Rating:  Summary: A Must-Read! Review: Sophie, or as Rachel calls her, Fee, shares all of her stories and relationships. I recommend this book mostly for mature young teens. The format that Sonya Sones put this in is one that I have never seen before. I thought it was fun and original. A quick read, but an amazing story!
Rating:  Summary: Sophie Review: I recommend this great book. It was life-like, and full of laughter.This is a little review of the story. Sophie lives with her mother and father. Her parents fight constantly. Her best friends are Rachel, and Grace. She tells about her life and her 3 boyfriends. As she breaks up with the first two, she finds Mr.Right, his name is Murphy. When she does, finds Mr.Right she knows that her MAN is a total nerd and gets scared because of what everyone will say. She tries to tell her best friends but its way to scary. She even made a New years resolution: "i will tell Rachel and Grace". When the time comes to tell Rachel and Grace, she runs up to Murphy, panics, and tells Murphy that everything will be alright...
Rating:  Summary: Simply Soulful, but Perfectly Reflective Review: Sonya Sones has created a book of poems, of heartache, and learning to deal. Sophie is a great example of a teenage girl. Sophie likes, loves, and lusts all at the same time. She may be dumb at some points, but she always has fun. Hating the fact that she hates her chain smoking, soap opera watching mother brings her closer to some teens, while other teens close to their parents watch at a safe distance.
Rating:  Summary: I felt I was kissing some of the boys! Review: This was an excellent book. Very well written. I felt I was kissing some of the boys that Sonya talked about in her book. It left you wondering what it would be like to kiss some of the boys she mentioned. Very creative and it was great. If you like other books, read her other one, "Stop Pretending." It is also a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Great for both readers and non-readers Review: This book is on the Lone Star list for 2003-2004 and I picked it up for that reason. It's a story told in poetry form and it is very readable and quite a page-turner. I started the book while waiting for a doctor appt. and was at page 112 by the time the doctor came in.I have a 15 year old daughter (who isn't a big reader) and as I read this book I thought of her. The book is about three 15 year old girls and one is going through 1st, 2nd, and maybe 3rd love. I bought the book for her to take with her on a camping trip. By the end of the week at least 4 people on the trip read and enjoyed the book. My daughter and I didn't agree with how the book ended, but it gave us a chance to talk about the topics of loyalty and friendship. I highly recommend this book, especially for young teenage girls. And I think this would be a great book for a mother-daughter book group or for mothers and daughters to independently read the book and talk about things from the book.
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: i just finished this book and it was great. it is about a girl named sophie who is almost 15. It is written in poetry, sort of like karen hesse's out of the dust. It goes through her experiences with boys. It was very interesting (i reaad it in one sitting) i would recommend it to girls age 11-14 or so. GREAT BOOK!!
Rating:  Summary: What she doesn't know? Review: What she doesn?t know? What my mother doesn't know? by Sonya Sones is about a teenage girl Sophie or sof for short. In this selection Sophie has a big crush on this guy named Dylan . Comes to find out that Dylan likes her to. Dylan and sapphire or as he calls he start to fall deeply in love. After a few weeks they both go to movies and parties together. When Sophie gets home from school one night she decides to go in to a chat room on line. But then she finds this guy who she can?t wait to meat. Dylan and Sophie arrange plans to meat at a school dance. When she realizes what she got her self in to she starts to wonder if what she is doing is right. She discuses it with her friends to get their opinions on their view point and what they suggested was not what she was looking for. Does Dylan find out? Does she really meat him? I gave this book five stars because it was very interesting and you could not put it down. I really likes this book because you can really relate it to a teenage life. I think if you were a girl you would enjoy the book rather than if you were a guy. If you enjoyed the book ?Star girl? then you would enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Who said poetry is boring? Review: What My Mother Doesn't Know is a book written from 15-year-old Sophie's point of view. Written in a unique poetry format, the book takes us through Sophie's life. When I first picked it up, I thought that it would be hard to follow but that was not the case. I read it in an hour and a half. And while you can read it all at once like a novel, it's not necessary. You can easily just pick it up and read random poems and still follow along the stroy. I would highly recommend What My Mother Doesn't Know for girls ages 14-18.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome! Review: Wow, "what my mom doesnt know" is among one of the TOP books I read recently. It tells the story of Sophie, a 15 years old girl. Through Sonya Sones, I was able to see the life and struggles of a teenage girl such as, fights with her mother, her appearances, and her love life, which I also found parts of me inside of Sophie as a 16 years old. As the story progresses, I felt as if I was living through the experiences also. Its mainly because of the format that the book is written in. Sonya Sones tells the mind and feelings of Sophie through direct, bold and honest poems. With so little words she describes the important moments clearly and perfectly but yet the words she chose were also so powerful. You would honestly have to read it yourself to understand what I really mean. I finished this book in no time, because the author really knows how to let me keep flipping onto the next page, wanting to find out what happens next. Aniways, enough said, this is a really sweet and touching story of a teenage girl whom I believe all of us would discover little pieces of ourselves from her, no matter past or future.
Rating:  Summary: What My Mother Doesn't Know...won't hurt her...right? Review: Sophie, a 15 year old average tennage girl, talks about her love-life and keeping secrets from her mom, but it's not really about her mom. It's morely about her, finding Mr. Right. But what if Mr. Right turns into Mr. Right and a half? Would it still be okay? And what if you expect your friends to have a very bad reaction about him? Would you still see him as "right"? or leave him behind as "wrong"? This book talks about not judging poeple by their cover. People always go for good-looking guys, or maybe jocks, but they don't always give you a 100% happiness, do they? If your looking for happiness and true love, maybe you could find from someone unimaginable and not so totally hot or dreamy. Maybe it's just someone like a "Murphy". "Murphy", or aso called a dork, can't give you the right image, but it can sure give you 100% happines.