Rating:  Summary: School Review Review: Fahrenheit 451 was a twisted novel where everything you had previously believed in, was proved wrong. It created a world where fireman started fires instead of putting them out. It was a time where houses were all made fireproof. It was a world where people didn't just sit and talk, and have educated conversations, there was actually very little exchange between people. Its quite on the contrary, it's a world where TV's lined whole walls, and if you pay extra they can even say your name! The fireman lived in firehouses, but had robotic dogs that were trained to attack and kill! The story is about a fireman, Guy Montage, who meets a young girl who tells him how life used to be, and about what can be found in books. Guy then steals books and reads them. In reading these books he has discovers the truth, he discovers the way life was and should be, he reads about philosophy and poetry, even the bible. His wife rats him out to the fireman and they come to burn down his house to destroy all the books kept inside. He then becomes a criminal running from everyone. His goal is to set up fireman across the world by planting books in their homes, therefore destroying all firemen and hopefully returning the world to the way it used to be like in the young girls stories.This was a very exciting book, and very colorful. It painted a very beautiful painting in my head and described things so thoroughly that I believed that a world like that might possibly exists somewhere out there.
Rating:  Summary: reality is burning. Review: Guy Montag burns for a living--he's a fireman whose job is to burn books. Meeting Clarisse shows Montag a different corner of the world, a corner where people seem to wait for him, where people have a reason to exist. A place where people are books. Montag realises he must change. The horror of his crime burns him like fire itself. But he also carries the weight of hidden books, keeping it silent under the threats of his firehouse chief. When his wife sets the alarm and own house is burned by his own hand, Montag runs. He runs for his life and finds help around the corner. He becomes a living, running book along with others who have escaped the ruined city. This is a book that speaks of hope among the dust, among the ashes; emptiness that can be so easily mistaken for happiness.
Rating:  Summary: boring to read but a good story Review: I Like this book. It was a good book. A wounderful imagination Bradbury has, lots of idias, incredible infact. The books main character is a fireman, but he actually starts fires! The Fireman burn books becuase books are now illigal in the year 2000 somehting. THis fireman meets a strange girl and starts him to realize that things arn't good. It is a good, short book. Becuase of its size I would say it is worth reading, only 100 or so pages. But the actuall writing of the book is not so good. Bradbury has an amazing story, a great one, but he doesn't know how top wright based on one word "was". That word makes a good story seem boring, long, and like "how many mnore pages? Boy this sure is a good book!" Even though You can enjoy a book it may be boring to read. Instead of using WAS a good author will just say what they do. Jhonny WAS feeling sad. He HAD made a sanwich for himself and WAS now eating it. THe Sanwhich WAS filled with delicous flavors, and replenshid his strenth vrs. Feeling sad, Jhonny walked over to the counter and quickly made a sanwich for himsef and began to eat it. THe sanwhich tasted great, filled with delicous flavors replinished his strength. THe was makes it seem boring and without it feels like you are there in the story Bradbury uses the WAS. Bewsides this It is a very good book. For some people it annoys them to have all of these WASs but for others it is fine. However I do recomend this book, it has a great story scifi fan or not.
Rating:  Summary: When you start to burn books.... Review: Guy Montag is the main character of the novel. He is a fireman and his job was to burn books. Books, you see, were illegal because they upset people. All books were illegal because all people had to be made happy. This is a future where the TV is as big as the walls in the TV parlor, pills make you happy and Mechanical Hounds hunt down people on national TV. A future where houses don't have a porch, where trains' PA system broadcast radio adds all the time and social people are thought weird. But what happens when Guy starts to question it all? What happens when he starts to wonder what is in the books that makes them so bad? What happens when Guy gets away from all the noise and starts to THINK for himself?
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking and Emotional Review: Guy Montag is a personification of the human spirit. In this story he is given a new insight by a young babbling teenage girl, Clarisse. With this sudden and mysterious revelation, Montag begins to see that the world around him is very synthetic, no can think about what they feel or feel what they are thinking - only the now exists and no concern for actions or consequences. Montag is centered and yet torn between two archetypes, Captain Beatty and Professor Faber. Beatty is an evil and heartless intellectual barbarian, a man possessing an illegal library in his home and claiming to not read a page of it. He is without a doubt a coward hiding behind brute force, whether it be by tongue or kerosene. Then there is Faber, a kind and fearful man who provides sanctuary for Montag. Bradbury puts you behind Montag's eyes and tells the story by letting you experience his life.
Rating:  Summary: Turn off the tv Review: This book pulled me in, and spoke to me. It's chilling how well Bradbury was able to make such an obvious stance, yet still write a beautiful, well rounded novel. This is a book that I hope everyone reads, it makes you a better person. It makes you want to do good in the world. I think Bradbury wants people to ignore things like television, and sit around with one another and talk, debate, discuss. Ironically, this is a book that forces the reader to do just that, perhaps Bradbury's greatest feat. Absolutely timeless novel, 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Farenheit 451 Review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is an intelligent story filled with adventure and suspense. It takes you on a journey through the development of Guy Montag, a man who is fed up with a corrupt system. What I like most about this book is the writing style of the author. I find it incredible the way he can capture the way the characters are feeling. For example; "He saw himself in her eyes, suspended in two shining drops of bright water. Himself dark and tiny, in final detail, the lines about his mouth, everything there, as if her eyes were two miraculous bits of violet amber that might capture and hold him intact." Page 7. It's almost as if Bradbury is writing poetry, but it is not to the extent that he is rambling on aimlessly. The theme of this book is rebellion. The story fallows Guy Montag through his path of change from being part of the system to a leader of a rebellion against it. Slowly but surely, Montag discovered more and more things that aid his transformation into an independent man. I fully agree with Montag's decision to rebel and I Truly look up to him for his bravery in doing what some thought to be impossible. His actions relate closely to my life because I as well, am not the kind of person who is willing to do what I am told to do unless I agree with it and find it worthwhile, so if someone tries to force me to do something against my beliefs, I will fight them to the fullest extent. I would defiantly recommend this book to anyone out there that is either; looking for a futuristic drama, into sci-fi, or simply just anyone looking for a good read. I recommend this book because at first, it did not look to appealing to me, but after about 45 pages into it I realized that the good characters, interesting story line, and a whole new way to look at the world and government. I know that if you give this book a chance, it will completely change the way you look at such things as limits by the government, literature, and relationships. Fahrenheit 451 is a well-rounded page-turner that pushes the limits of our minds and expands our knowledge of the cruelty of the world around us.
Rating:  Summary: Eh... I expected more. Review: I thought the book was pretty overrated. Admittedly, the concept was interesting and the story rolls around all right, but the superfluous metaphor-laden rambling passages really irked me. I can only sit through so much. I think I would have liked this book more if I didn't keep picturing Bradbury sitting somewhere with a painfully smug look on his face. But all in all, Fahrenheit 451 is worth reading, though not necessarily all it's cracked up to be.
Rating:  Summary: What a Book is. Review: Everyone seems to think this book is about censorship. I don't really think this is the case. 451 is a book about what books should be about. Books should inspire us to think, to challenge ourselves. The best poetry should make us cry (so, too, should the worst but for other reasons.) Books should make us question our society and it's assumed intrinsic goodness. John Cheever said, in his Pulitzer acceptance speech, that books, maybe, could prevent nuclear war. Bradbury, too, makes this point in the speeches of the wandering academics Montag meets at the end of 451. If you're interested in reading a book with a purpose, with a meaning -- a book which strives to show us where we could go and the bad we could do -- read 451 and let yourself question the status quo.
Rating:  Summary: It was a pleasure to read Review: Bradbury does it again! This book parallels the greatness of "Martian Chronicles" in it's imaginative, emotion-harnessing poetry. What's scary is that, unlike "Chronicles", this story could very easily one day become nonfiction. Like "Chronicles", the only writing tactic I didn't like was Bradbury's oversimplistic descend into nuclear war. The entire book, the world is just calmly teetering on the brink, and then the war breaks out as expected. I just thought it was too convenient. And if nuclear war was inevitable, even in a future world of censor-happy utopians, the suburbs would NOT be brewing with such naivete and indifference. But that was one tiny flaw among the pages and pages of beautiful, scary, and addictive writing. I highly recommend.