Rating:  Summary: A little strange......... Review: This book was strange. It had some of Patterson's usual plot twists, but was very atypical of him. I was not expecting children with wings flying in the wilderness, and strange genetic research.Kip and Frannie are good characters, but I think they could have been developed a little more. I think that more could have gone into Frannie's husbands death and his involvement in the whole case and how he tied into everything. This was an average book, not what I would expect from Patterson.
Rating:  Summary: Brain Bubble Gum Review: Regardless of the far-fetched story line and the obvious flaws with this book, it's fun and really keeps you hooked. If you are into hard sci fi, you won't dig this, but if you're just in for cheap thrills - definately read it.
Rating:  Summary: When the wind .... blows it Review: This is undoubtedly a page turner. Short chapters and changing viewpoints keep the pages turning. Unfortunately the actual writing is often crude and obtuse. There are times it seems the narrator/character has already read the book she is in. Notably, when entering a facility she first enters a room containing only lockers with neatly hung scrubs. There are some empty offices and even an empty coffee mug. For some reason she refers to the place as "a place of horror and madness." The description is true, but she has no evidence for it yet. I was also disappointed that the plot didn't really start until about page 235. That's a bit long for a thriller to take off. I admit, I kept reading to that point wondering when it WOULD take off. The characters are quite interesting although I feel some of the first 200 pages could have been tightened up or even eliminated. Do we really need the scene where the FBI agent watches the Veterinarian strip through a window (he never tells her that he had been watching)? Still, I bet many people will like this one. At least the reader doesn't have to plod through anything as short chapters usually do speed things along.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Review: So horribly bad, I don't want to waste time with a long review. This is the worst book I've ever read, except for One-Way Propeller Night Coach by John Travolta. And it was close. Seriously, this is a book for a child or a simpleton. It's boring, silly, grating, nauseating, and literally impossible in about 15 different ways. Worst of all, there's now a sequel! Hint for Patterson -- An 80lb girl would need a wingspan of 20 feet wide minimum to fly (and she would look more like a giant deformed bird than a human). Couldn't quite fly down a hallway in a house, could she?
Rating:  Summary: major flaws Review: I like Patterson for the most part. What is good about his books is that they flow well, move quickly, and do tell a good, compelling story. What's bad is that they could be so much better! If he went a little deeper, and made things a little more believable. That's where he lost me on this....and early on. I could buy into the kids with wings thing, and the secret school and mad scientists....all of which require some serious buying into....where he lost me was on something so basic. Two main things, one that the kids were able to stay lost for several days, yet noone but Frannie bumped into them, and she did, twice!....totally unbelievable, dogs could have found them quickly. But the main thing, these kids kept flying....yet the people looking for them never noticed. Then they break into the School which is usually heavily guarded, except for when they went there....suddenly it's empty...completely unrealistic. Other than that, the story was enjoyable, and I read it in one sitting, but I felt a bit cheated.
Rating:  Summary: One of James Patterson's Best Novels Review: "When the Wind Blows" strays away from Mr. Patterson's usual writing style. This is one of my favorite novels by James Patterson (Kiss the Girls follows the lead).
Rating:  Summary: An action-packed, quick read... Review: ...that left me disappointed. I've never read anything by James Patterson before, and all I really knew about his books was that a couple of them had been turned into movies. I saw this book at the store, read the back, and took the bait. I am not a student of the sciences, so I was willing to suspend my disbelief as far as the biology in the book was concerned. I liked and was intrigued by about three quarters of the plot. I was drawn in by the characters, particularly Frannie. I sped through the book because I constantly wanted to see what was going to happen next. Okay, what's the catch? Why only three stars? I was an English major in college, and I'm just nitpicky by nature, so there were a lot of little details that caught my attention in this book. Because of my background, all my comments should be taken with a grain of salt, of course. First of all, I think the novel would have benefitted from one more round of proofreading. Among other things, there was a comma splice on one page that any high school English student would have been able to point out. Secondly, there was Max. I liked her, but I was a bit confused -- if she was raised by the television, like she said, why was she so naive about some things? For example, she makes a comment when they go to the city that's something along the lines of saying that she had never imagined so many big buildings in one place. Even if she was only allowed to watch one channel, I can't imagine she would never have seen a city on TV. Maybe I was overanalyzing little comments on her part, but it still took me away from the story momentarily. Finally, there's the fact that I didn't like the ending, pretty much from the climax on. My willing suspension of disbelief ended there. I just ended up feeling let down, particularly since I had been eagerly turning the pages up until that point. I can't really be more specific without including spoilers, so I'll just say that I was expecting something different. This book struck me as the book equivalent of an action flick. If you're able to watch an action movie without worrying about little inconsistencies in the plot or whether or not it could actually happen, then you'll probably like this book. I think it would be great for passing time on a plane or lounging around on the beach. I'd like to include one last warning, though: if you have a weak stomach and a vivid imagination, you might want to steer clear of this one. I don't know what James Patterson's other books are like, but this one had some rather graphic moments. I appreciated the detail the author went into, but at the same time wondered if some of the gore was really necessary.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Entertaining Book Review: I could not put this book down and read it in one evening. I've read all of Mr. Pattersons books and this is one of my favorites. I'm looking forward to reading "The Lake House" the continuation of this great story. It is unusual that an author is so talented that he can successfully write in many different genre.
Rating:  Summary: When the wind blows kids fly Review: This book is a bit far fetched to be believable but it is still a good read. If you're after a sensational murder thriller book then you've come to the wrong place as this book isn't that sort of James Patterson novel. This book's about kids with wings, yeah you read right, kids with wings! Of course not everyone is happy for these kids to be out in the real world with their wings so the classic good verses evil Patterson style comes into effect. If you only read Patterson books for the serial killer theme then this book probably is not for you. If you like the fast paced short chapters and anything Patterson writes then you should get this. The Beach House and The Jester are better non detective/serial killer books in my opinion. This is a good read and worthwhile purchase but I would recommend every other Patterson book over this one. Buy this if you've read all the others first.
Rating:  Summary: A New Spin On a Old Plot Review: This book is one of Pattersons less creative works. The plot may be a touch over done, yet he puts a new spin on things. To begin I must bring up his use of genetic engineering, while an over done subject, Patterson puts a new spin on things to bring out a light that is often over looked. The details of the genetic make up and emotions that Max and her brother feel through their battle with Uncle Tom, plus with their existance in general is amazing. Personal details give these mutated characters more of a human feel, not the lab rat qualities found in other books. Along with their battle for freedom is the "family" feeling they seem to have with Kit and Frannie, Max and Matthew are young so it is natural that they would long for a nuturing and protective figure in their lives. Kit and Frannie's little love affair seemed a little silly, but they were two broken people who naturally completed one another. Their indivdual stories seemed to need a little polish, for example, Frannie's whole bit in this scheme, while cleaver on part of the author seemed a little over done, and Kit's part was just played out, the whole FBI scandal bit threw the story line off with its generic theme. In all the book while still an interesting read held a touch of predictablity that Patterson is so not famous for, his book usually hold me to my seat, enthralled from page to page, yet not with this one. Maybe better luck next time.