Rating:  Summary: TRUE LOVE IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES! Review: Romeo is dirt poor and ugly, Juliet is skin and bones and sick, but Oh, what comes out of their heart for each other is truly a thing of beauty! How many people love someone not for what they can get but for what they can give?! Those two wonderful people remind us that it's not the two-story house, the cars, boats, etc. that bond and bind us together but it's all those small things done with GREAT love. THANK YOU AGAIN KAYE GIBBONS!
Rating:  Summary: A lonely couple comes to a depressing end Review: A Virtuous Woman Kaye Gibbons', A Virtuous Woman, is a story of two people who don't have anyone else, and decided to use the only thing they have in common, loneliness, to build a marriage. Jack and Ruby's marriage was based on convenience, nothing more, nothing less. The story is told by the two characters, Jack and Ruby. Each character narrates alternating chapters. Gibbons uses the two characters to describe the other. Jack tells the reader everything that needs to be known about Ruby, and Ruby does the same for Jack. The diction of the novel is very simple. There are not a lot of literary techniques in the novel to hide the meaning of the book. Often times an author uses so many techniques in his/her novel, that the reader becomes easily confused. That is not the case for Kaye Gibbons, however. She is very diligent in her writing and never once strays from the topic on hand. There are many instances in the book where Gibbons could have easily gone into the past trauma of a character, but decides not to. This is a good move considering it probably would not have helped the story develop any quicker or better. The tone is very mellow. The two characters really did not share any deep feelings with the reader or each other for that matter. In the beginning of the novel it is weird that there is no feeling being expressed by either character. However as the relationship develops in the eyes of the reader, it becomes clear that the two really don't have feelings for each other. The answer is basically they never loved each other as the typical husband and wife would. The tone of the book fits the characters and their actions. The two characters loved each other, but in a brother, sister relationship way. There were no feelings of lust, love, or passion between the two. Jack's biggest dilemma after Ruby's death was he fell apart. Not so much mentally but physically. He no longer had someone around to do the dishes, to clean, to do laundry, or to make sure he didn't need anyt! hing. He quickly went through Ruby's frozen dinners, and let the house become a mess. If Gibbons had put one shred of emotion in either character the whole story would have changed. The setting of the novel matched the mind set of the characters, lonely. Jack and Ruby had some neighbors, but pretty much stayed to themselves. Burr was Jacks only friend. Again, Jack participated in that relationship when it was convenient to him. If Jack had a question he couldn't ask Ruby then he'd run over to Burr and ask him. Jack never expressed any feelings towards Burr either. Jack and Ruby's immediate surroundings always seemed so unfamiliar to them. They lived in a house with a lot of land surrounding them from the outside world. It was a farm. Even though they lived together there was a lot of space between them. Jack served as company for Ruby. Ruby served food to Jack. The only time it seemed that Jack and Ruby spent time with each other was at meal times. Gibbons' plot structure was very easy to follow. It was far from involved, but not so simple that it was predictable. There were some jumps in time, but they were always made very clear to the reader. It is interesting to see how Ruby's life with John Woodrow was explained to the reader through Jack's eyes. The story of the Ruby's marriage with John was described mostly by Ruby, but the emotional toll it took on her was explained by Jack. Gibbon's used the characters to the max by having Jack tell the damage of Ruby's previous marriage. Jack is a man who lived just to live. He didn't have any aspirations for life and neither did Ruby. Jack at the age of 40 realized that it was time to find himself a wife, not because he had the desire to become close to another person, but because he wanted company and someone else to cook. Ruby was in a situation to become Jack's caregiver after John died. She didn't have anywhere to go, and was perfect for Jack. She too was just looking for a companion, not a lover. Some may say that Ruby was far! from virtuous, but they are mistaken. Ruby knew what Jack wanted from her, and entered the marriage fully aware of what her future life would hold. It was no surprise to Ruby that Jack wasn't constantly trying to romance her. The same goes for Jack. He knew Ruby didn't love him the way she once loved John, but he didn't care. He wanted to grow old with someone else. The two used each other. There were no secrets or hidden messages. That's what made the marriage work. Z7
Rating:  Summary: A bittersweet relationship of a husband and wife. Review: I couldn't put this book down. Love came to Ruby and Jack differently than it does to most of us in modern times. We are witness to the backgrounds of both Ruby and Jack as well as their perspective of their situations. I liked the way the author alternated the chapters between the wife's voice and the husbands. The story reminds us that make our own choices in life and often we let our circumstances push us into unwise ones. Many relationships are built out of need due to loneliness, one of the person's lack of money, or gratefulness; none of which has anything to do with romantic love. Often both partners are aware of each others reasons and often they don't know. Ruby and Jacks choice was to be alone or with a friend who cares and hope that love comes later. A woman who is dying knows the limitations of her husband. She knows he will be in pain after her passing. This is the first book that I have ever read that detailed the male's pain and struggle to get on with life after losing his wife. I kept wondering what my own husband would do. I know my husband would go for the jar of peanut butter every day rather than actually cook something. . .no dishes to do, something fast. I love him and would probably be concerned about how he will survive without me and do something similar to what Ruby did. . .prepare and freeze some meals for him. The story also demonstrates how families come together in ways other than biology. We all reach out to others whom we feel good with, know we can count on and willingly seek our companionship; they become family.
Rating:  Summary: Every persons desire! Review: While waiting for a connecting flight, I discovered this book on a bottom shelf of a magazine stand. What a pity! It should have been front and center. I say this because as I read the simple text I was profoundly moved by the words, the meaning. I connected to the characters and felt their pain at being outsiders in a world that they helped to create, perpetuate, but still had no control. Furthermore, as I felt love between the husband and wife, I agree, no words or explanations are necessary--it should be what the heart says, what the mind knows and cannot put words to...I suppose that I related...actually envied these people because I would be most honored to find such a love surrounded by a few true friends. Ironically, my life is very different, I am married to a doctor in the suburbs of Virginia--have a lovely home and all its trappings, yet have never felt more alone or isolated. This book by Kaye Gibbons made me realize once again that love doesn't have a price tag or conditions as others may wish. Read this book and then share the message!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Is it love...or not? Review: A Virtuous Woman by Kaye Gibbons is an easy to read book. Ruby Pitt Woodrow is the virtuous woman. She is the kind of woman who needs a husband to take care of her. Throughout her entire life, she has always been taken care of and carefully watched by her parents. Her first marriage does not exactly work out and the second marriage is a bit "off beat." Jack is the man she marries the second time and he is twenty years older than she. He is that sort of guy that a respectable girl has no interest in, but Ruby and Jack form a relationship that they just "found." They really did not "fall in love" and they have been together ever since. This novel did something that was rather creative, yet it got on my nerves. One chapter was told by the wife, and the next chapter was told from the husband's point of view. Also, Ruby and Jack are suppose to have this awsome love, but all they do, as they each tell their story, is tell us the things that they each do that are supposed to prove how much they love each other. I do not think that pre-packaging three months worth of food to store in the freezer for your husband before you die, or bringing your wife candy, is love. The relationship that formed between Jack and Ruby seemed more like a "need" than a "love." It seemed as if one could not live without the other, only because each would not have anyone to take care of them. That is not love either. I remember this one part of the book very well. Ruby talks of her childhood. She mentions that her parents always protect her from bad choices by making those choices for her. This weakens a child and slows down her development. She felt that the reason her parents acted in this manner was because Ruby was the baby girl in her family. So, because of the way Ruby was reared, she ended up in a awful first marriage and she always feels like she needs someone (a man) to constantly take care of her. Bringing up children is one of the most important things a human being can do. Trying to help or protect your children by making decisions for them is definitely more damaging than rewarding. I get pretty angry when Ruby talks about her childhood. Her parents make some major mistakes. Kaye Gibbons based her idea for this book on Proverbs 31:10-25. These lines expressed many things that a woman does to be a good wife to her husband. If you compare the novel to the verses, there are complete examples from the book that are expressed in Proverbs. I found this to be very creative. At first, naturally, I skipped the epigram at the beginning of the book. It was not until later that a friend told me of the connection and I went back to read it. I am glad I was told; otherwise, I might have easily thought the whole book was a waste.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful writing that truly renders the characters Review: Like most, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Right from the first paragraph I knew I was hooked and ended up finishing the book in only two hours. Although this is a novel that bases its plot on the love between two people, it does not fall into the trap of many love stories which become overly sentimental and predictable. Instead, I find it to be a refreshing novel in which the author uses language to truly render the characters. In addition, the author's use of first person-present tense to tell both character's stories works exceedingly well. The word choice and style of writing made time, place and people come to life. I look forward to reading other works by this author.
Rating:  Summary: TRULY SWEET! Review: Every now and then you read a book that can change your perspective about love and this book is one of them. Unlike most love stories, this is not a story of passion and lust, but of true and pure love. The characters find comfort in one another as you will in reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: I found the book to be touching. Review: I found the first half to be sweet but slow . The ending was excellant.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME LOVE STORY Review: This is a very sweet, tender love story, but also is very well written - not mushy or boring. As you read the book, the love is so deep and tender you can feel it in your bones. You can hear the unspoken love, respect, and tenderness. This book gave me a warm feeling. I believe it portrays an example of how love is suppose to be. Even death couldn't put a lid on the love. Very awesome reading. I had no hesitations when giving this book a 10.
Rating:  Summary: Unenjoyable Review: I don't know, maybe I am missing something, but it appears to me that Ruby and Jack's relationship was based on need, not love. Love is not cooking 3 months worth of meals for you spouse while you're on death's door, or missing all the house keeping someone did for you after they are gone!