Rating:  Summary: An Amazing Adventure... Review: I read this book because I remembered being shown the movie as a child and not really understanding the movie, but finding it scary and sad. At 24 years-old, I figured I could probably grasp the plot by now, and I was curious what it was all about.I was not disappointed. This is one of the best books I've read in a while. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that the characters are all animals makes it more interesting, not less (was Animal Farm boring for lack of humans?). Animals are often used in literature to represent human archetypes and it can be quite a useful tool. Here it's no different: you have Hazel, the leader coming into his own, Fiver, the seer, Bigwig, the warrior, etc. The rabbits experience adventures worthy of the Odyssey throughout the story, and I found there was never a dull moment. The basic plotline is that a small band of rabbits escapes from their warren (rabbit community) after a rabbit with some sort of sixth sense (Fiver) predicts its destruction. The rest of the story chronicles the rabbits' journey through the English countryside to try to establish a new warren elsewhere and acquire does so that the warren will flourish. There's lots of dangers for wild rabbits from all sorts of expected and unexpected sources, and their adventures are the meat of the story. I decided the story still is scary; at times it was all I could do to force myself to actually read the words rather than skip ahead to discover if one of the characters survives the close fight, or epic (for rabbits) three-mile journey, or hopeless mission. But it's not sad. It's an inspiring story of courage, ambition, loyalty, and friendship, with plenty of adventure along the way - all the ingredients for a great story. Regarding the disappointed reviewer who read this in an English class - a poorly taught English class can ruin any great book. This book has important, if not altogether original, insights into human relationships, government, society, oppression, liberation, fear, death, etc. I think this is a very valuable book and one of the best I've ever read. I'm glad I gave it another chance.
Rating:  Summary: So-So Review: This is a book that my Gifted English class had to read and, as usual, over analyze. We read it over a long period of time with many tests, etc. and I was pretty disappointed. I know that with a story about talking bunnies you shouldn't expect too much but there was something telling me that this book may be a little bit more...I was wrong though. Blah Blah Blah is about all that I saw on the pages after about a week and eventually I just wanted to put the book down and begin stomping on it. I guess that in it's entirety it wasn't all that horrible but I have to ask myself if it was truly worth my time to read it and I am not sure what I would say. It has a lot to say but it could have been said in a much more condensed version. To be honest I could have cut at least a hundred pages from it and still been able to get the same message across. I guess that in the end I would have to say that if you really want to read this, go check it out at you local library.
Rating:  Summary: A real page turner... Review: I personally loved this book because I like animals, and they are the main characters. I also liked the book because the author really went into detail describing the characters and the setting. I liked Hazel the best,not only because he was one of the main characters,but because he was such an outstanding leader. His compassion,bravery,and self-control was really amazing. The best part of the book was the intense chase scene where Hazel,with his companions and the newly captured rabbits are running for their lives from the evil Woundwart and his terrible rabbits. This part of the book kept me on the edge of my seat,and I could not put it down.I liked the ending because it was bitter-sweet and really tied the book together. This really was a great book!:)
Rating:  Summary: My review of Watership Down Review: I liked the book because it was funny in some parts. The made up words were interesting and the charecters were orignal. I didn't like how the made up words were used because you couldn't tell what the author meant to say. I think the best part of the book was were they were in the corn field playing and eating. The worst part was were they were traveling because it was hard to follow. The most vivid story elements were the charecters to me. The setting was also well done but, need some work in places. Overall this book was good reading.
Rating:  Summary: Even for younger readers Review: It should be noted that the book was written by Adams for his children. For this reason, each chapter was designed to stand alone as its own story. Younger children will enjoy being read to in installments tracking the adventures of these rabbits.
Rating:  Summary: loved it Review: i loved this book. i stayed up untill four reading it. i loved how adams created a world for the rabbits and a whole language/fairy tales for them. I was sad to see the book end because it was so great.
Rating:  Summary: A superb story Review: I recently read this book, and I have to say that it is one of the best works of fiction I have read in quite a while. Most of what I think are the outstanding features of the book seem to have already been mentioned in the reviews already posted. However, I will discuss some of the ones that particularly appealed to me. Richard Adams manages to create a completely self-contained and credible universe for the rabbbits who are the central characters of the story. Clearly he spent a lot of time researching the lives of rabbits, (he mentions his debt to "The Private Life of the Rabbit" by R.M. Lockley in the Acknowledgements section). For me, the point that most clearly shows the care that Adams has taken is the very careful and enjoyable outline of the mythology of the rabbits. They even have their own Creation Myth!! I also liked the occasional telling of the mythical exploits of El-ahrairah the Prince Rabbit at various points in the story. Adams manages to build a totally beleivable rabbit mythology. It has been said that the inclusion of a map in the front of a fantasy book is a bad sign, as it usually means that you are going to be dragged into every part of it at some stage, whether you like it or not. However, in the case of this story it mercifully proved to be not so. Indeed, the maps assisted the story rather than distracting from it. The plot is well thought out. One tiny quibble I have with the plot is that the central characters dont realise that they will need some females to populate their new warren till they have actually reached Watership Down. The getting of females forms the central plot of the second (and most exciting) part of the book. However, this is a minor quibble and it is necessary to sustain the story. The characterisation was good as well. (I particularly liked General Groundwort and Keehar). I'm starting on Shardik in a week or two. I hope it's as enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down Review: This is a brilliant book which keeps readers intrested from start to finish. As soon as I began reading this book i fell in love with the charecthers and the plot. This is an absoultley brilliant book
Rating:  Summary: The Best in a long time! Review: I would describe this book as sweet, but yet full of suspense. One of the best novels of all times!
Rating:  Summary: By Frith, what a Wonderful book! Review: I've been reading all the reviews, and I can't understand these people who say it's too long, it's boring...........I loved it. I had to pick a book to read for a 10th grade project, and this was recommended to me by a friend. I wasn't sure I would like it-I'm a horse fan-but I loved it. I was into it from the very beginning. The characters-all rabbits- are very interesting and dynamic. I especially loved the made-up rabbit words, confusing to some people, but i thought it was cool. The story is about a group of rabbits who flee their home in search of a new one. On the way, they encounter hardships and problems as they try to establish a new warren. More characters are added as they go on, and each scene is more interesting than the last. I finished iot in a week, I couldn't put it down. A few not-so-good words, when your get around Keehar-the seagull-so watch out if you read it to little kids. All in all, an awesome book, I recommend it to everyone who can read.