Rating:  Summary: congratulations mr bakker Review: Mr. Bakker presents many incredibly obvious arguments in this book. Most of his reasoning is flawless, and while many call it deviating too far from old-fashioned ideas, the plain truth is that in many places the conventional ideas were just wrong and needed to be corrected. The only major mistake in the book is Mr Bakker's assertion of the weakness of Tyrannosaurus' front limbs. In more recent findings it has been discovered that the front limb's were actually much shorter than previously believed and much stronger. In fact, most tyrannosaurs could probably bench-press about three hundred pounds or more. Aside from that one misunderstanding, however, the book rates five stars in my view.
Rating:  Summary: Dinosaurs v6.01 Review: Never in a million years (and I use this timing advisedly) would I have thought that dinosaurs could be made obsolete at about the same pace as computers and software.And yet it is true - this book, published barely a dozen years back, was revolutionary at the time but is now accepted wisdom and other advances in dinosaurology are making waves. Jurassic Park picked up on many of Bakker's wild ideas and now every schoolkid is aware of the link between dinosaurs and birds. And me, well I enjoyed this book at the time it was published, and I enjoy it every bit as much now. It is a personal look at dinosaurs by a man who knows his subject intimately, and he makes his case in an engaging and very readable fashion. I've been fascinated by dinosaurs since before I can remember, my parents bought me dinosaur books for my early birthdays, and I bought this book for a somewhat later present to myself. To anybody contemplating buying, all I can say is: if you like dinosaurs and you are even halfway of a scientific bent, then buy this book! A very good read, virtually unput-downable, and profusely illustrated in an elegant style by the author's own hand.
Rating:  Summary: A good, honest view of Dinosaur facts Review: Not only is this book written in a manner in which the lay person can understand, but Bakker's ideas are clearly presented. The text is enhanced by the many illustrations and diagrams. Additionally, he treats other people's ideas with respect, while explaining why, in his opinion, they do not appear valid. I think many readers will be surprised that many of our modern ideas on Dinosaurs are not at all original, but were first touted last century. Overall, an excellent read, lively and intelligent. If you only read one book on modern thought regarding Dinosaurs then this should be it.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah, baby, yeah!!! Review: Ok, i actually only read about 3/4 of this book so far, but I still feel confident in saying, it rocks!! If you enjoy a good dinosaur book(and who doesn't), then this book is for you. This highly readable book presents dinosaurs to the average person in all their majestic glory. These creatures weren't clumsy relics of a forgotten age. Dinosaurs were awesome beasts who dominated the earth for about 160 million years. In addition to being readable Bakker's scientific arguments are logical and well structured (he convinced me on all the points he tried to bring across). Also Bakker's pictures are neato and add a lot to the book. I may not be a professional paleontologist but I am definitely a dinosaur fan and this book delivers.
Rating:  Summary: Dinos Abound! Review: Robert Bakker proves that he's more than "the chunky guy with a big beard and cowboy hat in documentary programs about Dinosaurs". I had seen references to his book in DRAGON Magazine, of all places, before I actually read it. I caught his act on a Dino Special, and found a copy of his book at one of the Museum Shops in D.C. It blew me away, with his lively illos and his easy to read, intelligent, funny, and clever text. The critters practically leap off of the page. I came away a believer, as should all who read this one. I have read far too many books about Paleontology and Dinosaurs for a layman, but this one is the BEST. He really knows how to ignite a controversy or 15, causing the reader to come away rethinking the issue. As Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes would say, "It would be lame if dinosaurs were any other way than Bob Bakker describes them!". I agree, and so will you.
Rating:  Summary: Still the Best Introduction to Modern Dinosaur Paleobiology Review: Robert Bakker's wonderful tome remains the best introduction to current concepts in dinosaur paleobiology a decade and a half after its initial publication in hardcover. Frankly I'm not surprised that this is so since Bakker was one of those who advocated a radical new view of dinosaur paleobiology. And he was lucky to be as skillful a writer as his graduate school mentor, Harvard University invertebrate paleobiologist Stephen Jay Gould. Furthermore, Bakker is the only prominent paleobiologist who is also a great artist. He has adroitly presented his views to fellow scientists and the public through his excellent writing and art. Both are put to splendid use in this book. Bakker makes a compelling case for warm-blooded dinosaurs and the dinosaur ancestry of birds through a thorough consideration of skeletal paleontological evidence and physiological comparisons with reptiles, mammals and birds - or rather, avian dinosaurs. Less persuasive are his observations noting a correlation between predator/prey ratios among land animals and warm bloodedness; the fewer the predators versus increasing numbers of prey, the more likely that prey species are warm blooded. Yet Bakker offers so much evidence, that his predator/prey ratio argument may be persuasive. Bakker also offers his readers an extensive overview of dinosaur phylogeny and behavior. He notes in considerable detail the anatomical differences between the two orders of dinosaurs, and describes their subsequent evolutionary histories. Towards the end he makes the novel suggestion that dinosaurs should be recognized as their own class of animals, distinct from mammals, birds and reptiles. He includes birds as the sole surviving representatives of one of these orders, regarding them as avian dinosaurs. No book on dinosaurs can be complete without a discussion of probable causes for the final mass extinction of non avian dinosaurs. Here Bakker dismisses an asteroid or comet as the likely culprit. Instead, he makes a very persuasive case for disease. Although Bakker's book doesn't cover the important discoveries in dinosaur paleobiology made since its initial publication, it is still an excellent overview of contemporary dinosaur paleobiology. This is a book I strongly recommend to graduate students of paleobiology as well as the general public.
Rating:  Summary: simply perfect Review: Robert T. Bakker has been an inspiration all of my life. As a PBS child obsessed with dinosaurs, I saw him regularly on T.V. This book supurbly establishes a basis for all of his views on dinosaur physiology based on not only the facts he has discovered in his brilliant and acclaimed career, but on the work of countless other paleontologists. It is a great read as well. It is not dull and plodding like some sort of manual, but filled with information that is interesting and enjoying to read. The illustrations done by the author are flawless as well. This book is perfect for anyone with even a passing interest in paleontology.
Rating:  Summary: simply perfect Review: Robert T. Bakker has been an inspiration all of my life. As a PBS child obsessed with dinosaurs, I saw him regularly on T.V. This book supurbly establishes a basis for all of his views on dinosaur physiology based on not only the facts he has discovered in his brilliant and acclaimed career, but on the work of countless other paleontologists. It is a great read as well. It is not dull and plodding like some sort of manual, but filled with information that is interesting and enjoying to read. The illustrations done by the author are flawless as well. This book is perfect for anyone with even a passing interest in paleontology.
Rating:  Summary: Caen los viejos estandartes... Review: Soy paleoilustrador... y siempre he tenido una vision muy critica en lo que se refiere a la imagen del dinosaurio como especie biologica, que hemos soportado por siglos. Robert Bakker nos abre los ojos con una especie llave inglesa gigantesca con esta obra, a pesar de que fue escrita tiempo atras, los textos se mantienen casi vigentes en la mente colectiva de los mas atrevidos, de los que no aceptamos nunca a los dinosaurios como torpes animales victimas de su propia fisiologia. A Bakker lo odias o lo amas mucho, ya que te explica cada hipotesis, cada teoria en un lenguage muy coloquial, muy ameno y grafico, que al final te sientes tentado a creerle hasta las mas descabelladas.
Rating:  Summary: The Dinosaur Heresies Review: The Dinosaur Heresies by Robert T. Bakker, Ph.D. is a forward and progressive look at unlocking the mystery of the dinosaurs and their extinction. Misconceptions are always associated with dinosaurs, because we do NOT understand completely as to how they looked, nor will we ever, unless we go back in time and see directly. So, we have to extrapolate from the fossil record. Which then leads to interpretation, as the clues are being uncovered, it takes a good detective with a vision to put the pieces together. I believe that Bakker has done that in this book as he paints a revolutionary picture of dinosauria. And a dynamic, robust picture it is. This book opens eyes as to how things could have been or were at that time. As more information becomes available, the tapesty of that time begins to fill in and a picture emerges. I believe that Bakker is on the right track. This book will enlighten and educate as well. I found the text to explain well as to why Bakker believes what he believes and makes a compelling argument to that. Whether you agree or disagree with Bakker's theory, the dead bones in the right hands seem to come alive a tell a most enthralling story. If you like dinosaurs, this is a brilliant and unquestionably well written book. There are spectacular illustrations throughout to highlight this well told story.