Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: This is one of the first books I've read about a character with HIV. There should be more stories about the pain of HIV sufferers. I think this book is a good attempt, but not a must read.
Rating:  Summary: a collosal disappointment Review: i was so disappointed when i read WHAT LOOKS LIKE CRAZY ON AN ORDINARY DAY. the title and first few pages intrigued me. the language flowed so smoothly and the premise was so unusual that i thought i would surly enjoy this book. and yet, after reading 50 pages, i put the book down and left it there; finally, dust mites became far more intimate with this book than i. i basically didn't care about the people, the situations, nothing. this work had so much POTENTIAL, but the characters seemed contrived and the plot line strained. i have only tossed aside three books due to lack of interest or poor writing. this, sadly, was one. still, the author's interesting voice saved this review from receiving only one star.
Rating:  Summary: Soporific Review: It was hard for me to get into the story because it never really went anywhere. I was unable to feel empathy for the characters because it never got to the point where I actually cared about them. They were faceless blurs on a page with bad histories that never were quite redeemed.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but Episdoic Review: The novel tells of an African-American society in the 90's and the problems that they encounter. it deals with many controversial aspects in today's society (like sex, drugs, disease and death). It tells the story of a twenty-something woman that is faced with HIV and a smattering of other tragedies. Cleage depicts real life problems and situations that most in the 90's can relate to; if not from personal experience than second hand ones.This book is very down to earth and doesn't paint a pretty picture of a rather gloomy situation. I liked it because it wasn't fake, it wasn't pretentious nad it wasn't shallow. But I thoght it a little too busy. There were so many sub-stories within the larger one I often had to stop for a second to gain grounding. It was a pretty short, light and an easy read. I think the book could have been incredible if the numerous stories within the larger one were told in later episodes (or sequels to the novel). I wanted to know more about each character and each situation. For the most part the book was pretty predictable but it was an ineteresting and enlightening, almost unrealistic, depiction of our time.
Rating:  Summary: HIV? Review: Since when are there real life stories about HIV and finding love? It's about time. I love that this book deals with a terminal illness by living life! I hope this book will inspire others to stop whispering and be able to say...Yes, I am HIV positive, now what? A quick read, well worth a few days time.
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining Review: Originally, I flipped through the pages of this book in a bookstore, I couldn't really get into it, and opted for an author whose work I was more familiar with. When I needed a choice for an audio bookclub I'd joined, I selected this book. I'm glad I did. What was lacking in the first pages of the hard copy, was made up for in listening. While it was an abridged version, I found the narrative very conversation-like, as if you were talking to a girlfriend on the phone about what's been going on in her life. The characters were easy to get into, and challenged some of the stereotypes I held for people who were HIV positive or former inmates, for example. She confirmed there are two sides to every story. I found myself caring for the characters, and feeling the sense of dread at whether Ava would have "full-blown aids" towards the end. Having adopted a child in Imani's situation, I identified with Joyce and maybe because of that my anger at the appropriate moments found me cursing at my stereo. I do feel the end was too rushed, maybe because the version was abridged; I don't know. There were so many questions of "well, what happened with..." and I was on side B of the last tape. I'm hoping for a sequel. Nevertheless, if the author can leave me wanting more, she deserves 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Intense and Wonderful Review: Cleage writes a winner here. The tale of a early 30's women (Ava) that has HIV and the small town she came from is riveting. Ava is one of the best 3 dimensional characters I have ever read. By the end of the story you feel that you know every aspect of her heart, mind and body. A must read!
Rating:  Summary: Laughed, Cried, Loved it! Review: This is a wonderful book. The author covers very serious subjects in a manner that anyone can relate to and needs to relate to in todays world. I had a hard time putting this book down! The main character has a wonderful sense of where she was and where she is going even though I didn't think this until the end. I found this book to be enlighting, entertaining and just a very enjoyable look at subjects that can be hard to look at. I remember as I read this thinking to myself "I never thought of it that way" or "that sums it up quite correctly". I also found that as I read this I could relate as a woman to her struggles and views on all subjects that are covered in this book. For one who is looking for a book to entertain you and make you feel like you have accomplished something I would recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: "WHAT LOOKS LIKE CRAZY" can be quite real. Review: Pearl Cleage's novel is about how your life can change course after you have set the destination. Once you have arrived, it doesn't seem so bad after all. The heorine, Ava, realized that being HIV-positive does not mean that her life will end at that moment. In fact, thanks to Eddie and his love for her, it can go on because she now has someone to live for, and when all is said and done, how many of us can truly say the same? The rest of the book showcased her sister, Joyce, and her determination to fill the void in her life left behind by her deceased family, the slow destruction of her old neighborhood, and memorable antagonists in the guise of Frank, his sister Mattie, and the Anderson family. This novel was about fighting for what you want and if it will be appreciated when received.
Rating:  Summary: Not one of Oprah's most inspired choices Review: This book deals with an HIV+ African American woman going back to her small Midwest hometown for a visit, only to be shocked by the violence, crime, teenage pregnancies and crack that have reached the Heartland. These are worthy topics that would make a fine book, but this is not one. At the end, when i put down the book, i was left asking too many questions. My biggest objection is that many of the characters do not seem real and consequent. People can certainly change, but i do not believe that they can change 100%. There is something that always remains from your previous self. Eddie seems to have achieved a 100% transformation from his past. The author presents old Eddie as a pusher, assassin, wife-beater and evil person, and new Eddie as a vegetarian, Buddhist, Tai Chi lover, tea-drinking, balanced individual. Even though Eddie makes references to his past here and there, i find very little connection between then and now. New Eddie is too perfect and too gentle, and he ends up looking unreal. Another character that looks forced is Gerry. She is angry and self-righteous, and it does not make sense. She was supposed to keep a very low profile, after how things had gone for her husband back in Chicago. Instead of showing her simply in denial (understandable), she is portrayed as a vindictive woman who will stop at nothing (unreasonable). The story is quite predictable. You know Ava and Eddie are going to get romantic after the first few pages. Then the author makes it very easy for you to complete scenes. As soon as i read about Joyce and Eddie being away for the night, i knew the hoodlums were going to break into the house. As soon as the baby was taken by the social worker, i knew something bad was going to happen. As soon as i read about the "practice" session at the Sewing Circle, i knew Gerry was going to drop by. This kind of predictability is to me one of the greatest disappointments i can find in a book. I expect to be surprised. Of course i also want to be right on some of my hypotheses, but in this book i was right too many times. The biggest secret of the story is hinted at during the visit that Ava and Joyce pay to the Reverend. Both women, who prove during the development of the story to be smart and perceptive, didn't jump on the comment that the grandson makes about the Reverend. This book is a lightweight (the title should have tipped me). Sure, one can feel empathy for some of the characters, but from a literary standpoint, this book misses the mark, in my opinion.