Rating:  Summary: Terror And Suspense Unparalleled Review: This is without a doubt the most terrifying novel I have ever read. Not because it is rife with ghouls or monsters or anything of the sort. This book will capture the imagination and emotions of the reader because it is about real people, people who may be living next door to you right now.The reality and the narrative pictures the author creates is palpable. The characters are so vivid and the action so believable and credible you will not put this book down until you are finished and then you will notice you heart is beating faster. A harrowing account of horrific abuses suffered by sisters at the hands of seeming normal, functional people, other children as well as a mentally ill relative, it is the masterwork of a true genius in this genre. The true terror is the fact this could happen anywhere to anyone and society may likely overlook it. The reality and the chronology written into the novel are amazing and the insight into the corrupted minds of the perpetrators is extraordinary. The heroism of the protagonist and her humanity, all so brilliantly depicted will amaze the reader and surely bring about some introspection. Not a book for the faint of heart or those not interested in a chill up their spine and a tug at their own conscience. This book will make you think about yourself as well as the characters.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably appalling! Review: I only bought this book for 30 bucks (I practically never buy hardcovers) because someone on a newsgroup recommended it - called it brutal and horrifying. Every review I saw of it said the same thing, but I'm a seasoned horror buff and didn't quite believe it, as I've seen and read some pretty awful things. I started the book and didn't put it down till I was through, three hours later. I felt both empathy and outrage at the narrator for allowing these horrible things to happen, yet being too frozen by fear to do very much about the situation. I flinched and cringed at some of the more cruel scenes, feeling so sorry for Meg and her sister - almost feeling physical pain for Meg at one or two of the most severe attacks. This book really put me through the wringer, and I loved the author for it! When I tell you that every single review you'll see here is VERY right about the brutality in this book, you'd better believe it. After I finished the book, I read the introduction (Stephen King included a few spoilers so be warned and don't read it beforehand!) and then went online to read the reviews here on Amazon. I had NO idea the story was based on a true story, and it actually makes it all the more appalling. I wouldn't classify this book as a traditional "horror" story, but it IS in fact more frightful than many horror books you'll find because it's actually based on real life. The only thing I can compare this book to is a gory train wreck - if you're like me, you probably wouldn't be able to keep from looking. If you're one of those "sensitive viewers" they speak of on television warnings, I'd advise you to look the other way, because you'll probably be sick. If you think you're strong enough to read this, go ahead and buy it because you will NOT be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Sickening Stuff- Review: My review is simply going to be the truth of this book as I see it, and how this book affected me emotionally, unlike most of the other reviews posted here. This is the first Jack Ketchum book I have read. If this book wasn't based on a true story, I would have said that I couldn't believe the characters were real, because only the sickest of people would do the things these people do. I wouldn't have believed that kids as young as 10 and 13 years old could visciously do these things with glee. I also find it hard to believe that nobody outside the family (especially another girl) would have told an adult what was going on before it got so bad. I remember being a 13 year old girl, and I would never have stood by and watched this happen. Also, if this book weren't based on a true story, I would say that the author is one depraved man who is basically writing the equivalent of pornography and snuff films, because this book is aimed to attract readers who want to watch this girl's suffering. And don't get me wrong, because I read all the past reviews posted here and was frothing at the mouth to read it too, so obviously the plot attracted me, even though I consider myself a very empathetic person who could never harm another person intentionally for no reason. But since this is based on a true story, I can't just blame the author for putting it into words. I was left feeling horrified and numb after I finished this book. Especially knowing that the woman who did this in real life only served a few years in jail and has been out on parole since the late 70's. I wonder what kind of lives her kids are leading now. After you read this book, you won't think justice has been served either, trust me! I've read horror novels all my life, more than probably anyone my age (28), and I consider myself very thick-skinned, but this book really affected me emotionally. I can read about Ted Bundy, Manson, all of it without batting an eye, but THIS, this left me hurt and angry. So be expecting that if you read it. As I read, I began to get very angry toward the narrator, because he could have helped and didn't until it was too late. I hope I've given you some insight into this novel. I didn't give it more stars because I think the characters could have been developed more, but I didn't give it fewer stars because I also saw some very deep insight in the writing at times. One more important thing, if you read the version with the Stephen King introduction, don't read the introduction until after you've finished the book. Stephen King gives away a few spoilers. Also, some of the other reviews posted here give away spoilers, and it detracts from the novel.
Rating:  Summary: It never should have happened . . . Review: I first heard about Ketchum's book while researching the sad case of Sylvia Likens, whose torture and murder made headlines in the sixties in Indiana. Likens and her younger sister Jenny were in the care of Gertrude Baniszewski, who with the help of her own children as well as some neighborhood kids, imprisoned Sylvia in the basement where she was tortured and eventually died. It's the kind of case that gets under your skin and Ketchum must have been at least a little affected by it to write this fictionalized yet powerful account of the girl's harrowing experience. Even more than Kate Millet's The Basement (a series of "meditations" on the case)does Ketchum's book succeed in taking the reader on a journey of festering evil and manipulation where the most shocking fact is that the journey will begin and end . . . right next door. Aside from the content, this hardcover edition from THE OVERLOOK CONNECTION is a beauty to behold. It has a beautiful dustjacket with a spooky picture by Neal McPheeters as well as some creepy drawings inside. The binding is top notch and the pages and typeset are all top quality. A true collector's edition even in the unsigned trade edition. Much care went into the production of all states to the this book!
Rating:  Summary: Haunting Review: This is the first book I've ever read where I was glad that the heroine died in the end. She had suffered so much that I thought it was a blessed release for her. The thought of her having to live the rest of her life with the horrors that she had endured made me want to weep and so I was grateful when she was finally free of it all. There are worse things than death and Ketchum emphasizes this chillingly well in this book. It was unputdownable, Jack Ketchum took me on an emotional roller coaster ride where the ride doesn't stop no matter how badly you want it to. I read it in a single afternoon and I shall never forget it. I'm a horror buff but no tale of the supernatural has moved me as much as this book did. To the author; you have my undying admiration and respect.
Rating:  Summary: The single, most horrifying novel I have ever read... Review: I had heard dark rumors for years about this guy Jack Ketchum (mostly due to his infamous OFF SEASON) but could never find any of his books. For a writer this good, his stuff is amazingly difficult to come by. Well, all I can say is if you haven't read any Jack Ketchum, get thee to the book search page and order something...ANYTHING... by this guy! His fiction is more alive and immediate than just about any other author I can think of off hand. Forget about the fact that he's lumped into the "horror" genre (not that's there's neccesarily anything wrong with that :)) -- this is just good writing. Period. Now, about THE GIRL NEXT DOOR: Jesus H. Christ! That's all I could say after finally finishing this book in one marathon 4-hour session. This book is tough. Uncompromising. Brutal. And believe me, whatever ideas you may get based on this review or any of the others...they're WRONG. You may think you're prepared for this book after hearing us tell you about it but you're not. Trust me. You're not. Not remotely. The only other thing I can think of to say is that I have rarely experienced a piece of fiction that is this horrifying and yet this honest, this psychologically and emotionally true. And that is about the highest praise I can imagine. Read it. Now.
Rating:  Summary: The Girl Next Door is a nail-biter! Review: This is an exciting, heart-breaking novel of terrifying abuse. Great characters, and the prose, as usual, is simply well-written. Jack is probably horror's rising star.
Rating:  Summary: Jack Ketchum is one of the best. Review: _The Girl Next Door_ is one of the bravest works of American fiction ever produced. It is terrifying and heartbreaking. Not much else needs to be said.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Terrifying Review: I received this book on Thursday and finished it on Saturday, it was that good. The words and the imagery flowed so smoothly that it almost seemed like watching a movie. I agree with the other reviewers, the 50s background was only a backdrop. What happened to the characters in this novel was too real at times. And what's so scary is that this can and has happened to children all over the world.I myself am a victim of child abuse and identified strongly with every character except Ruth. David and Meg, in particular. Its more traumatizing to see it happening to others than it is to experience it yourself. I identified with the fear, rage, guilt, defiance, and brainwashing that went on in this story. In many ways, it was like reliving the whole ordeal except on a more vivid, horrifying level. I never experienced anything remotely like what Meg had experienced. I was glad when David pushed her down the stairs and satisfied by Officer Jennings's indifference to the murder. There are all sorts of monsters in this world. Some milder than others. But they all do the same thing, destroy the lives of innocent children. There are no excuses. I will not accept excuses. But I take a small comfort in knowing that I am not alone in my experiences and this story is another example of how my childhood could have been a lot worse. I survived. Thank you, Mr. Ketchum for this book and to those of you who are suffering out there, don't give up the fight.
Rating:  Summary: A Book You Will NEVER Forget. Review: I've read probably over a thousand horror books, and if someone had to ask me what the scariest one was, this would be up in the top 5. If you see the paperback anywhere, pick it up. Don't be fooled by the stupid, cheesy cover. I bought it when it first came out because I'd been impressed with other Jack Ketcham books, but this book just caught me off guard. This book will haunt you. If you've seen the movie "Last House on the Left", you get the same sort of terrible feeling, like you're watching something that you shouldn't be, but you can't look away. I stayed up most of the night reading this, and it scared the s$#% out of me. I am a "reader" rather than a "collector" but I finally broke down and bought the limited, signed edition of this book. In his foreword, the author talks about how this was based on a true case (bad enough) but how it was even nastier in real life. I don't even want to THINK about that. This is the story, set in the 50's, of 2 sisters who have never hurt anyone in their lives, who are taken in by their disturbed aunt. It's told from the perspective of the normal boy who lives next door to the family, and actually has a crush on the pretty older sister. Ruth, the horrible foster parent, begins to abuse the kids, and it gets worse and worse, finally to the point where they lock her in the bomb shelter in the basement and torture her, treating her like some kind of animal--no, worse than that. There are many chilling elements, including the evil Ruth, who hates all women, including herself, and the unimaginable pain the girl goes through. The scariest thing is maybe that the neighborhood kids, the boys especially, are encouraged by Ruth to join in the torture and rape of the poor thing. Not only do they not tell any adults what is going on, they enjoy it. The narrarator is the only one with a conscience, who watches but doesn't join in, scared he'll be next if he tells anyone. Finally, he decides to try to help her, but...I got very emotional reading this book, I could just picture that basement so clearly...and at the climax of the book I was actually moved to tears I was so upset at what had happened to the characters. Jack Ketcham is just brilliant across the board, but this is his best book. Probably one of the best, scariest, most disturbing horror books ever written. Highly recommended--unless you're easily upset or squeamish, in which case I recommend you stay far away. I'm not easily shocked, but this book really got to me. After you've read the book, no matter how hard you try, you will NEVER forget The Girl Next Door.