Rating:  Summary: Review for "A Time to Kill" Review: "A Time To Kill" was written in the middle 1980's by John Grisham, but was set in the small town of Clanton, Mississippi, on the late 1970's. Jake Brigance, the protagonist, is a lawyer who is trying to win a case that can help his career while at the same time endangers himself, his family, and any other people invovled with the case. The case involves a black man, Carl Lee Hailey, who violently took the law into his own hands by murdering his ten-year-old daughter's two white rapists. The entire town has their own opinions of the black man killing the two white men and of Jake because he took Mr. Hailey's case. The town of Clanton versus racism is one of the conflicts of this novel. Racism is the antagonist against Jake and the angered father that sought revenge for his daughter's pain. The themes are that although people think racism is a thing of the past, it is still alive in some people and very dangerous. Another theme is that when the law is taken into your own hands, it may seem like the best and possibly even the only solution at the time. However, when it is all said and done, it may not be the best way to solve your problem after all. This book was amazingly well written to be the first novel of a new writter. I really liked it and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys to read.
Rating:  Summary: The best book I have ever read! Review: I loved the book. It shows how the South is still racist towards African Americans. All of the bad was showed in the book. While reading the book, I could see clearly what the characters were suppose to look like. There were many morals in the book. My favorite one is believe in yourself and what you are trying to succeed. Even though the lawyer, Jake Brigance and everyone who believed in him were targeted by the Klu Klux Klan, they still fought for what was right. The climax of the story is at the very end when the jury reaches their verdict. Everyone that has not read this book should go out to the library or book store and read it.
Rating:  Summary: A Time To Kill Review: In my opinion, A Time To Kill is the best book John Grisham has written to date. A Time To Kill is a modern day novel dealing with an issue the United States has been dealing with since being a colony; the issue of black versus white. A time To Kill is a modern day Uncle Tom's Cabin or, better yet, To Kill A Mockingbird. The story takes place in Ford County, Mississippi, in a small rural town called Claton. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and real in this small community. A ten-year-old black girl is beaten and raped by two members of the clan, Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard. Cobb and Willard throw the girl in Foggy Creek to die, but because of a strong will to live the girl makes it to the road and is found. Her father, Carl Lee Hailey, buys a gun and hides in the courthouse waiting for Cobb and Willard to go before the Grand Jury. He steps out of his hiding place and takes the law into his hands, killing the two rapists. Jake Brigance is a young lawyer whom Carl Lee appoints as his attorney. His defense team includes himself, a graduate student, Ellen Roark, and an investigator, Harry Rex. This team takes on racial prejudice, the Klan, the NAACP, and the community as they defend a black man accused of killing two white men. Chapter to chapter, page to page, A Time To Kill is filled with action. This book will make Americans look at their prejudices and how they affect all our lives.
Rating:  Summary: A Time To Kill Review: A Time to Kill, written by John Grisham, is a fast-pace thriller about a lawyer named Jake Brigance. Jake inherits a law firm from an older lawyer who was disbarred. The firm is in a small rural place called Ford County. The time period is the 1980's. Grisham jumps right in at the beginning to describe the crime. Jake goes to work on the biggest case in the history of the town. If he wins he will become rich and famous as a lawyer. Two white men named Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard were out in the woods drinking and raped a little black girl named Tonya Hailey. They raped her and beat her, then left her in a ditch. When they got to the hostpital, they realized that she was badly hurt Cobb and Willard went to court, they were caught! They got a trial date and were denied bail. Immediatly following the trial Carl Lee Hailey, Tonya's father, ran into the room and shot the two men who had raped his daughter. Jake is hired to defend Carl Lee. Grisham uses flashbacks right after the killings to tell what the rapicsts were doing before they were murdered, and also to portray the involvement of the KKK. In this novel Grisham is trying to teach that two wrongs don't make a right, no matter how bad the first wrong makes you fell or haw mad you get about it. This book is the best novel I have ever read. I will continue to read works written by John Grisham.
Rating:  Summary: Our Generation's "To Kill a Mockingbird" Review: This is a powerful and classic book from John Grisham. It touches the same cords with the same force that To Kill a Mockingbird did several decades ago.Jake Brigance is Grisham's young Southern lawyer and the protagonist who faces long odds in doing right. Carl Lee Hailey -- a black resident of Clanton, Mississippi - has a young daughter who is viciously raped by local rednecks. Hailey takes a father's revenge on the rapists during their trial, killing them in one of the most sympathetic acts of vigilantism ever written. The incident splits the community along Mississippi's traditioinal black/white fault lines as the book asks: Is Hailey justified in this killing or is he a murderer? Brigance must represent Hailey and thread his way through a cauldron that pits the remnants of the Klan against a confident and energized black population amidst a community that thought these scenes had receeded into history. This is Girsham's best work. The story and characters are extremely well developed, the writing fast paced and the story goes beyond adventure in probing a moral dilemma I suspect breaks about 50/50 among people who read it. Being a father, it is easy to sympathize with Hailey -- indeed I rooted for him the entire span of the book. You will too. This is a book you'll remember twenty years from now and be glad you read.
Rating:  Summary: First novels are sometimes the best! Review: John Grisham has taken a lot of criticism, and his literary shortcomings have been chronicled by critics who must have read "A Time to Kill". When you read this novel, you'll also be angry that such a bright talent would also write a...book like "The Pelican Brief".. "A Time to Kill" is polished and well-crafted, but most important , it's written with love. The place and the quirky characters are close to Grisham's heart. The moral dilemma that faces this young lawyer is truly affecting. He gambles his future and risks losing his profession before he even gets started because he cannot turn his client away. It's not a new idea, but a classic one, expressed with agonizing realism. But this book has some funny moments. The characters are odd and engaging, especially the reclusive senior (and silent) partner whose chambers our hero inhabits. Always on the edge of disaster, you'll root for him to the end. I like Grisham in general, and wish I could write as well.. Don't miss this first, and best!
Rating:  Summary: A Time to Kill Review: I would just like to say, I've read this book three times, and it's one of the best books I've ever read. It was GREAT!!! For myself, I admit I don't have a lot of time, or patience to sit down and read a lot of books, but this one, I couldn't wait to continue reading it. From the first page to the final page was totally excellent! I am now an advid reader of John Grisham. Thanks to this book, I am now reading alot more. Much more than I ever have in my 37 Years. I've read the Firm, the Testament, which in my opinion, are also both excellent books.
Rating:  Summary: Shockingly Amazing! Review: To be honest, I was quite sceptical about this book. It's Grisham's first book and it was written before he became a professional writer. And it was my first book by Grisham. But it turned out to be SO GOOD that I could stop reading only late at night and finished it in a week. It's so gripping, thrilling, action-packed, emotional, funny and well-planned that you'll be sucked in instantly! You have to read it yourself! Satisfaction guaranteed!!
Rating:  Summary: GUILTY OF HOLDING MY ATTENTION Review: It is quite obvious the black father is guilty of murder. But was he justified? The two cruds that he murdered raped, tortured, and attempted to kill his young daughter. But, as Grisham shows in his story, the "problem" is, regardless of whether these men deserved to die or not, it was a case of a black man killing white men and in those days, that just could not happen! Throughout the book, you are rooting for the father and hope that justice prevails. I'll let you read it for yourself to see if it does. A good book!
Rating:  Summary: A Real Thriller- I Highly Recommed This. Review: I love this book. That's probably the best way to put it. I really love this book. As a courtroom drama, it not only confronts the issue of whether or not we can take justice into our own hands, but also racism and child rape. It really makes you look inside yourself... maybe not me, as I'm not old enough to have children yet, but if you had a child that was raped, what would you do? This book makes an especially strong impression on me because I want to be a lawyer someday. I don't think I would want to be a "street lawyer," but just the same it tells me that being a lawyer isn't necessarily a peice of cake. As of now, this is the only Grisham novel I've read. But I can truely say that I will be reading more soon. Read this book. You won't regret it.