Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: Animal Farm is about the lives of animals living on a communist farm. When I first heard about it, I though that it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. But after the first page I knew that it was a wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: Oink, Neigh and Cluck Review: This book is a great exaple of Orwells genius. He crafts the story to match the progression of Russian communisim and never fails to make the story amusing. The whole story just shows what happens when anyone becomes power hungry enough to put their own rise in front of those they started out to benefit. I found this book captivating and interesting. I suggest it for any one who likes a good read and can grasp compicated ideas.
Rating:  Summary: Get your teenager to talk to you. Review: Read this book with them. If it is required reading at school, and you haven't read it, get a copy - it's cheap - and read it together. It'll give you something to talk about, you know there's always a need for conversation starters between parents and teens. If you have little kids (older than 6) watch the video with them, get them to read the book later (there are some differences between the book and video). A classic that emphasizes Churchill's words - "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Rating:  Summary: Revolution, corruption and lies Review: 1.Animal Farm, a political satire and a good example of Social Darwinism: very close to reality. THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST? 2.Animal Farm is easy to understand and is for all ages. The context to the Russian Revolution is very deep. 3.George Orwell is successful in writing a dramatic and exciting fable.
Rating:  Summary: Tied for first! Best-Book-Of-The-20th Century! Review: Animal Farm is probably the best-book of the century, though "The Catcher in the Rye", which I am currently reading, lives up to the standards of Animal Farm.Animal Farm tiwsts the story of the Russian Revolution! It is a very witty, funny and extremley intresting and Challenging book I've ever read. I am only 13, but I understand it well and really enjoyed it. Manor Farm is controlled by Farmer Jones. But Old Major(The boar) dreams of a rebellion and dreams of farms being run by animals for animals. But, as old Major's dream comes true, under the Leaders, the pigs Napoloen and Snowball, the throq out old Jones. But as the pigs turn more powerfull, Old Major's vision turns horribly sour and bitter. If you haven't read the book, I strongly recommend it..."Animal Farm by George Orwell, best-book OF THE 20th Century
Rating:  Summary: It was indeed a storm of judgement Review: With these words we find a tale that is touching and heartbreaking as it is inspiring. We see how we can be fooled into letting others control how we think and act if we do not think for ourselves. This is definitly a book to read for a report or for pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: A Better Understanding of Communism Review: Before I read this novel I didn't have a good understanding of what communism was. Of course I had heard of it, but I never really knew what it was about. Now that I've read the novel and learned how it is related to communism I have a much better understanding of it. The way the characters fit perfectly with real life characters gave the story a better meaning. The dogs were like K.G.B., and Molly represented the group of people that didn't care as long as it was good for them. Napoleon and his followers used their position to get luxuries and respect. The leaders of communism also used their position for control and luxuries. It was even suspenseful when the animals fought in the battles. It was motivational when the animals put everything they had into the windmill. Overall I think this was an excellent book, because it taught me something important.
Rating:  Summary: Orwell Captures Struggles of the Working Class Review: Animal Farm was a riveting story of the struggle between the hopes of determinated, loyal, farm animals and the over-powering, corrupted, group of pigs that cruely ruled the farm. Both exciting and touching, dramatic and entertaining, so imaginative yet so real, this stort not only entertains the reader, but makes you think about life and its state of reality. With startling resemblance to the events surrounding the Russian Revolution, this story takes you on a trip into the minds and souls of animals that you never believed could think. The novel is written briliantly and discriptively which allows the reader get to know the characters, feel their pain, think their thoughts, and live their lives. After the animals on the Manor Farm rebel against their cruel owner, they believe all hardships are over and they worry no more about suffering from hunger and being visiously over worked. But their hopes were proven false when the new power comes to play and seems to be slowly evolving into what they each know and fear. With their new found power the pigs become corrupt. Maybe it was the power, maybe it was the freedom, but whatever it was that drove them to be the selfish, cruel, depriving, nearly abusive, and quite desceptive rulers that they turned out to be, it must have been strong. The animals were loyal to their rulers, the pigs, though they surely resented them. They never betrayed them, but recieved betrayal in return. Breaking the set rules that the pigs themselves made to keep animalism pure, they diseaved and betrayed their loyal followers. The outcome of the story was sad but true when the pigs finally reach the point of corruption with no return. They became cruel and heartless to their fellow animals. The pigs evolved into what the animals feared most, the corrupted by power, greedy, selfish, man; thus leaving them with a future even scarier than their lives once were. Power corrupts all.
Rating:  Summary: All animal are equal, but some are more equal than others Review: If you want something deep, something different and something that takes your breath away, the you should read this story. I have to admit, when I first heard about it, I thought the man was mad, writing about some animals on a farm, but when I read it, the metaphor stounded me and now he's one of my favourite writer. How he tells the story from how the animals start the rebellion against the humans and how it turns up against them is amazing to read. And remember: All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
Rating:  Summary: The Best Classic. Review: This book is excellent and was very well written. It was sad but overall a good book. It had really good details about the characters. I liked how all the characters worked together even though some suspected that something was wrong. The animals on the Animal Farm are all helpful in many ways except the pigs.