Rating:  Summary: Still unrivalled! Review: What can you say about a book that has created a complete literature genre since its first edition? And how many have tried yet faltered to reach Tolkien's excellence in writing a fairy tale for kids and adults alike, and additionally creating a whole new fairy world full of magic and mysteries?After reading LotR times and times again, I'm still captured by the special atmosphere of Tolkien's masterpiece. He's brilliant in using just as few words as necessary to describe the beings, the landscapes and the events taking place around Frodo, Gandalf and the other members of the fellowship of the ring. His dialogues are charming, pointed and so rich of both hints crucial to the plot and references to events that took place centuries ago on middle-earth. You close your eyes and you relive both the adventures of the main protagonists as well as dramas that once unfolded in the long and intricate history of middle-earth. LotR is never boring. The story flows thru the subsequent chapter like a jolly mountain brook, now and then running thru wild currents, as the companions encounter new and dangerous obstacles. But with each chapter, the creek becomes wider and in the end, it becomes a wild river, when the fellowship breaks apart at the waterfalls of Rauros. Of course two scenes stand apart from the rest. The dwarven mines of Moria are just fantastic, and whenever I reached Balin's gravestone I had goose bumps while reading. "We're cut off. We can't get out ... they're coming!" So few simple words, yet so much drama in that specific situation. And of course Galadriel's mirror. When Frodo offers the one ring to the elven mistress, and she resists the temptation to use the ring to preserve everything that's left of her previous life, to save Lothlorien, and instead decides to stay herself and rather whither away in beauty than become a queen of darkness and despair, the reader gets a glance at the love that Tolkien sensed for this world and his work. So, whenever you're in need of a good read and of some enchantement to lighten your mood, take LotR from your dusty book shelves and jump back into the lands of Middle-Earth, and follow the cute band of Hobbits on their adventures far away from the Shire.
Rating:  Summary: The one of most exciting books ever made Review: I think this book is the best one I have ever read because the way Tolken wrote,like when he talks about how much they travel it made my feet even hurt reading this book I think anyone who doesn't read this book is crazy.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the Hobbit, Richer than the Movie Review: It took seeing the wonderful movie version to finally make me read this book and for that I am grateful. I had read the Hobbit and enjoyed it but never finally felt compelled to pick up J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring. The characters of Frodo, Sam, Aragorn and Gandalf are more complex than I expected and I loved the slow build up as both dread and unbearable tension are increased with every step on their long journey. The novel has a quicker pace after the Council of Elrond and the previously established atmosphere is put to good use and delivers on all its promises. How I missed this book during my nerdy teenage years will always remain a mystery. I am only thankful I have opened myself up to them now in my tender middle years.
Rating:  Summary: LORD OF THE RINGS-THE FELLOWSHIP OFTHE RING Review: Ths book is one of the greatest books that I have ever read. J.R.R. Tolkien, is a colorful writer. His character development is extrordinary, and the action-packed plot kept me from putting the book down. Also, my expiriance was enhanced when I watched the movie that was based off of this book. After finishing the book, I wanted to read the rest of the triligy as fast as I could. I am reading The Return Of The King currently.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite book and why Review: Out of all the books I have read, The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien, the first book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, would have to be my favorite book in three ways. To begin with, there is a tremendous amount of action in this book. For example, Frodo, the main character, and all of his companions set out to destroy an evil ring so the evil Sauron won't get his nasty hands on it. If they don't destroy the ring, all of Middle Earth would be doomed. They must battle their way to Mount Doom to cast the ring into its flames. But, there are many enemies on their way like, Sauroman, orcs, and Ring Wraiths. Secondly, I like how Tolkien brings Middle Earth to life by describing it so deeply. For example, I like how he describes The Mines of Moria so well. Last but not least, I love the fantasy and magic in this book. For instance, Gandalf, a great wizard, has many spells and magical powers. If you do not like fantasy, you shouldn't read this book; but if you do this book is spectacular! In conclusion, if you are looking for a great book, get The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring A great read! Review: My favorite books are the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien. I enjoy these books for many reasons. First, he includes a lot of detail about scenery. An example of this is when Tolkien writes: " Away below them they could see the Road sweeping round the hills; and to their right a grey river gleamed pale in the thin sunshine." Another example is this: "Ragged clouds were hurrying overhead, dark and low." Next, Tolkien also has a very interesting concept. The One Ring, a ring that, in the wrong hands could make all of Middle Earth slaves to the Dark Lord Sauron, has a mind of its own. It can abandon its bearer at will. Also, there are many obstacles besetting the characters. One is the Ringwraiths, servants of Sauron who are determined to find the Ring. Another is the journey itself. The characters travel through many dangerous areas such as the Mines of Moria. There, the creatures living there attack them. Finally, I like the interesting songs and names. One example is the Elvish name Gilthoniel Elbereth. Another is the "Walking Song" which goes as follows: "The Road goes ever on and on Dowd from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow if I can, Pursuing it with weary feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say." These are some of the many reasons I like J.RR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series.
Rating:  Summary: Can You Dig It? Review: The first three times I tried to read the Fellowship of the Ring, I couldn't do it. It was too slow, and I hadn't really read too much of anything in the fantasy realm. However, now that my interest in fantasy stuff has gone up, I gave the book another try, which was a great thing to do. Ok, so the story is still slow at the beginning when Tolkien has the obligatory "Introduce the characters for 150 pages". Sure, that's boring after awhile, but it is needed. All the boring character development lets you read about the character...developing. After you get past all of that, the good stuff starts. The epic jounrey to destroy the One Ring begins as you read about the Company's travels to Bree and eventually to Mordor. The book does a great job with giving all sorts of in-depth detail about the setting where you can actually imagine what everything looks like. Truthfully, it helps if you've seen the movie just so you can get a really good visual picture of what everything looks like, which did actually help me when I was reading. There are also battles! Who doesn't like some mindless killing with orcs or Balrogs in the middle of a book? It's great. Plus, the end of the book leaves you at a sort of a climax for the second one to start. It makes you ask yourself, "What happens to Frodo and Sam?" and "They can't kill Gandalf...can they?!" Stuff like that. I recommend this book for any fledglings in the fantasy genre as it seems to be a must have. And for that matter, I suggest the other two books in the trilogy, The Two Towers and The Return of the King as well.
Rating:  Summary: Good plot! Review: This story was different from many others I have read. It really gives in-depth details and allows you to imagine the setting clearly. There were very exciting and fun parts of this book that keeps your attention. One of my favorite parts is in the beginning with the party, when Frodo gets the ring, and the plot starts to take form. On the down side of this book, the details and descriptions I mentioned can get too long. There was simply a lot of dialogue. If you can manage the downside, this book is for you, it will leave you with memories of a world that you will not forget.
Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring Review: The Fellowship of the Ring, the first installment of the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkein, the task of taking the Ruling Ring to the pits of Mount Doom in the treacherous lands of Mordor and the fate of Middle Earth is placed in the hands of the brave hobbit, Frodo. This burden is also held by the Fellowship of the Ring. The Fellowship consists of the cunning and fearless ranger, Aragon, the skilled elven marksman, Legolas, the stout dwarf, Gimli, the wise wizard, Gandalf, the headstrong heir of Gondor, Boromir, and the three friends Pippin, Merry, and Samwise. All of them agree to helping the young hobbit accomplish the task. They are beset by many setbacks. They find that Gandalf's friend, Saruman, is now in alliance with the forces of Sauron. After fleeing from Saruman's forces in their encounter in the Mines of Moria, Gandalf sacrifices himself to the demon, the Balrog. They continue their journey disheartened by the loss of their dear friend. The Fellowship is attacked by an army of orcs, the twisted servants of Saruman. Boromir, like his human ancestors before him, is seduced by the power of the ring and tries to seize the ring from Frodo. Realizing his faults he decides to face the Orcs in a last act of redemption. He tries to allow the others to get away. By blowing the Horn of Gondor he gets the attention of all the orcs in the area. He dies a heroic death fighting the Orcs. Still, his efforts fail and the hobbits Merry and Pippin are taken captive by the Orcs. Legolas, Aragon, and Gimli head for Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor, in hopes of overtaking the Orcs. Frodo and Samwise head for Mordor to continue their quest. I think that the Fellowship of the Rings is a well written novel and I think that it is a must read. In this novel, Tolkein illustrates an adventure of magic and thrills enough to keep you satisfied till the end. The way that he describes the world of Middle Earth and its inhabitants is truly amazing. It gives you a visual of what is happening in that specific part of the story. Tolkein's descriptive detail in this book allowed me to enter a world that I could never imagine.
Rating:  Summary: An Adventure in a Book Review: The Fellowship of the rings dosn't really stand out in my mind even though I read the book only recently. I did however relativly enjoy reading it. This is probably because I have never read the rest of the series. The book is based on a long journey of a group of people across various lands throught you get this great sense of an adventure. Looking back on the story as if you were actually their yourself is not very difficult with this book. The problem is that the book leaves you at a very odd place. This seemed strange even though I do know of the rest of the series. This was one of the better stories I have ever heard even though I am only a third of the way through, but I defenitly recomend reading the rest of the series along with it.