Rating:  Summary: Waiting for Godot Review: I read this play for my AP Literature class. It is an amazing piece and should be analyzed thoroughly by everyone who reads it. This literature is extremely symbolic and must not be taken for face-value. Everyone who enjoys reading intellectual and philosophical works should definitely read this piece.
Rating:  Summary: Keep Waiting My Friends Review: Existential playwrite Samuel Beckett writes of the absurd in this tragic comedy of two old friends who are waiting for someone named Godot. Of course they dont know who he is, nor do they know anything about him (or It), but nonetheless, they are waiting for him. Witty and charming throughout, as well as non-sensical and of course absurd. Definately a classic! This play also raises many theological and philisiophical questions as to what Godot is, many speculate it is indeed God(ot?). It would seem to fit. Highly reccomended for anyone interested in writing, plays and literature as well as existentialists.
Rating:  Summary: Questions not Answers Review: Waiting for Godot was incredibly hard for me to start reading. But once I got into the book, I discovered a beauty around it. The part that struck me the most was found in the ending. Through this play about two men waiting for nothing only to find nothing, I discovered a part of my own soul. I learned that in life we must ask questions, not look for answers. There are no answers. But questions will always lead to another question, and that is our answer. And this is why life is beautiful.
Rating:  Summary: What's it all about Review: What conclusions can one draw from Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot? IS it that friends stick together in any stiuation? Is it that time passes but nothing really happens? Is it that we're all waiting for someone, that we call Godot that we'd like to have come and make everything right? All of the above
Rating:  Summary: see the play! Review: I cannot imagine trying to get the point of "Waiting for Godot" without seeing the play. Like all plays, it isn't meant to be read, it's meant to be seen. The spare prose of this play makes that statement especially apt. "Waiting for Godot" is about how people can live meaningless lives when they wait for meaning to come from elsewhere. They have the ability to make their own meaning, but they don't see it. There is no mystery in this play if you've read any Existentialism!
Rating:  Summary: don't bother with interpretations Review: anyone who sits there and trys to read and interpret this book at the same time is not going to enjoy it. it's about flow, movement. the book is just a journey, a train of thought steaming on through the pages. it was highly entertaining and amusing in many ways. i didn't think about what any of it meant till i had finished it, b/c otherwise i would have ruined a wonderful read. once i finished it i could think about it and basically it does seem to give the impression of a bleak view of our purpose, but that's what i've thought for a long time anyway. it's liberating to think that way, however. you live merely for the adventure, the collection of experiences, and you become a jumble of reactions. that's what i think this story shows. don't worry about a meaning or purpose, merely enjoy the ride, through life and this story. if you want something to analyze, fine go ahead, have a blast. but i think if you approach this book without any thought of trying to figure out what the whole thing means, and enjoy how little sense he makes through the story and enjoy the movement of it and the jumping, you'll come off being rather pleased. and then you can sit back and think about it and realize that it was all about the move and anticipation, the fun of waiting and the things that happen along the way.
Rating:  Summary: If Read Properly... Review: This Book Will Save Your Life
Rating:  Summary: The Most Important Play of the 20th Century Review: Ah... Waiting For Godot. Where do I even start?This play, one of the finest plays by the most important playwright to write in English (I know he originally wrote it in French) since Shakespeare (Feel free to argue with me) finds a outlet and a means to express the longings and emptiness of modern man. For all those who don't like it, get a friend and read it out loud together. That might change your mind. To all the reviews which seem to find that the whole "point" of the play can be found in the name Godot (which as a mixture of English and French could mean "Little God"), I think you are simplifying the play to a great extreme. One of my favorite quotes by Beckett on this subject was that if he had known who Godot was, he wouldn't have had to write the play. Frankly, all of you trying to find "meaning" or solution to the play are looking in the wrong places. Which isn't to say there isn't a lot there. Juggle it all round in your head, but don't ever really grab on to something as the key: you're probably wrong. To the review who complained that Beckett didn't adequately give the time period or location for his play, I argue that he did: "A country road. A tree. Evening." That is all you need, and according to the man himself, all that should be on stage, scenery-wise. A Civil War play? You must be joking. But anyway, to summarize, Beckett finished what Hemingway began: distilling the language of literature into a tangible, true format with which we can truly explore the nature of human existence. Centuries from now they will remember Hemingway, Joyce, and Beckett when they talk about 20th century literature. So there.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Incredible Review: As one reviewer said, "This book is not for people with A.D.D.". I would have to disagree, I have A.D.D. and enjoyed the book very much. So there!
Rating:  Summary: the one star folks should learn to READ! Review: Thus far I have seen a number of excellant reviews for this play, and some less than credible ones. If someone has a problem about Beckett's view of humanity's existance then it is only because they are trapped in the very thing that Beckett insults. The man who works the nine to five shift then eats, sleeps, and does it again is the man who beckett implores to open his eyes. he is living a life of existential non-being(almost an oxymoron but not really). This play is not for children. It is not for those with A.D.D. It is not about the civil war. It is not about not being absurd but with being as absurd as life. I'm sorry I'm tired.