Rating:  Summary: A book to help guide you on your journey Review: My sister gave me this book, when I saw the title I was kind of put off and yet also intrigued as its unusual title and I also like Harleys. I read the first chapter and just kept reading, had to drag my self away from the book and get some food and sleep! I finished the book the following night. I laughed a many times whilst reading this book, as I saw myself the I was before and what changes I have made the same way Christine was in this book. Whist reading I wished I had Joe to help me, yet I also realise I did, all my friends around me are just a equivalent to Joe, they supported me and still are supporting me through my spiritual journey. I found this book also reminded me of how far I have grown. It's a great read, and a great way to look at yourself and where you are in life and find what is important to you! I would recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: The most wonderful book I've read in years! Review: Have you ever walked through a bookstore silently begging for a book to help you with the ball of disappointment and depression that seem to have lingered in your stomach for months? Well I have and that's when I looked down on a shelf in the Bargain Book section of B & N and saw this book. Since I've always discribed the perfect man as "Jesus with tattos and a harley" I knew this book was meant for me! After reading it (and re reading it several times) I felt like I could breathe for the first time in years. I've started on a search for simplicity and the real me I lost somewhere along the way in my 45 years of life. Since I first found it, I've shared it with at least five friends, all in their 40's and 50's, who have all gone out and bought their own copies! By the way, the next book I saw on my next trip through the bookstore was a book by Elaine St James called Inner Simplicity that is a great follow up in practical ways to simplify and make your life real! Try it!
Rating:  Summary: "What a great book" Review: Every woman should read this book!!!! I cryed, it was like joan brady was writing about my life. I cant say enough great things about this book, but READ IT!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Spiritual Fable or Fact? Review: An offhand remark by a friend led me to this wonderful fable. I felt as if I was sitting in the living room with my friend, Joan Brady, as she told me the story of her experience. As adults, it's often difficult for us to suspend our disbelief and become like children again to hear a fairy-tale and believe in its possibilities. But this is something we all should do a lot more often. The six lessons presented in this story I've heard before, but never understood so clearly until now. The context in which they are presented is very impactful. And maybe, just maybe, I was finally ready to really hear, understand and accept them as truth. This is not a "woman's book." This is a book for the manchild and womanchild in all of us, with profound truths for everyone. On the road to peace, joy and deepest love, we all will meet "Joe" one day, and never forget the day our lives changed forever. This is a book that I will read again and again. I wished it wouldn't end.
Rating:  Summary: A tale that you need to know Review: A good friend of mine lent me this book, saying that it stood out from many others he had read. I held on to it for a couple of weeks, thinking it could wait - the title and format of the book is somewhat deceiving. When I finally got around to it, I read it all in one go, and the next day I went through it once again. This story truly made me see possibilities as to how I can steer myself to happier life. Lately, I've been looking for ways to break out from behind my own walls, and after reading 'God on a Harley', I feel so much more confident that I can accomplish it. I'm not a religious person, nor am I a woman, but the core of this story I think applies to everyone. It points out certain "truths" that can otherwise be elusive, hard to put your finger on. For me, the pursuit of happiness is one of the most important things in life - if not the most important - and if you need a push in the right direction, 'God on a Harley' will most certainly open doors for you. I'm certain that people who already think they lead perfectly good and happy lives will benefit from this novel as well.
Rating:  Summary: Ick! Review: I bought this book because an affable looking woman and fellow shopper at a local bookstore suggested it to me. She proclaimed it was the best book she had ever read. Upon reading the first few pages, I knew this was going to be a very long ride. The author's prose (or lack thereof) was either disturbingly condescending or revealed no real talent. It read like a Judy Blume novel for desperate, single, and aging women, although Blume's novels were well written , with an age appropriate voice. I didn't learn anything from the lessons that I hadn't already known, except that Brady's image of God resembles Billy Ray Cyrus. Not a book for the thinking woman.
Rating:  Summary: Must reading for RN's everywhere Review: While the book is great for any reader, it is must reading for RN's. I wish we could all find a way to go part time as the heronine did. It would refresh our hearts that have been pickled in the juice of understaffing and guilt. http://members.aol.com/sompgh
Rating:  Summary: Great Story - BAD Writing Review: The themes of this book are wonderful, the redefined Ten Commandments are perfect for all single women. The story itself is terrific. But this is one of the worst written books I have ever read. Ms. Brady writes like a high school sophomore - and this isn't even her first book! Clearly Ms. Brady is a wonderful, insightful person with a lot to offer her readers, but she really needs to take a course in creative writing to get rid of some of the cringe-worthy dialogue and ... descriptions. And for heaven's sake - God would NOT have a mullet!!
Rating:  Summary: Needs to be read more than once Review: To get the maximum benefit from the messages in this book, needs to be read more than once. Savor every word, for it is a priceless, inspirational story, about the meaning of life, and finding our just fulfillment. Fills the reader with optimism and joy. Arlene Millman, author of BOOMERANG - A MIRACLE TRILOGY.
Rating:  Summary: An Awesome Spiritual Romance Review: When I first saw the title of this book, "God on a Harley," I must have laughed for several minutes straight. I leafed through a few pages, wondering if the story was any good, and was quite surprised to discover that this spiritual romance novel is not just good -- it's excellent! What if God appeared as a gorgeous man with long sable hair and a black jacket atop a Harley Davidson 1340cc motorcycle to a single 37 year-old woman? Could this be what it takes to help her shake off the self-limiting behaviors and beliefs that have stood between her and a happy life? You'd better believe it! As our heroine, Christine, slowly begins a life-altering journey to transform her life into one she actually enjoys living, she finds the meaning of love, and the secrets to enjoying a happy life. Even if you normally don't enjoy romance novels, I'm sure you'll love "God on a Harley". This book is sheer genius, and can help you see your life in a whole new light!