Rating:  Summary: Very Touching story Review: This is one of the saddest and most touching books i have ever read i love it it made me cry at the end i truly loved it everyone should read it!!!
Rating:  Summary: Critique of A Walk to Remember Review: In Nicholas Spark's novel A Walk to Remember, the main point is that life is too short to not live your life like you want to live it. Accidents happen or you may get stuck with a sickness that can not be cured, and you can not do anything about it. You just have to live life with a positive attitude and live as normally as possible. Landon Carter hangs out with the popular crowd at his high school. He has no worries, no cares, and he just lives one day at a time taking life for granted. Landon gets in some trouble and has to help out at school more than he would like. He also has to act in a school play. Doing these things he gets to know who Jamie Sullivan really is. Jamie is the girl that Landon and all of his buddies make fun of at school, she is a girl that Landon would never think about being with if he did not have to spend time with her. But they do start spending time together because Jamie is in the play with Landon, and he really gets to know her. Then he starts to like her. After Landon falls in love with Jamie, she is forced into telling him that she has cancer. She has a list of all the things she wants to do before her life is over, and Landon tries his best to make all of her wishes come true. They get married, but only a short time later Jamie dies, leaving Landon Carter's life changed forever. Spark's wrote this book for an audience made of mostly teen girls and women. But anyone could read this book. The love that Landon has for Jamie would make anyone feel good. The love brings together two teens from different lifestyles, with different goals, and different outlooks on life. It seemed as if Landon was put in Jamie's life for a reason, and she knew that he was sent especially to her. Even though Jamie's life was short, she had everything she wanted because of Landon. I loved reading A Walk to Remember. It was such a good book because anyone can relate to it. There have been many instances when I have seen that life is short. Everyone should try to live there life like Jamie did. If something is wrong, don't let it get the best of you. No one in Jamie's school even knew that Jamie has cancer because she did not dwell on it. She did the same things that she would have done even if she was not sick.
Rating:  Summary: "Edge of your seat" type of book Review: Summary~ This book is about a young teenage girl named Jamie Sullivan and a young teenage boy named Landon Carter. Landon is a boy who is rich and gets into trouble most of the time. Jamie is a sweet girl, whose father is the minister of their small town. Jamie is always doing the right thing, she volunteers at the Orphanage and reads the Bible during lunch time. You can say that she is the perfect daughter. Landon asked Jamie to the Homecoming dance and she said she would go only if he does not fall in love with her. To find out why read A Walk to Remember.What I thought about the book~ This book was a very good book. I enjoyed reading this book because this book is an "edge of your seat" type of book. You just want to read more and more, to find out what happens in the end to Jamie and Landon. In the first few chapters the book is dull and you can not get in the book. As you read on it gets better and better, you will not be able to put the book down. Book Recommendations~ I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read love stories. This book is very sad also. So if you like sad, love stories this book is definitely for you. It is for teenagers because it has a higher vocabulary than a young child. Most girls would enjoy reading this book, because it has to do with a girl who struggles with a disease.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Touching Love Story Review: Before I read this novel, I never even heard of Nicholas Sparks, and what his writing was all about, so I talked to a friend and they recommended this book, and the author, so I went to the library like I always do, and checked this out. At first I thought this novel was kind of slow at the beginning, but as I moved along with the story, I then realized that this man Nicholas Sparks has heart and he has written a good story. It is about a boy named Landon, who falls in love with a Preists daughterm but as times goes on, she starts to get weak, and he finds out the truth, I am not going to spoil the ending for the people who want to read this novel. But this is the first book that made me cry, because I got to know these characters: Landon and Jaime as like they were real. So read this novel if you want to get into a real deep love and tragic story.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk to Remember Review: The theme of the book focuses on a young teen, a first love and his transition from teen to manhood. The title A Walk to Remember could be interpreted as twofold: a walk trrough early adulthood into manhood and the walk down the isle on his most memorable wedding day. The author did a fantastic job with an emotional roller coaster ride. In the beginning the reader experienced laughter to tears then later just plain tears. The story evolved around a 57 year old Langdon Carter telling about his life at seventeen. The setting was in the 1950's in a small North carolina town. A sweet story of how a young girl Jamie changes Langdon's life forever. Langdon Carter was a typical teen in the 1950's in Beaufort, North Carolina; he wanted to be just like all his peers. Jamie was an unusual girl in Langdon's eyes and was an unlikely person to attract his attention. Jamie was everything that Langdon wasn't. Langdon's family was rich and affluent. Jamie's family was only her father who was the town preacher. The main focus of the story tells how a young 17-year-old kid experiences life and evolves from a fun loving boy into a young man. The author winds the story of two teens with very different lifestyles and how each of them learns an important lesson if life. Langdon and Jamie each learn that a person is not to be taken at face velue and that a person is much deeper than what is seen on the surface. In a most unusual chain of events Langdon finds he has fallen in love with Jamie and the story ends with an unusual twist of events.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk to Remember Review: A Walk to Remember, is one novel when read you shall always remember. Once you have read this novel you will understand what wounderfull writting style Nicholas Sparks has as a writer. You will cry from the love and the heart break in the novel. I stumbled across this novel after watching the movie which has Mandy Moore in it. Once I fell in love with the movie I had then proceeded to go and purchuse the novel. There are a few differences from the novel and the movie, but in genral they are still pretty close in comparison. The novel talks about the truth and love which you will experince in your life. You will also read about hardships that the characters go through, and that you may witness in your life. The novel is about Jamie and she would be stereo typed as a Bible lover, and a church freak. No one really knows that she is truley a wounderful person until Landon steps in. She is always helping no matter what happens, or whats going on in her life. She is protected by her father though. Once you meet Landon Carter though you will see a tere in the personalities. When Landon started to hang out with Jamie you will notice that Landon is the type of person who only cares about the outside of a person. Mean while Landon also has to worry about his reputation and seeing him help out Jamie starts to cause a problem. But no one really knows Jamie that well, and no one knows whats wrong with her. The hardships that the characters go through, and then what finally ends up happening makes the book worthy of calling a spectacular novel. The tears that you will get after reading the novel will make you understand more about the bigger picture in genraul. Finding the truth behind it all is what is best about the novel A Walk to Remember. Nicholas Sparks has achived the greetest thing in writting and that is showing the differnec between two different people, and their differences can be over come. He also showed the readers what true love really is, when two people work hard for their love. This love is very ordinary though, and you wouldn't understand how truthful this love is.
Rating:  Summary: Another Tear Jerker by Sparks!!! Review: A Walk to Remember tells the tale of discovering pure, innocent love for the first time and then having that love returned and unexpectedly taken away. The character who tells the story, shows that even he is surprised at how his life can be changed by love. In true Sparks style, the writing is descriptive and tugs at the heart strings. Tears will be flowing for happiness and for sadness before you get to the end. Another book that looks at innocence lost and growing up is If I'd Only Known... by Edee Wilcox. It isn't about a death, but other events change the main character's life forever. It also has a strong Christian influence as this book does.
Rating:  Summary: It couldn't get any better!!!!!!!! Review: I came across this book when my teacher was talking about the book in our college reading class. I remember watching the movie and few years ago I thought to myself/ it was a good movie maybe it's a good book. Well this book was remarkable! I even think it was better than the movie. Some parts were different like, Jamie giving Landon a bible instead of her mother's poem book, and what time period it take place in. Also some parts where similar like how they knew eachother their whole lives but not once did they talk, and the ending of the book. There was never a dull moment in the book and it made me want to keep on reading, it even made me cried at some parts. This book was about trust, honesty, love, and life. The writing technique was awesome. I think Nicholas Sparks is a great author and maybe my favorite. His books really help me capture the moment. Some parts I know that teenagers can relate to. For example,dealing with relationships, and dealing with being acccepted in high school. I also think that this book is great for anyone to read young or old because there is an important life and love lesson, but you have to read it to find out what it is. I would rate this book a five star.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful and Uplifting Review: I saw the movie before I read the book. And while the movie told the story well, there is no comparison to the book. Jamie and Landon are the epitome of first love -its happiness and its pain.
Rating:  Summary: Touching Masterpeice Review: This book was one of the most touching stories I have ever read so far. In the beginning it was sort of tiring but in the 4th or 5th chapter it got really interesting. I thought that it would be another love story like usual until Landon finds out she is going to die and he helps her fulfill her list of things to do before she passes away. But my personal favorite part was right before the end when the two get married. I thought it was the most touching part of the book.