Rating:  Summary: Exploding Page Turner Review: I never read a Dan Brown book until I read his best selling thriller "The Da Vinci Code". The can't-put-it-down page turner captivated my literary senses, and played with intriguing, fun themes. Naturally, I went to the first book in which the character of Robert Langdon appeared, and found it to be equally compelling, if somewhat over-the-top in some parts.Robert Langdon is introduced as a symbologist, who's awakened early in the morning by a phone call and subsequently, a very disturbing fax. His adventures thus begin, and literally do not stop until the next day. What lies between those two points provides an enjoyable, challenging story that is compelling, imaginative, and thrilling. Brown's style is rich with philosophical bantering, provided by his characters at prime moments in the action when they are given "breathers" to discuss certain developments. This allows the reader to feel as if he's learning something as the story spins around him. However, Brown's style is also somewhat shallow and lacking a true depth into his characters. He basically sets up the characters very quickly, and away they go. But this lack of depth didn't bother me. I didn't read this book to get inspired by insightful characters. I read this book to get involved with a mind blowing thriller that I couldn't put down, and Brown delivers on every page. However, unlike "The Da Vinci Code", there were times that the events in this book seemed somewhat incredibly fantastical and unbelievable. Fortunately, it wasn't too often, so I let them go. Angels and Demons provides many pages of good reading fun, with a few incredible devious twists thrown in. You won't want it to end.
Rating:  Summary: Factual, Fast, and Fun Review: I was introduced to the books of author Dan Brown only three weeks ago, but have quickly absorbed all four of his published works. It is easy to see why some are comparing the work of Dan Brown and James BeauSeigneur (THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY). Both Brown and BeauSeigneur deal masterfully with the more mysterious features of religion, politics, and science. Both bring to light amazing bits of information, which they weave into the intricate patterns of their stories. Both are highly imaginative and write with a ring of authenticity that makes for a compelling read. While Brown compresses labyrinthine plots into brief time periods to provide page-turning suspense, BeauSeigneur trilogy is of epic proportion, covering several decades. While Brown applies the mysteries of history to the drama of "today," BeauSeigneur uses both history and prophecy (from perhaps a dozen major world religions) to transport the reader from the world of today, to the very dawning of a new age in a story reminiscent of the scope of Asimov's classic, FOUNDATION. One other difference is that BeauSeigneur has taken the novel (pun intended and forgiveness is asked) approach of including footnotes in his books of fiction. By doing so, he all but eliminates the necessity of suspending disbelief. Few authors employ such strong factual grounding as to make footnotes useful, but I believe Brown's work (and his readers) would benefit from BeauSeigneur's innovation.
Rating:  Summary: I liked this book, but... Review: I read this book because I enjoy palace intrigue, thrillers, mysteries, and grand conspiracy theories. On that level this novel worked and was a ripping good read. I also enjoy reading novels because I learn about things along the way. But... There are more than a few plot holes to drive a truck through. This is one of those novels where, the bad guy has planned things so carefully that if one thing slips up, it won't work. That's bad enough, but when it also seems to involve the actions of the good guys, their being smart enough to pick up the clues, or dumb enough to miss something, as the case may be, then I give up, set my need for coherence aside and just enjoy a good read. I also know enough about the Catholic church, the particle physics community (I live near Fermilab, have studied the topic and have good friends who work there), and a few other things to believe that Mr. Brown seriously bent reality to make this novel work. While I'd like to think I picked up a lot of knowledge along the way, I'm afraid I can believe nothing he's said. Simply because I know he got more than a few things wrong. Back on the plus side, I enjoyed Mr. Brown's frequent discussions about science vs. religion. I've been ruminating about some of these very issues recently, and his book helped me organize my thoughts and come up with some new perspectives. I wasn't expecting that and it was a nice surprise. So enjoy the book and the philosophic discussions, but don't expect an education or a solid plot.
Rating:  Summary: I've read worse Review: It's not that bad, really; just phony. And very manipulative. Also, makes one think Vatican City and Rome exist for [weak] literature's sake. It features an American hero only our Harrison Ford can immortalize for the US collective psyche. One more thing: the author should urgently hire an Italian editor, because most of the Italian quoted in the book is ridiculously wrong, and occasionally plain Spanish. Kind of embarrassing for a book that wants to appear well researched in Italian culture.
Rating:  Summary: Brims! Review: Apart from being such a terrific thriller, it is the way in which Dan Brown creates and allows the reader to enter the thought process of Robert Langdon, and lets the reader think along with him, as he uses all his skill and historical knowledge to try to outwit this assassin. To save the lives of the cardinals from such a deadly fate. ...
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic page turner Review: I have never written a review here, but this book is so good that I felt I should say something about it. After reading "The Da Vinci Code" I ran out and bought "Angels & Demons". The action is fast and you feel the need to keep turning the pages. I find that all of the historical data makes the book even more exciting and I loved the peek inside the Vatican. Make sure that when you start reading this book you have the time to keep reading, because you won't want to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK IS PURE "GENIUS" Review: Every once in awhile, I'll come upon a book that's so incredible that a five star rating doesn't even do it justice. Such was the case with Angels and Demons...a reading experience I'll not soon forget. The better part of this book takes place in Vatican City and I swear to you that I actually felt like I had spent the past few days there because that's how real and well-researched Dan Brown's book is. I also felt like I had been given some kind of drug that kept my heart in a state of continual palpitation because that's how exciting his book is as well. This is an effort of monumental proportions as Brown covers nuclear research, a Vatican conclave, the Illuminati, ambigrams, antimatter and a race against the clock to save part of the history of Rome. He also manages to fuse science, art, history and religion into one book while explaining why the battle between science and religion is still raging. The good thing about Brown is that he doesn't lecture the reader on this subject -- he simply lays it out there for you to ponder. The story begins with Robert Langdon, professor of religious iconology at Harvard University, receiving a very distraught phone call from Maximilian Kohler, director of CERN -- European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. One of his famed physicists, who also happens to be a priest, has just been murdered and the killer has left a calling card in the form of an ambigram branded onto the scientist's chest. Since Langdon specializes in symbology, he is asked to help track down the killer. This one phone call will lead Langdon on the most spectacular fictional chase I've ever been on. The reason this chase is so incredible is because it's like taking a fast action sightseeing trip around Rome while following a map written by Galileo with signposts sculptured by the great 16th century artist Bernini. Take my word for it; it's like nothing you've ever experienced. Like many of the other reviewers, I too had to stay up until 2AM because there was no way I could go to sleep without knowing how this book would end. The bad news is that once I finished it, there was still no sleep to be had because my heart was racing out of control. I decided to read this book because of all the "buzz" Dan Brown's latest book, The DaVinci Code, has been getting. Once I heard that it featured Robert Landon from Angels and Demons, I knew I had to read this before tackling DaVinci. Imagine my surprise when Angels and Demons far surpassed any expectations I had. Now I can't even envision what awaits me within the pages of The DaVinci Code. Unfortunately, I need to take a good rest between these two books as I don't think my heart can handle another thrill ride so soon with Dan Brown as the "Director of Entertainment."
Rating:  Summary: Uniquely "Brown!" Review: Oh, Wow, What A Story! High-tech drama at its finest to be sure! "Angels and Demons," is a unique story that could only be told by a writer like DAN BROWN...simply AMAGING! This is definately not a book to be missed! It will have you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire read! (Angels and Demons is a book I highly reccomend!)
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating Reading Review: I don't mind suspending disbelief if a story is well written and ANGELS AND DEMONS fit nicely in that category. What makes Dan Browns's books spectacular (in my humble opinion) is the attention to detail and the research that he incorporates into his stories. I was fascinated by Brown's telling of the secrets of the Vatican and the Illuminati and the parts played by Galileo and Bernini. Also recommended: IN HIS IMAGE (The Christ Clone Trilogy, Book 1) by James BeauSeigneur
Rating:  Summary: An absolutely STUNNING Thriller! Review: My first introduction to Dan Brown was through his incredible thriller, 'The Da Vinci Code' and figured that I had missed out on his previous works, so I picked up 'Angels & Demons' the day after I finished TDVC. This is in every way it's equal. Every bit as compelling. Every bit as entertaining. Every bit as FUN. If you enjoy solving puzzles -- especially REAL ones, than Dan Brown is an author you NEED to get to know and F-A-S-T. One of the things which made this book so instantly enjoyable was one of the main characters I already knew, Robert Langdon, world famous Symbologist from 'The Da Vinci Code'. Set aside some time to completely absorb this amazing tale, because once you start it, you will instantly be captured up in this highly addictive story. Robert is suddenly awakened early in the morning by the Director of the worlds leading science center, CERN located in Switzerland asking for advice. Robert is less than interested and hangs up when his fax machine spits out a picture which makes his blood run cold. Within a few hours, he is on a quick trip to Europe (heavy emphasis on the word 'Quick'). A murder has been committed. The victim, one of the most gifted scientist in the world has been brutally killed and the mysterious brand of the secret brotherhood of the Illuminati is left on his chest. NOT just ANY brand either, an Ambigram, a word which can be read the same right-side-up as well as upside-down. But Robert is convinced that the Illuminati have been disbanded for the better part of a century. Even so, his curiosity leads him on a quest which will take up the rest of the day and open up secrets long forgotten and better left buried. Somehow Dan Brown has introduced the element of Antimatter into the story in such a way as to be totally believable. The substance in actuality has been manufactured in microscopic quantities. It's a power source if harnessed could benefit mankind in untold ways -- however with most things the opposite is also true. In this case Antimatter can also be a weapon of catastrophic proportions. Just a tiny half-a-gram of Antimatter if it came in contact with literally ANYTHING, even air, would create an annhialation equal to a 5 kiloton nuclear explosion. When some of this material is stolen from a lab in Geneva and turns up hidden somewhere inside the walls of the Vatican, the chase is on to find it before it decimates the headquaters of the worlds largest Christian Religion. Oh, and to throw a little curve ball to the plot, the Pope has recently died and the worlds senior Cardinals have gathered for Conclave, to decide who will be elected Pontiff. Along the way, we find out the Illuminati's ultimate goal of destroying the Catholic Church, and suddenly it all seems possible -- frighteningly possible. When 4 of the Senior Cardinals are kidnapped and threatened to be murdered one-by-one until the Antimatter goes critical, the stakes suddenly are as serious as the Church has ever faced. Let me tell you this: NOTHING is as it seems, and NOBDY is safe from suspicion. I was absolutely convinced that one character was involved in the conspiracy and BOY was I WRONG. The surprises are fast and many, and the trip was one well worth taking. Catholics take note: You MAY be a little unsettled at how the Church is portrayed in 'Angels & Demons' but ultimately I believe the basic idea the author conveys is one of hope, and the Church provides that in many ways. I will be recommending this book (as well as 'The Da Vinci Code') to ALL my friends. HIGHLY recommended, and absolutely INCREDIBLY fun.