Rating:  Summary: The Greatest War Novel of All Time Review: Even in translation, Remarque's story of a young soldier's view of World War I is gripping. I read this book for a college class, "War in German Literature," but I am glad it was assigned. I couldn't put it down, and am thorougly convinced that the translator was either very true to Remarque's good writing, or is astounding in himself. The central themes of comraderie and isolation play off each other throughout the novel, while Paul (the central character) gets drawn deeper and deeper into the animalistic instinctive actions of war. His tenderness towards his friends, and his compassion for the enemy up close helps to show noncombatants like myself that even though we can never know the horrors of war without being there, it's nothing worth seeing, and is something worth avoiding at all costs. For those of you who get "into" books, who go down and then come up with it on your hands, this book will have a profound effect on you, I believe. Read this book if you haven't - there are many important lessons to learn about war, if we plan on never fighting another.
Rating:  Summary: I believe this was an excellent book Review: I thought this book was an awesome representation of WWI. It was extremely detailed and gave a true feeling of the war. I was impressed by his view from the German side and about the horrors and how he was sold into joining the war.
Rating:  Summary: The worst and most boring book ever! Review: I had to read this book my sophmore year in high school. I am very interested in war history, mainly WWII but I still enjoy things about WWI. I figured I would enjoy this book but I have never been so bored by any book. It is so repetitive and boring. Here is the book summed up in a couple sentences. Chapter 1 (Paul marching into battle) My life is a whirlpool or blood, guts and icky things. I hope I die. Chapter 2 (Paul in battle) I am so scared. I hope I don't die. Chapter 3 (Paul marching into another battle) My life is nothing but death, destruction and pain. I hope I die. Chapter 4 (Paul in battle) I am so scared. I hope I don't die. Chapter 5 (Paul marching into another battle) My life is a ceptic tank of depression and death. I hope I die. Chapter 6 (Paul in battle) I am so scared. I hope I die. Chapter 7 Paul dies. Sorry for ruining the ending for some of you, but trust me, I am doing you a favor. You will regret reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best book I read all summer! Review: I had to read five books for my high school advanced history course. All summer I was trying to find the perfect book. The last book I read was All Quiet on the Western Front. It was well worth the three month wait. At the end of this book I sat down and cried. It was the most dramatic book.
Rating:  Summary: pretty good Review: I finished this book in only two days, partly because it was so good. I pity the main character, Paul Baumer, because he is forever changed by his experiences in WWI. He doesn't fight because he really wants to; he fights because his schoolteacher cajoled the entire class into enlisting. He and his comrades trade with Russian prisoners, the "enemies". He is right when he says, "We are fighting a war because the leaders of our country said to." He also lost his life in a way because he lost his innocence and his youth. Things will never be the same for him. I had to read this book for school, and it is the second best school-book I have ever read (Night is first). This also partly explains why I finished it in only two days. My advice: read it, not because you have to, but because you want to.
Rating:  Summary: I thought the book was a boring one. Review: This book has got to be one of the most pointless books out on the shelves today. This is one of those books that you have to do background information on before you read it and no book should be like that. Pointless and boring. Simple as that.
Rating:  Summary: good book Review: good book, good details, good plot, good boo
Rating:  Summary: Thought this was another boring, school assigned book. Wrong Review: I really dreaded the thought of picking up this book. It was a war story and I am not to big on war stories. After a couple chapters on obtaining food and going to the bathroom in a group I started to realize the meaning of the book. Paul was fighting, not for or against his country, but fightring to end hate. These boys didn't even know what the reason for their fighting was. They only "knew" they were right and France was wrong. Paul started to question what he "knew" and how he "knew" it.
Rating:  Summary: 5 Stars all the way!!! Review: By defintion, All Quiet on the Western Front is fiction, but the mind-numbing look at war it presents is all true. It's raw. It's rough. It's real. Anyone who thinks he knows what war is should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: 1 Star? TRY 10! Review: Not to be a non-conformist or anything, but I wanted all you one star reviewers to read this... Do not be dismayed by it's gore, it's seemingly tedious and boring day to day reflections and un-characterizations. This book reflects, as close as possible, the grim realities of WWI. Paul's accounts are vivid and at times, plain...just like his reality was. I related to Paul even before I was in the military, and believe this book to be one of the greatest and definitely my favorite book so far in this life. I normally read non-fiction WWI accounts, but this book is quite the exception with it's amazing beauty and symbolism. And who wouldn't want to see their "dictator" teacher shown the bitter reality they so proudly proclaim they know firsthand?