Rating:  Summary: A real page-turner!! Review: Going into this book, I was skeptical that I would enjoy it, as I am more into the Fantasy/Medievil genre. However, I don't know how anyone could not love this book. The characters are so real, the scenes so vividly described, and the feelings so profound that even I, someone not into the genre, couldn't get enough of it! Even though Scarlett was hostile towards loving Melanie, you couldn't help loving her! And I can actually see from the point of view of the Confederacy during the Civil War. It almost seems like their actions are justifiable, and we never learn this way of thinking in school! Over all, I have to say that Gone With the Wind lives up to it's reputation as one of the best novels of the 20th century!
Rating:  Summary: Gone with the Wind Review: Gone with the Wind lived up to its reputation and then some. It is a story of the south at the time of its fall. It is a story of Scarlett O'Hara and her journey from being a immature Southern Bell to a mature intelligent women. It is a fantatisc romance novel.
Rating:  Summary: extremely good book Review: i think this book is wonderful!i've always liked Gone with the Wind,but when my mom bought it for me,i looked at it and it was so huge,that it took me a long time to finally start reading it.but when i did,not even a bomb could of stopped me from putting it down.i read it every time a got a chance to(between commercials,before school,after school,from 6 to midnight)i even stopped doing everything else i used to do just so i could read it.it is so well written,that you know the characters in and out,even though you never met them.i knew what the characters were like,but just like in real life,there was just so much to know about them,that it's impossible to describe a character.this is the first book and movie that has ever made me cry.when,finally,at the end of the book,scarlett realized that she loves rhett, and not ashley,it's too late and the sad ending(at that time) seemed worse than anything i've ever had to think about.at first,i was mad at three people:rhett,scarlett,and ashley(if you can believe it).rhett-because he didn't tell scarlett that he loved her after they were married(at least not enought for scarlett)and scarlett is too childish to realize that all those things that he for her and her children is because he loves her.scarlett-because her stupid pride stopped her from telling him that she loves him in time and for not telling him that she was sorry for anything that she did or said.and ashley-for realizing and telling scarlett that he doesn't love her way too late.but,in spite of all this,i love this book and i will recommend this to anyone in a heartbeat.
Rating:  Summary: this is the greatset book ever!!! Review: Oh my god!!! i just fifnished GWTW like an hour ago and i still keep bursting into tears. is that normal? maybe for other people but not for me. You must read this book- my sister read it when she was 13 and was waiting untill i was 13 for me to read it- i cant even begin to tell you how wonderfull this book is but i will try. it is a historic romance and is set during the Civil War in mainly Atlanta. Scarlett is a southern belle who has everthing done for her. she is shelfish and spoiled but we love her! Its like everything she did to be lady like just made her less lady like. everything that she does that is so hurtful she has a great reason for doing but she cannot see what the long term effect is and she just drives everone away! she loves a man who loves her but cannot marry her so to hurt him she marries a man she dosent love and thats when you get tottaly absorbeb into the BEST BOOK EVER!!! if i start with how great Meli and rhett are ill cry again! For some reason i really dont like ashley! and then at the end when scarlett finally relizes how much she loves rhett and he...! im crying! just trust me read the book. margaret mittchel is the best! and you will love love love rhett! hes so dashing! its the best! xxxx"a true windie" penelope.
Rating:  Summary: perennial blockbuster Review: Margaret Mitchell's evergreen saga of the Civil War era has become a kind of cultural icon. This sprawling novel was her sole work, but what a book! Two of the leading protagonists, Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler, are perhaps the best known fictional characters in American literature. The saintly Melanie Wilkes and her reticent husband Ashley are also widely recognized. Northern writers have yet to produce a comparable work. Mitchell's novel plugs into the antebellum nostalgia of the south. Even though her writing arguably does not meet the high standards of gifted southern writers (such as Flannery O'Connor and company), her wonderful narrative skills continue to make this book an enduring best-seller, decade after decade. As generations of American booklovers will testify, "Gone With the Wind" is a highly rewarding, romantic must-read.
Rating:  Summary: More a psychological study than a romance Review: First of all: I adored the movie. I fell in love with Gable and with Leigh at the same time. Everyone could see that they were made for each other. I mainly expected a romantic love story when I started to read the novel. Yet it was nowhere to be found though a lot of reviewers seem to have seen what I obviously could not see. The first shock was that Scarlett is apparently only sixteen when she first meets Rhett, aged thirty-three, an already middle-aged, sophisticated man who chases after an incredibly shallow and vain teenager with much more gumption than wit. Scarlett is so emotionally immature and ignorant that it borders on blatant stupidity. I usually love it when the heroes indulge in verbal duels but those in this book I could not enjoy for Scarlett always looks foolish in them. To make it worse she is as cold as a fish, extremely childish and calculating. The authoress referred to her charm, intelligence and allure more than once but I couldn't see any of it except her beauty of course and that she was hard to get. She could be Becky Sharp's little sister but at least Thackeray's lady possessed intellect, a good judgment for people and a great sense of humor. To be fair I have to say that the heroine is resilient and smart when it comes to business. She also isn't afraid of hard work though exactly those only likeable traits make her suspicious to the good people of Atlanta. Yet Rhett was hardly a Harlequin hero either. Unlike his movie character he is bitingly sarcastic and acidly derisive instead of charming, amusing and witty. I found him considerably more sinister than Gable. He is violent, unreliable and really ruthless in a menacing way. With very good reason men usually don't like him. The way he is portrayed I couldn't like him either. I had no clue if Rhett loved Scarlett or not and if he did, why? Her reactions remained equally enigmatic in the novel. The book was surely a fascinating read for a lot of reasons but it made me unhappy in an unpleasant way. The characters often treat each other in such a hateful and cruel way that it was painful to watch. Whatever kind of love those two felt for each other, tenderness and true concern for the other seemed to have been no part in it. For fans of true romance I cannot recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Fiddle-de-dee Review: Well, I think Margaret Mitchell could have used a realy good editor. I don't mind reading long books quite the contrary I assure you, but well, one tiers of hearing yet another story about Scarlett doing something or another that gets her scorned by the people so they gossipe and Melly has to stop them. One time is enough! The story line for those few people who do not know it is the following: The young Scarlett O'Hara who is the favorit of all men falls in love with her friend Ashely Wilks who marries his cousin Melanie (Melly). Scarlett wants to hurt Ashley so she marrys his brother who soon after they are married dies in the war. Then Scarlett earns the scorne of the populus of Atlanta with her scandales behavior. Melly has a painfull childbirth and Scarlett takes her to Tara (her home) as the Yankkees march into Atlanta Georga. To Melly this kind act of careing for her wins her undieing respect. The story continues from here but I will not. The rest of the book centers around Scarlett and Rhett Butler and their feelings towareds eachother. I do not want to give the wronge impression it is not a bad book or even a book I disliked, it was great to read on the nine hour plane flight fom Budapest, but, after the plane ride was over and I still had 300 pages left I felt like I was wadding through quick sand to fininsh. If I had been on the plane for about 2 and a half more hours I would not feel this way but back home where I had so many other book to read I began to look at it as a waste of time. I am glad however that I have read it. Though I would have certenly looked at it in a more appeling light had it been hacked down about 300 pages.
Rating:  Summary: A Southern Masterpiece Review: Thirty-two summers ago, I read my Great Aunt Cora's old copy of GWTW. The size was not daunting, even at twelve years old. I lived in Margaret Mitchell's Old South for weeks, shunning the sun as all Southern ladies should. Excitingly, I told my mother that Scarlett just kissed Rhett on the road to Rough and Ready, so they were bound to live happily ever after. I remember her secretive smile like it was yesterday. I still have that old book, and have probably read it more often than Aunt Cora. No other book has ever captivated me to the point that modern customs and places are foreign, while I am at Tara, Twelve Oaks, Aunt PittyPats', and even Belle's! The best of all times for me.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Review: This book is very good, and a page turner. Although many people say that the book is racist, and the author must be too, hardly anyone knows the truth about Margaret Mitchell. She started a program to help get African Americans into college, and that before her time, when there was still lots of prejudice going on. Yes it may sound like a sugar-coated world in GWTW, and it sort-of was back then, until the war hit. Also, you have to consider that the book is FICTION, while it is still historical fiction.
Rating:  Summary: GOOOOOOOOD BOOK Review: Hello! I read this book because I felt like I had to( It's a classic) and I did think it would be extremely sentimental, soap opera- like and, in Germany where I live we say KITSCHIG. But after a few pages I realised that it was exciting, and I didn't put it down all day. The one thing I disliked was the Ku- Klux- Clan scenes. They all apreciated this terrible, violent clan. This made me angry. Scarlett is a great charakter. She's not sympathatic, but when finally her beloved ones die and turn away from her, you feel sorry for her. A must-have-read!!!!