Rating:  Summary: 1984: Heed the Warning... Review: Being an avid reader and lover of great literature, 1984 was an advious choice for a good read. Orwell's gripping realism captivated me in the first chapater and held my attention untill the last three words. Not only did I find the plot captivating, but Orwell's voice spoke straight to me.The strong political theme doesn't override the call to every one for a better world. Any one who reads this book and take from it the message Orwell sends, would understand why it is a classic. A fan of classic literature or high thrill novels will enjoy this page turner.
Rating:  Summary: Orwell's Bleak Future Review: Please don't think me arrogant, but I've always thought of myself as a rather capable reviewer of the modern novel. I've read just about every kind of book I can think of(Orwell to Hemingway-London to Stevenson-King to Koontz- and yes, even those trashy little pulp novels with stories of witches and heroes)and have enjoyed in some manner or another almost every one. But, fellow readers, if I was forced to choose a single book, just one to promote to those people eager to turn pages, it would be George Orwell's classic story of Oceania. "1984" From its first paragraphs to the final four words, this book grabs the reader's attention and just refuses to let go. Orwell's story deals with a man named Winston, an employee at Oceania's Ministry of Truth, who is responsible for the almost daily altering and destruction of historical documents and photographs in an effort to serve the political interests of a group known simply as "the Party." With such activities as "Hate Week" and public slogans like "War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength" the forementioned party keeps to its philosophy of Totalitarianism with a firm and painful grip. And I won't forget to mention the leader of it all, a pseudo-religious figure named Big Brother who never fails to rid Oceania of its more troublesome citizens with the help of the infamous "Thought Police," an elite and cruel gestapo-like police force charged with the task of making those citizens of Oceania brave or foolish enough to speak ill of "the Party's" policies or even look unsatisfied at home(their is human as well as mechanical surveillance everywhere)disappear in a discrete and timely manner. "1984" seems more like a hint, a prediction if you will, of a future disturbingly possible(it was written in 1949). The book moves at a quick pace and even the most casual reader would have little trouble with the language. Don't miss this one folks. It's definitely worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Big Brother is watching you - read this book and see how! Review: George Orwell's classic was incredibly visionary. It is hardly fathomable that this book was written in 1948. Things that we take for granted today - cameras everywhere we go, phones being tapped, bodies being scanned for weapons remotely - all of these things were described in graphic detail in Orwell's book.Now that we have the Internet and people spying on other people w/ webcams and people purposely setting up their own webcams to let others "anonymously" watch them, you can see how this culture can develop into the Orwellian future described in "1984." If you've heard such phrases as "Big Brother," "Newspeak," and "thought crime" and wondered where these phrases came from, they came from this incredible, vivid and disturbing book. Winston Smith, the main character of the book is a vibrant, thinking man hiding within the plain mindless behavior he has to go through each day to not be considered a thought criminal. Everything is politically correct, children defy their parents (and are encouraged by the government to do so) and everyone pays constant allegiance to "Big Brother" - the government that watches everyone and knows what everyone is doing at all times - watching you shower, watching you having sex, watching you eat, watching you go to the bathroom and ultimately watching you die. This is a must-read for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: A Future that Could Soon be Real... Review: Ever heard of the "Dummying" of the education system, or the "Liberal" press? Well, you should have. These are examples of areas where Orwell's nightmarish vision have come true. Do you merely vote for the party and fall into the trap of propaganda? Then you have succombed to the ministry of truth. Now, I am sure you are asking, "What do these things from our time have to do with Orwell's story of a future ruled by communism?" The answer was simple: Orwell wasn't merely poking fun at Stalin like he was in Animal Farm. He was presenting a world where people don't think, they merely do. He was envisioning a world where human beings work like robots and cannot question why. When you read 1984, think of the connections to our world today, and think of how they can be changed. This novel is truly scary than any formulaic horror story: it shows us what will happen if we don't excersize our right to free speech... while we still have it.
Rating:  Summary: Timeless Review: I recall the flurry of TV and print documentaries that appeared in 1984, all striving to answer the question "How close are we?" I thought that generally they missed the point. Yes, Orwell's classic was ostensibly about Totalitarianism, but on a deeper level, it is all about control. 'He who controls the past, controls the present' is Orwell's brilliant insight. And, as such, his thesis is applicable to an astonishlingly wide variety of modern situations. How do ... religious leaders get their followers to blindly accept everything they say? Simple application of doublethink, though policing and control of information. How do modern conglomerates get away with collecting and selling your personal information? Tell you that its all for your own protection, that's how. 1984 is a brilliant, timeless book. It explores the strange quirks of human psychology that make it inevitable that we will always be controlled. And, to this day, it still sounds a prescient warning.
Rating:  Summary: Big Brother in the back door! Review: Well here we are in 2000, the year 1984 just a memory. Our fears of Orwell's book being a prophecy fully abated. Like most people I first read this book in school. Like most people I came away with the idea that the collectors of information will end up like Big Brother. I too cried '1984' when the government tried to collect even more info on us. Shortly after Princess Diana's death, though, I read this book for a second time. I then realized that we have been looking for 'Big Brother' in all the wrong places. Big Brother isn't the collector of information, he is the controller of information. Who controls information today? The media. Compare Princess Diana's life to Winston's. Very good book. Well worth reading again as an informed adult. At least that is this proles opinion.
Rating:  Summary: 1984-OK Computer Review: A while back I started listening to a record by Radiohead. At first two songs really struck me as "Whoa" but I couldn't figure out why. I listened to the rest of the songs and they soon struck me as "Whoa." I continued listening and I wanted to know what other people thought. I found a comparison between the book Nineteen Eighty-Four and this album. I didn't read anything more than the idea because I knew that I wanted to investigate for myself. I read the book and for the longest time I could not figure out any minute connection between the two. I listened day and night and eventually it made itself clear. OK Computer is the soundtrack to 1984. Each song has some relation to this book. This book is great, and everyone should read, while listening to radiohead. yeah.
Rating:  Summary: I Love Big Brother. Review: This book is very engrosive and is what I consider "literature." In my mind literature is what makes you think. And take my word for it, it definetly makes you think.
Rating:  Summary: Down with Big Brother Review: Excellent, Thought-provoking. I was assigned this book in an English course. Years later, I read it again. I will most likely do so again. Winston Smith, the main character, is a man who lives in constant fear of the Government. His job is to break down the langauge we once had into smaller words. History is kissed goodbye....Yet Winston holds on. He doesn't want to be subjected to the vision of the party. He holds on to what he remembers...will Big Brother catch on? You will have to read this book to find out!
Rating:  Summary: 1984...perhaps 2084 Review: George Orwell's classic '1984' was absurd to me when I first read it in 1984 at the tender age of sixteen. Now, at twice that age, I realize how close we really are to the horror he envisioned. It is a cynical and depressing look at how weak the human spirit really can be. Even now, it is appalling to see my generation sacrifice liberty for security at every turn. The novel leads you along expecting the best for our protagonist, but in the end his doom is sealed not by his own unwillingness to fight, but the unwillingness of mankind. A society where people would gladly live in shackles (even in the metaphorical sense) rather than make a stand for the right to live free, is not so hard to invision. The society described in Orwell's nighmarish future is only off by a few generations...we are on the road to "doublethink". WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. This novel should be read by all high school students, and read again by all parents.