Rating:  Summary: nice weekend book Review: I thought it was very funny and romantic book. Kind of man-cinderella story. I read it in 2 days; it was definitely worth of my time.
Rating:  Summary: Too predictable Review: I love Olivia Goldsmith's books ~~ she has a saucy way of writing that just draws the reader into the world she has created ... but I am sad to say that this book isn't one of them. It's a big disappointment because I really was looking forward to reading this book!! However, if you're looking for a fun twist on romantic comedy ~~ this book isn't it.Tracie always go for the bad boy ~~ the tough guy who treats his women like dirt ~~ and they keep coming back for more. Jon, her best friend, is desperate to get a date ~~ so he asked Tracie for a makeover into a bad boy ~~ only to discover women were falling for him or is it for his bad boy image? Goldsmith explores the phenomenon on why women are attracted to the "bad boy" and not the nice boys, like Jon. But she didn't go into depth ~~ it's almost as if she wrote this book in a hurry as it's not typical of her writing style at all. It's still a good read ~~ but save it for the afternoon at the beach. 4-5-02
Rating:  Summary: another JUST COULDN'T FINISH IT, IT WAS SO BAD Review: The cover was the best thing about this book. Just don't bother to open it. Tracy and Jon are two of the stupidest people I've stumbled across in the Romance world, and believe me there are plenty. The only thing you can say is "they deserve each other but why did they waste everyone's time getting there?"
Rating:  Summary: Where's the -1*? Review: I don't know what the tape is like, but the book makes Whitney Houston's lyrics...sound good. And, I can't think of any lower praise than that. First of all, the author has never been to Seattle, and she should only write about things that she has intimate experience with, like the display table at Nieman-Marcus. Secondly, we would never allow anyone as stupid as Tracie to work at the Seattle Communist Times. Thirdly, any woman in Seattle would love to go out with Jon, because nice, rich guys at MSFT would look yummy compared to all the obscene Bad Boys that inhabit the underworld of Seattle, but no one from Hell-A would know that. Glad I didn't finish the book.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time with this one Review: ...I bought the book because it sounded like a fun read, but I was more irrated than amused. I was all for the idea of giving the friend advise on how to dress - the shopping scene was the funniest part of the book. I was even ok with the idea that he needed a few pointers on what to say to attract woman and not bore them. However, it was entirely unbelievable to me that Tracie would tell Jon to deceive women about his interests and his life experiences (i.e. mountain climbing, a fictional dead twin brother, his job, etc.) in order to fool them long enough to get them into bed. What woman would seriously give this advise to a friend? Tracie's character was unappealing to me for this and many other reasons (lack of spirit in telling her boss to go to hell, allowing herself to be treated like a doormat by her "bad boy" boyfriend, writing a hurtful story about her friend because it would sell - it doesn't matter that she changes her mind later, she still wrote it knowing it was hurtful, etc.). Don't waste your time with this one - Goldsmith's other books are better.
Rating:  Summary: all the makings of a winner and falls flat Review: i gave the book 3 stars because i bought it, i call it "the pick up" factor. this is a story about a young woman who loves bad boys. her best friend is not a bad boy, so she remakes him into one. we get the tour of stores and name brands and what or what does not make a nerd. it is kind of grating. the pace is uneven, he sleeps with more than a few women. the guy and girl hook up and that is the end. not much to it.
Rating:  Summary: Did Anyone Edit this Mess? Review: As someone who has enjoyed previous Goldsmith novels, I was seriously appalled and disappointed by this one. Others have written much about why it disappoints, so I'll try not to repeat all of those observations. However, I must reiterate the most glaring error in a book filled with errors (that reader review was written long enough ago that it's probably not read much now): Jon (who is being made over by Tracie from geek to hottie) goes to the SEATTLE-TACOMA airport to practice hitting on women (which is an odd choice to begin with). He reads the arrivals board and notices a flight has come in from...Tacoma! How miraculous. Really, all an editor would have had to do is look at a map, for crying out loud, to see that Tacoma and Seattle are too close together to fly from one to the other (and might have even found out that they share an airport). Not that Goldsmith couldn't have done so herself and saved the editor the trouble...There are numerous other Seattle-related mistakes, but that's the most preventable, unforgivable and ridiculous. Also worth repeating: Everything about the "newsroom" (fluffroom is more like it) was wrong, wrong, wrong. No respectable editor tells his/her reporter to include "as many advertisers as possible" in her story, no matter how fluffy that story may be. (Note I am talking about respectable newspapers. For all I know it may happen unapologetically at some "shopper"-type rags, but I haven't spent any time at those -- just in real newsrooms.) Another thing: When sexual harrassment occurs in this day and age, it's a little more subtle. Heck, people even get in trouble for the subtle stuff some of the time! No one who acted in the manner of Tracie's boss would last a week in a job like that. And even if he did, Tracie and her co-workers would be idiots not to sue him. But I guess depicting a sleazy boss with enough subtlety to make him believable might have required some effort -- and this book has "toss-off" written all over it. This book is so annoyingly bad that it doesn't even qualify as a "fun read." A few mildly amusing scenes do not a fun read make. Save your money and send the publishing world a message.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money! Review: I usually like Olivia Goldsmith's books, but this book was not even comparable to 'First Wives Club' or some of her other books. It was horrible! The plot was silly, the characters just plain stupid, and very predictable. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: A thoroughly enjoyable read! Review: I'm surprised at all the negative comments on this book. I thought it was very entertaining and funny. A really good read.
Rating:  Summary: Dragged out and quite boring!!! Review: Currently, I am about 1/2 way though this nonsense! I can't bring myself to "want" to read this one. In the book store it looked like a possibly cute story. I've never read any of Olivia G's books before so I had nothing to compare it to. This is a bomb. I do not like one of the characters in this story. First of all it is too dragged out describing ever second of Jon's "transformation". Secondly, they make this guy a total geek, like he doesn't even know how to speak to a woman without "cool" Tracie's help. And Tracie is extremely annoying. If Jon is suppose to be Tracie's friend, why is she always laughing at his patheticness? I guess I will continue to read, but only because I don't have another book at this moment. I say do not waste your TIME!