Rating:  Summary: please read Review: mr hardy's book was digusting because of how he made it seem like it was right for the man to have his little son around his boyfriend that was just wrong and furthermore it's wrong for james hardy to condone homosexuality because it is an abomination against god and all who are homosexuals will suffer with god's eternal hellfire. i hate the awy james hardy tries to condone homosexuality it's just wrong he needs to pray and ask god to deliver him from that evil spirit of homosexuality.
Rating:  Summary: This book is tha BOMB!!! Review: Child, there is no other book that can give you such an in depth feel of the life of a gay black brutha. James Earl Hardy is so talented with his vivid characters, and his use of words. The tone of this book is excellent. It has so many ups and downs that it is a very hard book to put down. Once you read this book, you never want to stop, and you'll read it over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Talk about a graphic novel.... Review: Raunchy, graphic, hilarious, suprising, and heart-filled, this novel takes the cake. I recommed this book to anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, to open up the mind and enjoy the ride.
Rating:  Summary: I want my money back! Review: Seriously sexy? Fiercely funny? Only if you find self-righteous, pontificating queens, and gay wannabe homeboyz either sexy, or funny. I sure didn't. Maybe if the writing was better, and Hardy was capable of describing his characters without just naming some celebrity they supposedly resemble(also note how many characters happen to share names with celebrities), and if the characters had some depth or nuance to their personalities instead of just left over stereotypes, it might have been interesting. The writing is so poor that he's stuck reusing certain expressions(dayaamn!, jood, kissed dooown, gagged)so often that I swear when you close your eyes you can still see them burned into your retinas for several seconds afterwards. Let me breakdown the characters for you. The gay men are either screaming queens, or closeted gangstas. Oh, and, SHHH! Please don't tell the author that his characters are queens because evidently none of the books characters seem to realize they're queens. Nobody in Mitchell's office knows that he's gay? Puh-leaze, this flamer would have set off the fire alarms as soon as he stepped into the building. Pookie? Lil Bit? I gagged. The white males are either evil, or spineless. And the other characters? Well, there aren't any other characters really. The plot? Plucky achiever falls for a strong black man who must overcome his street hardened sense of himself, and learn to listen to his heart to become his true strong, but sensitive man he really is. Change the gender of the plucky achiever to a woman and the strong black man to a blue-collar white guy and you've got a Lifetime channel movie of the week. In between times the characters talk about how the man is keeping them down. Although they deal constantly with racism, strangely homophobia never seems to cross their paths except for when it comes FROM a gay white guy. What planet is James Earl Hardy on? It's not worth slogging through all of this just for a couple of halfway decent erotic passages.
Rating:  Summary: Hardy seems to have some issues... Review: I read this book on the suggestion of one of my students. The subject -- love and passion between two black men -- is an important and underrepresented one. Most of the dialogue Hardy uses is true to the common speech of the gay black community, and his descriptions of the men therein are right on. Although I found them irritating, I can overlook his excessive use of parentheses and his abuse of platitudes to say the writing is fairly good, though a bit simplistic. What I cannot overlook is the blatant racism contained within these pages. Hardy goes way beyond black-pride when he generalizes and condemns all white people (to the point where Black folk get a capitol "B" but white people aren't deserving of that "W"). Hardy's characters see bigotry in everything. White people swat flies - FLIES ARE BLACK and thus it is just another example of the white man keeping the black man down! Prejudices are real and prevalent enough without Hardy's delusional creations. The story is good and the characters are interesting; however, the shortcomings of the book are such that I would not recommend it to anyone with either a social conscience or true literary sense.
Rating:  Summary: Marvelous Love Story Review: Quite possibly the sickest, sexiest, most poignant, coolest books ever written. It's definitely not for the weak at heart, but it's a wonderful book with wonderful characters and a few surprises. I've read it about 4 times. Do yourself a favor and get this book if you're looking for something a little edgy.
Rating:  Summary: A funny, sexy romance story.... Review: Having never read gay literature, I didn't know what to expect when I picked up this book. Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised. The story was good. I occasionally read romance novels, and this book followed the same premise as those with the exception that the characters in the relationships are men. And although I'm a straight female, I found myself hurting when they hurt, laughing when they did, and hoping for a happy ending. Unexpectedly, after reading this book I came away with a deeper understanding of some of the issues gay black men have to deal with. I also came away with more respect for them -- mind you, not that I didn't respect them in the first place. I just understand a little more. Parts of the story -- although very few parts, seemed unnecessary. Such as some of the descriptions of events that happen in daily life that weren't overly interesting, and the amount of cussing that went on. However, the humor in the book made up for any downsides to it. All in all, this was a good book.
Rating:  Summary: Just a Harlequin romance novel for brothas. Review: I think Hardy has read Terry McMillan's "Disappearing Acts" one too many times. A friend raved about the book, and gave it to me to get my opinion. It was a real let down. Authors shouldn't fall in love with their characters, and Hardy clearly has. Raheim is so perfect I half expected him to ascend bodily into heaven at the end. These characters are all smart, accomplished, good looking, and financially secure, and all they do is complain(at least that part is realistic). It's filled with stereotypes, even though it preaches against them. He uses the same phrases over and over again, until you never want to see "jood", or "gagged", or "kissed down", again in your life. And the man has some serious black/white issues(I won't even go there). I know this is his first novel and maybe the next ones will be better. In that case someone will have to tell me about it because I won't be finding out first hand. Instead of reading this stuff people should check out the novels of E. Lynn Harris, or better yet James Baldwin.
Rating:  Summary: I could not put this book down Review: This book was so very "jood,jood,jood" I wanted to read it at the traffic lights. People thought I was crazy, when laughing out loud at work. Big up to you Mr Hardy.I give you ten stars.