Rating:  Summary: Fences of Life Review: Antonio Mora Fences of life Fences, by August Wilson, is a good combination of comedy and drama with high clamatic episodes. It also deals with issues of racism that Africam-Americas went through during the sixties, affecting such areas as economics and job oportunities. Troy Maxson is an African-American who thinks that being a father is an abligation. He said it's a responsibility. Troy maxson deals with the tentations that life throws him for example ,Troy has an affair with Alberta and that relationship had consequences like having a child. Troy has to make some serious choices that will chanche his life. He has to decide if he wants to stay with Alberta or with Rose. I think this play is very realistic because alot of men are not faithful to their wives. Real families have problems raising their children and also have issues with alcoholic persons in their life. In my opinion you should read this play, what I liked about the play was that you can learn things like not to be man without an accupation like Lyons.
Rating:  Summary: Fences Review: "Fences", by August Wilson, is a wonderful play full of reality, comedy, which has a sad ending. If you read this play while in class or with friends you will enjoy it. The author is basing the story on Troy Maxson and his family to basically show how black families in the 60s compare to black families now. In this two-act play, Troy Maxson is the husband of Rose, and the father of two young men by the name of Lyons and Cory. He also has a brother name Gabriel and a best friend name Bono. The main character Troy is basically the man of the house, everyone that lives under hes roof goes by his rules and obeys him. When Troy comes home, he expects dinner cooked and ready to eat. Does he get what he wants? Well that's why you should read this book. In the beginning of the play, their lifestyle was kind of boring. As you get further into the play, it gets interesting. The Maxson family basically ends up in a struggle trying to keep the family together. The message that I get from this story is that you can't trust everbody, no matter how long you've known them. I think one of the things that makes this play nice is how it relates to African-American families. It gives you an actual idea of what black families have to go through, and what is spoken in their homes. If you are one of those curious people who would like to know how most African-Americans live, you should read this book. If you are the type of person who doesn't really like to read, you should just try it and you just might enjoy it like I did.
Rating:  Summary: Changes of Life Review: Sergio Sanchez Changes of Life Fences by August Wilson is both a thrilling and dramatic story, but it is also very funny. This play takes place during the sixties I think this is why Troy does what ever he wants to is family members, specially because at that time there were no laws that stop im. Like when he didn't want Cory to play football. This play revolves around Troy and Cory, the main characters. Rose is Troy's wife a major character too. The problems in this family start when Cory quits is after school job so that he could play football. Another thing is that Troy doesn't really show any type of love towards is son Cory. Troy says that as long as he takes care of his responsabilities, like putting food on the table as long as he did that he could do what ever he wants. The lesson of this play is to never take what you have for granted, like Troy did when he did something real bad to get Rose really angry at him. So in this play Troy took for granted the family and life he had made for himself, and because of this is son Cory didn't like him any more. I think the scrip was real good, it's exciting and real dramatic. This play wasn't like other plays I'v read before like Romeo and Juliet, that play was borring and it didn't have anything I liked.
Rating:  Summary: Fences,by August Wilson. Review: Martel Arroyo Fences Fences, by August Wilson, is a book that has a lot of interesting and specific information about an African-American family,who lived during the 1950s and the 1960s. The author tells the story of Troy Maxson, born to a sharecropper father who was frustrated by the fach that every crop took hiim farther into debt. Troy learns the value of work andf the fact that a man takes pesponsibility for his family. The Maxson family was trying to overcome the abstacles of teh racial times, because if we bo back in the History, we immediately will know that teh 1950s and 1960s were dufficult for a black family to have equal opportunities. This book tempted me to reaf it, because I studied American History and I know how teh black people were living, and how thanks to teh Civil War they won some rights. The 13 Amendment of teh American Constitution prohibits Slavery in this nation. Although the members of this family were not slaves, they were acting as if they slaves the way they think, and the way they distruted white people. I think that the author wans us to know from this book how an black family was trying to overcome the racial times,and how the members of this family forgive each athers.
Rating:  Summary: Life by: Ana Review: August Wilson's play, Fences is a dramatic, realistic story of many problems in life that an African-American family go through.Troy Maxson's(a main character) infedelity and cruelness towards his family brings them problems. Others economically and emotionally which really changes their lives. In this script, Troy Maxson is an African-American who goes through problems mainly with his wife when he's unfaithful and son when he treats him like crap, while he stuggles to maintain his family. His mistakes have an impact to the lives of his family. I think that the theme of this script is to move on with life no matter how unhappy you are about something you did, because you can't change what happened. I think that people need to move on instead of living with anger and hatred for something that somebody did or for something that you did that's wrong. Life is too short, so you should try to be optimistic and make the best of life. Forget the past and work on the future. I think this was a good script. I think many people can relate to the script. I could easily relate to the script because Troy's the man of the house just as my Dad tries to be, and when Troy thinks that what he does is okay, it brings many problems to his family. I enjoyed reading this script because there's constantly something happening and I would recommend this script to someone who likes drama.
Rating:  Summary: FENCES: A great drama Review: "Fences," by Agust Wilson, a drama that takes place in the sixties, about a family that goes through dramatic situatons and problems. Troy Maxon, the central character is a middle aged African American who had a harsh life as a child. He struggles to raise his son and keep his family together. I think that the theme of this play is that it is never to late to say forgive or say "I am sorry." Also that when a father makes decisions for his son even though his son disagrees he does it for the best of his son. Out of the few books I have read I think that this is one of the best ones. I thought the begining was pretty boring, but as I read on further, it was like something totaly caught my attention. I got interested in the play. I was anxious to read further. I thought this play was pretty realistic, it had lots of real life situations. I would recomend it to anybody. I am not really into dramatic stories, but this one caught my complete attention. Therefore, I think that FENCES is a great play.
Rating:  Summary: Fences, a complicated story Review: "Fences", by August Wilson is a mixture of tradgedy and triumph. It shows how real life doesnt always go the way that you expect it to. In this play, cory the son of troy maxon has to get through many problems which are very common with teenagers in the sixities. His father Troy is too controlling of him in his opinion and troy thinks cory needs to take more responsibility. Along with that troy is having to deal with desires that could possibly ruin his family life as he knows it. What will troy do? Tell his wife about his secret or never tell anyone and live with his secret forever. I think that one good thing about this play is that it shows how real life isnt always as good as in the movies. It shows that you can get through a lot in life, no matter what. This play was better thatn i expected it to be. It was very realistic and anyone of any age could read and enjoy this book. I can relate to cory and how he wants to do many extra things other that school even though his father wants him to work and make money. I usually dont like to read books in school because they are boring but this book was actually interesting and kept me wanting to read on. It told you about society in the fifties with out boring you with facts.
Rating:  Summary: Fences Review: Fences by August Wilson is a very intersting book. When you read it your in. Fences would hit you all ways. Its a powerfull,stunning,drammatic and very dramatic."Rose... I dont mess up my pay. I give it to you. I give it to you I dont have no money but what you give me back. I just want to have a little time to myself... a little time to enjoy life" very passionate. Troy Maxsons is one of the main character is the play. His a father having problems with his son. Troy whats the best for his son, but he whats to play football. That's not in Troy dreams he what's a men not a player. This is a play that's going to make you think. This play we stunn you. Its so powerfull Read it and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Fences, a Review by Phillip J. Review: Fences, by August Wilson, is a drama about what black people were going through during the sixties. This play contains two acts about the life of Troy Maxson, a middle-aged African American who is trying to raise his son, keep his family together, and deal with an ever changing society. One of Troy's problems is that Troy's son, Cory, wants to play football and get a college scholarship. Troy, on the other hand, continues thinking that the white person wouldn't truly allow his son to play. In addition Cory has a job at a grocery store called the A&P and his job interferes with football. Troy deals with this problem by making Cory drop football for his job because Troy wants Cory to have some resposibility. Cory dosen't like Troy for that, but Troy is one of those 'You live under my roof, you live by my rules and when I ask you to jump you say how high!' type of dad. During this play one gets an understanding of the social classes. The white garbage men get to drive the truck while the colored do the lifting; the white person gets all meat in his soup, while the black person gets nothing but vegetables in restaurants. This play was like a documentary of a sixties black family. I think the best way to relate to the people of this play is to act out the play in one's class or at home. I thought is was a good play that seemed realistic and I would recommend this "script," although as a warning, I caution that few people in my class thought it was boring.
Rating:  Summary: Fences Review: The play "Fences," by August Wilson, is a realistic, but fictional play. In this hilarious, heartwarming play, a black family in the 60's struggles to stay together while dealing with racist differences. The main character, Troy Maxon, a middle aged father of three, feels he has to be the backbone of his household, letting his ego steer his family into a dark hole. One he realizes his family isn't there for him, it's too late. The lesson in this play is to keep family close. Another lesson is the little things you do can mean a whole lot to the ones you do it to. I could relate to some of the characters dealing with choices in life. For example, Troy wanted one of his sons not to attend school and play football, but to work and become a "man" like him. The boy made his own decision and became a very wealthy football player with a lot of knowledge. I had a similer experiance after my mother didn't tell me I had ot watch my little sister. But I did anyway . Ever since then, I've watched other peopl's children and got money to do so. This play did not capture my attention at the beginning. But in the middle, I began to enjoy it because of the humor. You should try this story because many families deal with the same problems as the Maxons.