Rating:  Summary: The History of USSR from 1917 to 1943 Review: It is a misrepresentation that "Animal Farm" is anti-communist. It certainly is anti-stalinist, but it is as much anti-capitalist. It is written from a historical perspective of a trotskyite and even uses common trotskyite terminology, in many cases (representation of Stalin as Napoloen is a very common analogy in Trotsky's works who likened Stalin's usurpation of power to that of Napoleon more than 100 years earlier). The story is not much more than a fable version of Trotsky's "Revolution Betrayed"Also, there are not a lot of meanings to the book. The story line is simple and very predictible, if you know Russian/Soviet history of 1917-1943. The events in the book almost have one-to-one correspondence to what really happened to Russia. Under the leadership of the bolshevik party(pigs) animals(people) depose capitalists (Mr. Jones) and establish the first ever worker's demoracy (Animals' Farm). Then, the deposed leaders attempt to gain the power back by getting capitalist countries - England and France, among others- to invade the newly found Russian Soviet Republic ("Jones and all his men, with half a dozen others from Foxwood and Pinch-field" invade the Animal Farm). However Trotsky/Snowball proves to be very able as Comissar of War and saves the newly found regime. In the impending power struggle Trotsky loses out to Stalin(Napoleon), who goes on to slowly get rid of all the principles on which the USSR (Animal Farm) was founded on. Even the personal characteristics of the two main bolshevik leaders are very accurate, albeit allegoric - "Napoleon was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker but with a reputation for getting his own way." Stalin was not a good speaker, but had a strong will, and the Bershire is definitely a reference to Stalin's Geogrian Background - he was the only bolshevik leader from Georgia and spoke Russian with heavy accent. Trotsky on the other hand, was the greatest speaker of the Russian Revolution, a brilliant writer, but wasn't suited for intraparty struggles. ("Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character.") Orwell also doesnt forget to mention Stalin's ability to amass support behind the scenes - "At the Meetings Snowball often won over the majority by his brilliant speeches, but Napoleon was better at canvassing support for himself in between times." Orwell describes the events quite meticulously - intraparty struggles, usurpation of power by Napoleon/Stalin, stalinist vilification of Trotsky/Snowball, falsification of history to suit Stalin's goals and to downplay Trotsky's role in defence of the revolution during the Civil War and the Intervention, industrialization (the building of the Windmill), the betrayal of the revolution's ideals, the purges and the stalinist terror by the Stalin's secret police (Napoleon's dogs)- all of them are described and are easily recognizable. The book ends with Napoleon being involved in a dialogue with with humans from the neighbor farms - Mr Pilkington (Churchill) and others. This is probably a reference to the Yalta conference, where Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt forgot their differences and divided spheres of influence. "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which". Stalin, a representative of a country that was supposed to have a higher form of government than capitalist democracy is a tyrant, just like leaders of capitalist countries; and for Orwell the only positive (and tragic) character in the book is Snowball/Trotsky.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: Animal Farm was an intresting book about how animals take over the humans and run them off of their farm. Even though the book refers to animals, it is very ture about our human nature and how we like to take over and control things. The book was written after World War Two it is very ture in today's world.
Rating:  Summary: The Animal Farm---The Story Within Review: The story of The Animal Farm itself is somewhat out there,but if you read between the lines and aply it to everyday life and look into history for aplications then you can get a special meaning from the book. The characters in this book seemed to come alive, the animals portraied all the different kinds of people you will incounter in life. The leaders,the quiters,the hard workers,and even the fakers. George Orewell used his talents as a great wrighter to speak out against communnism. Comming at the end of WWII, this book gave citizens a new look on communnism and the dictators who run communnist governments.All in all, i enjoyed reading and understanding this book.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: Animal Farm is an interesting book. You really can't predict the outcome of this story which made me be really attentive. One of the main charcters, Major, made an important speech about how animals were mistreated and fed just enough to keep them alive. He wanted animals to be free. Once he passes away his ideas begin to happen, only not exactly the way he planned. The animals work hard and a certain leader bends all the original "rules."
Rating:  Summary: Gives a Good Understanding of How Life was With Dictators! Review: Napolean is a dictator who was a lot like some of our terroists of to day, and how they get followers. I think it shows how inhumane dictators are. I also think it shows in more ways then one that dictators take and don't give anything back to their followers.The followers are always loyal and don't realize the dictator would eat better then them or if they were starving they wouldn't eat but, there leader would. That is why this book gives such a good understanding of it all!
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: The Animal Farm was a very interesting book written by George Orwell. If you didn't pay attention closely you could miss something important. The book was held at the end of World War 2 at a farm. The farm contained many walking and talking animals using personification. This book was very entertaining and amusing.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm By: Meagan Frye Review: Animal Farm, a very intriguing novel by George Orwell, is one that I highly suggest to anyone who wants to read such a meaningful book. In an essence, it represents our world in the early 1940's, when World War II was in full swing. In this book, animals represent different human charcters and different characteristics people exhibit through their actions of war and tyranny. Napoleon, the pig that overthrew Snowball, symbolizes a dictator and represents a sort of dictatorship, like Adolf Hitler. Napoleon has a way, like Hitler, to brainwash his people to think he is the best. This book really got my wheels turning. This is an outstanding book for anyone who chooses to read it, so why are you waiting? Go read it today!
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: The animal Farm was an incredible book. I liked it alot except for the animals drinking and smoking. It had great personification. I liked the way they all worked together and did their jobs. I think that they worked hard to get what they got and they deserved it. It will be read by everyone and enjoyed one day.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: This book really widened my eyes to the developement of domesticated animals. I began to visualize all of this happening. I thought about the animals revolting against the the humans and them just giving up. My favorite character was Squealer. He was a loud mouthed liar who used wonderful words and got away with it. Overall, I didn't really understand it and I got confused during it a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm: A ruthless dictatorship. Review: An overall good book with a few points to be made. The pig, Napoleon, has trademarks of Adolf Hitler, the Japanese dictator, Tojo, and several others. His cunning is greater than anyone else on the farm, that's why Boxer was sent to the horse glue maker. But like all great leaders, what would he be without his own secret police and someone to tell false lies to the public to ensure his stability and greatness. He gets the pig, Squealer, to tell the lies and he has his dogs he raised and feed his evil lies.