatter telling Alice about his friend Time, or the disappearing Cheshire Cat, every character is impossible to forget. Many such as the White Rabbit, remain popular icons today, well over a century later. Conversations held with these characters often prove laugh out loud funny, as Alice tries to make sense of and explain herself to these characters. From beginning to end, the reader will have a goofy grin plastered across his or her face. Behind all these fun adventures, Carroll manages to slip in a large amount of social commentary. Some characters represent types of people, such as the overzealous monarch, to display in an exaggerated sense the foolishness of such extremes. His many poems throughout the book often have larger meanings as well: The Walrus and the Carpenter are clearly a condemnation of modern religion. Even the wild effects of drinking and eating can be interpreted as a moral on temperence. As the Duchess in the Wonderland said "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it." Likewise, Alice is rife with various morals. So what makes this book a classic? Reading through other people's comments, its hard to find a single person that didn't give it five stars, much less didn't like it. However, it was hard to find a definite consensus on what made it so good. Some stated its entertainment value, other enjoyed the commentary. Perhaps what makes this book so brilliant is that it has whatever you're looking for. If you want escape and adventure, it has it. If you want to laugh, there's humor. If you want intellectual thought and prose thats there too. What will the reader take away from reading is whatever they are looking for. Definitely a book that deserves its recognition as a classic of English literature.
Rating:  Summary: Happy to have this movie back in my life! Review: Like so many others I saw this version on tv in 1985. My grandparents taped it for me and before it was lost, I watched it relentlessly. Which I will begin to do again...immediately! If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing this movie or its mini-series counterpart, Through the Looking Glass, I highly recommend both. They will instantly become a favorite.
Rating:  Summary: THERE'S ONLY ALICE-Or How To Become An Alice Collector Review: They say the most translated books along with Alice In Wonderland are the Bible and Shakespeare,one of which is a catalogue of death and murder the other closer to Pornography. Both are of course excrucuatingly boring.
Alice was always about Fun right from Day 1.Its led to endless parodies for one thing which all emphasize the fun factor and yet its also an academic thing.
Its author was a Genius but by the time the book was published it had had a catalyst in Alice Liddell,one of the children who heard the story and begged Carroll to write it down for her.
At this time there was no thought of offering the manuscript too a publisher,that again had another catalyst in author George McDonald whose daughter read the rough draft and liked it herself.
Over 100 years on the World is full of Alice Experts and there are Societies in the UK,North America,Japan and New Zealand to spread the Word According To Lewis Carroll
Nowadays you can find a months worth of reading on the Internet which means you can become an Alice Expert of sorts.The most obvious route to this is to become a Collector but here you have to specialize when an average of one new book a week appears.Or if not books there's over 100 CDs somewhere of Alice associated and inspired music.
You don't though even need to read the book in the physical sense when its on line or available as a Talking Book (with at least 50 different readers) so you can easily get someone else to read it out to you
What's become the Alice Industry is fuelled by endless merchandizing on line or via mail order and retail shops which specialise in Alice.
Here in England you become aware of more American than British involvement,every week bringing something new
Rating:  Summary: Alice in Wonderland Review: This is a pretty awesome book, and that's coming from someone who can't stand reading a book. The imaginative phrases and descriptions are enough to keep you going strong until the very end. The numerous descriptions of the different areas of wonderland is pretty cool. I recommend this book.