Rating:  Summary: anyone else scared? Review: Just how far off was Orwell with the possibilities that communism presented. This novel was written so far ahead of its time its scary. Even today, many years after 1984, we are reminded of this story through qoutations of the book that have become everyday sayings. I would tell you more but I mustn't doublethink, Big Brother is watching. Read the book, because when you've finished you'll want to read it again.
Rating:  Summary: Orwell's 1984: Not too Far Off the Mark Review: George Orwell's novel 1984 is an intriguing piece ofliterature. It is interesting, inspiring, and terrifying all at thesame time. Published in 1949, the novel's unyielding dystopian realism gives a warning that concerns the menaces of totalitarianism that Orwell feared could completely grip the world in the near future. The novel is set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three constantly warring totalitarian police states. The novel's hero, Wnston Smith, is a minor party official in the Ministry of Truth, where the motto is, "he who controls the past controls the future, and he who controls the future controls the past." Ironically, it is Winston's relentless longing for 'truth' and decency that leads him to secretly rebel against the government and its esteemed leader, Big Brother. In doing so, Smith becomes involved in a love affair with a like-minded by the name of Julia. Together, with the purpose of overthrowing the totalitarian government, they join an underground organization called the Brotherhood. Unfortunately, they are both apprehended by the Thought Police shortly after their admission into the organization. The ensuing imprisonment, torture, and reeducation of Winston and Julia are intended not merely to make them submit or to break them physically, but to root out their independent mental existence and spiritual dignity to the point that they betray the only thing that they have ever loved: each other. This novel made a deep impression on me. Orwell does an excellent job of getting his warning across while at the same time touching on romance and the natural instincts of the human heart. The daunting part about reading this novel is that it is very realistic and possible. 1984 is a novel that should be read by everyone, and the warning that it gives should be heeded. By Alicia Crawhorn
Rating:  Summary: A Mind-Boggling Read Review: 1984 was the most mind-boggling book I read. George Orwell'simagination captivated the mind throughout the novel. One constantlyforgot that Orwell was a man of the 1940s writing his view of what the world would be like in 1984. It was amazing to read Orwell's perception of the future in such vivid detail. This is the story of an entirely new world. Just as people thought that the world would become utter chaos in our far future, the year 2000, George Orwell believed that in his far future, 1984, there would only be three superstates in existence: Eastasia, Eurasia, and Oceania and the world would live under complete government control. ...The totalitarian government present in Orwell's novel is in many ways similar to those which have existed throughout history in Russia, China, Germany, etc. It is fascinating to think how Orwell was impacted by the events going on around him. This novel was the means by which George Orwell warned the nations of the possibility of complete loss of individualities and freedoms. 1984 screams to be read by all. It is a disturbing leap into the reality that these circumstances could come to be, but it is also a novel of great imagination and creativity and tells a story that one could never forget.
Rating:  Summary: One of my favortie novels ever! Review: This book had a profound effect on me. It showed me how all thought is subjective, and showed me the fear of a totalitarian society. If you ever have the time of day, please read this book. And remember, two and two makes five...
Rating:  Summary: Winston....is a character masterpeice, and George Orwell.... Review: I loved this book. I reccomended it to everyone I met. I went to a restaraunt yesterday and reccomended it to 15 people, yes 15. I choose a book every year. A book that I am going to analyze, this year it was 1984. I love this book I just really really love it. For any7 read this is the perfect book. For Sci-Fi, for Histroical readers, even me, a fantasy buff find it wonderful!Any way I will leave fellow readers to decide its true worth!
Rating:  Summary: Power of the government Review: We thoroughly enjoyed 1984 by George Orwell, and feel that is it a warning to citizens of the consequences of power. The novel provided an eye-opening account of the affects on the individual in a totalitarian system. Orwell vividly depicts the loss of individualism and the conformity that results among the citizens when government is given too much power. We recommend this book to all high school students because it not only deals with the harsh reality of the government, but also with the feelings of the narrator, Winston Smith, towards the system. 1984 has encouraged us to take an active role in our government as voters, and has helped us to realize the full extent of our freedoms in the USA.
Rating:  Summary: George, Stick to Non-Fiction Review: This is the second time I've been forced to read this book for aclass, and I have to ask, "What's the point?" Maybe if you live in a country that's a monarchy, this book's worth reading, but this is *America*, ok? The whole reason we live in a democracy is so that we the people don't have to worry about things like this. "Brave New World" played up the science fiction aspect of it's "futuristic" setting ,and I thought that book worked much better. Orwell's lecturing on politics was ok one time around ("Animal Farm"), but this book gets so bogged down in a million issues that just don't matter ("double-speak?" Who cares how people choose to talk-- we should be able to talk to each other however we want) and gets lost. If you want to read Orwell when he actual has something to say, try "The Road to Wigan Pier," which acutally is enlightening, not this preachy homily of something that never happened. It's 2000. 1984 was a bad movie with Michael J. Fox.
Rating:  Summary: Dark and prophetic Review: Of the two great Dystopian novels, (Brave New World being the other)this one is my favorite. It is a story of a man dealing with his own thoughts about freedom versus oppression, and also an analysis of how Communism has gone bad (dictatorships) and where it could potentially take us. But how different is Oceania from our own society? Think of all the surveillance cameras you see and the idea of hate crime (which invades the thoughts of people, to find what they were thinking). 1984 is prophetic about China and the Soviet Union yet, it also tells something about America and our "freedom", showing us that no government is going to give you true freedom. The beginning and end of the book are the best parts, the middle is a little weaker, due to the development of a love story (I am still iffy on whether or not the love story part of this book actually harms the book at all). Anyway, it is a great book for anyone and it is highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most important books ever written Review: 1984 should be read by all, in fact this and Animal Farm should be required reading in every single classroom in America. My God how this book is important! Everyone should read it for the knowledge it provides and the warnings it puts forth.
Rating:  Summary: Food for thought Review: I finally got round to reading this 'classic', and I must say I wasn't too disappointed, as up until now I've disliked nearly all the so called classics I've read. The first two parts of the book are largely mediocre- Orwells writing style has never really been particularly special and the world and characters he depicts are somewhat clumsy. It is only upon reading the final part of the novel that this book rises above the crowd, as Orwell firmly clarifies the message of the book, not only depicting the true horror of an omnipotent dictatorship, but also the systematic manipulation of information and fact to it's ultimate extreme. This latter point has tremendous relevance as it does occur in western societies, hence in America words such as 'liberal' have had their meaning altered by the media to the point at which they become non descriptive, merely remaining as a form of abuse. This use of language manipulation is revealed in the book to be the final step in ultimate control- to manipulate peoples actual ability to think. The book does leave the reader with much to ponder, and indeed many will take different messages away from it, though I must admit how anyone who has read the whole book can go away thinking that it was merely a straight forward attack on communism, is beyond me. Left, right and centre poltics are all capable of using the methods warned against in this book, and have all done so to a certain degree. Overall, well worth reading.