Rating:  Summary: The Great American Novel Review: ... Millions of people not only remember Gone with the Wind, but re-read it faithfully. Literary critics and scholars don't like this book and wish it would go away. The reason? They can't quite account for its enduring popularity. It's sentimental. It doesn't break new literary ground. It's racist. Blah, blah, blah. And yet. How many other works of so-called "popular fiction" from the '30s and '40s are remembered, let alone read, today? None. How many are even in print? None. The hub-bub surrounding Alice Randall's satirical follow-up last year had less to do with that novel's merits than the near mythical status Gone with the Wind has achieved in American culture. Why? Because Mitchell tells a helluva story. Unforgettable and complex characters, an involving plot and a timeless theme: survival. The pacing, structure and language run circles around most books published today, yes, even those with literary aspirations. All this and heroine who dares not to be liked. Come to think of it, maybe Mitchell did break new ground. Pick it up. You won't be able to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacularly done, Mrs. Mitchell!! Review: The title says it all. Poor Scarlett. In her life, everything is just Gone with the Wind. Rhett. Her lifestyle. Melanie. The Confederacy. Her mother, Ellen. Her father, Gerald. Her first husband, Charles. Her second husband, Frank. Bonnie. The Tarleton twins. Cade. But through it all, she goes on. My favorite character was Melanie Hamilton Wilkes. She was so nice, loyal, trustworthy, loving, brave, courageous, funny, charming, polite, and Oh! so much more...My least favorite character was Rhett. "That nasty varmint!" as Scarlett said. I hated how Scarlett was so mean to Melanie, until it was too late. But no matter what scarlett did or said that was wrong, Melanie still loved her and stuck by her until the end, and even past then! I am also delighted that this story is told by the Confederate point if view. Atta girl, Mithcell!! A must for all Confederates, adults, children, everyone should read it!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Gone With The Wind and Scarlett Review: Gone With The Wind is the very best romance novel I have ever read in my life and then when the sequil came out I only read the book and refused to watch the movie because there will never be another Vivian Leigh or Clark Gable and if I read the book only then in my mind Rhett will always be Clark Gable and Scarlett will always and forever be Vivian Leigh. I enjoyed the details of both of these wonderful books and will always and forever cherish those two spectacular books. I am 29 years old and the other night Gone With The Wind was on T.V. and even though it was the end I let my 10 year old step daughter stay up and watch the movie, she is now reading the book and wants to purchase the movie. This book and movie was what I based my southern style wedding on and this seems to have put a spark in her eyes as well.
Rating:  Summary: Gone With the Wind Review: Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, is a captivating book about the southern way of life in the 1860s. Scarlett O'Hara, the main character in the book, is a young, outspoken girl for her times who lives on a big plantation, Tara. Gone With the Wind goes through the tough times of the Civil War. Scarlett wants a man that she can't have, Ashley Wilkes. She ends up marrying Ashley's cousin, Charles Hamilton, just to spite Ashley, but Charles died in war two months later. She found out she was pregnant with his child and named him after Charles's troop leader, Wade Hampton Hamilton. Scarlett waited awhile before she married her sister's beau, Frank Kennedy. She had a baby girl with him also, Ella. Frank was killed while attempting to kill the carpetbaggers who attacked Scarlett on the way to the lumber mill that they owned. She immediately married Rhett Butler, a urbane man that everyone loves to hate. She has yet another child with him, Bonnie Blue. I would recommed the book Gone With the Wind to anyone because its a twist of romance and survival.
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece! Review: I actually read this book. Hard to believe because I'm not used to being bombarded with great detail and historical happenings. Not into it really. But this book was hard to put down. It was slow reading because the detail had me visualizing so much that I had to re-read a lot of passages but when I finally got through it, it was well worth the journey. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: The Absolute Best Book I have Ever Read Review: The many adventures of a spoiled, vain, and annoying adolescent living in Georgia during the Civil War era. I read this book at least once yearly just for the mental time travel. Boy, could Margaret Mitchell paint a picture! I always feel as though I'm right on Peachtree Street with Scarlett O'Hara, and I never fail to get mad at her for losing Rhett. Everyone should try this at least once.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Love Story Review: After I read the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (by Rebecca Wells), I really wanted to read Gone with the Wind. In Sisterhood, Wells characters actually attend the premier of the movie. I have seen the movie, Gone with the Wind, several times, but, as usual, the book is much better. I really enjoyed the "love story" about Scarlett and Rhett. I wish Mitchell had written the sequel, which I have not read. She did an excellent job with the characters and I am not sure if anyone could do it better. The story is true to life. Scarlett seemed to think the grass was greener on the otherside and that money/material things is the answer to everything. Not always true. Scarlett failed to see what she had in Rhett, until she lost him. Something to think about. I really hated to see this book end.
Rating:  Summary: A Victory, Unsurpassed Review: I imagine that I picked up Gone With the Wind as a Civil War buff, looking for a little reading away from the usual tales of battles and generals, victory and defeat. In it, I found what no history book can give -- the story of emotion. Not the emotion found in the harrowing deeds of men on the battlefield, but love, happiness, sadness, and the unconquerable human spirit. The tale, masterfully crafted, it the story of Scarlett O'Hara's odyssey to find her true love, and instead, finding the person that was always in her, but that she never knew was there. There is a sequel to Gone With the Wind, but I hope that I never read it. I truly hope the ending will satisfy me, but I imagine that it will not, and that disappoints me, for as I turned the final page of this book, I knew that Gone With the Wind was a victory for Margaret Mitchell, a victory for Scarlett O'Hara, and a victory for me as well.
Rating:  Summary: I laughed and I cried Review: I expected this book to be just a dramatic love story but it is so much more than that.I fell in love with Rhett, expierianced all the pain scarlett went through,cried when Melly died and laughed over and over again at Rhett and scarlett's witty repartee.To me this means this is a great book and to anybody that will listen I would tell you that, to not read it would mean that you are really missing out on a wonderful expierience.
Rating:  Summary: Mister Seymour Eng. Review: Almost everyone had heard of the beautiful Scarlett O'Hara and the way she can make men weep. The book, Gone with the Wind, though enthralling through 1,022 of it's pages, with it's can't-put-this-book-down events, unexpected turns, tragedies and historical content, has an, in my opinion, very unsatisfactory ending. According to some, it's "The greatest love story of our time. Maybe it is, but the conclusion to the love triangle of Rhett, Ashley and Scarlett was left off as if it were not the end, but the beginning. I suppose it could be argued that you should use your imagination, and that the author wanted to escape those cliche of the studly man living happily ever after with the beautiful damsel but the last two pages left me wanting more. However, if you're the type of person who can deal with not-really-the-end endings, I would really recommend this book. Although it has maybe, an overabundance of pages, Scarlett's life takes many unexpected turns and you sometimes you get so enraptured in the excitement and tragedy that you find that you've read several pages and not even realized it. This book is also full of historical information about the civil war, looking at it from the very different perspective of the women of the south. Margate Mitchell has a way of writing that always keeps you guessing and feed you words of wisdom to live by. Almost like one really long tragic soap opera.