Rating:  Summary: One of Sparks' best novels Review: Langdon Carter is a typical teenager of the late 50's and as such he joins his classmates in looking down on a devoutly religious girl in his class, Jamie, who favors brown cardigans and wears her hair in a bun. The book shows an unlikely relationship between the two, first as co-leads in a play, but later as something much more. Nicholas Sparks displays an uncanny ability to climb inside his 17-year-old main character's head and make him sound real. He delves into themes of life, death, and faith with a deft hand and leaves the reader with a lot to think about. This is definitely one of Sparks' best books.
Rating:  Summary: A Book To Remember Review: At first I thought the book was really boring, but after awhile I really got into it.Towards the end (in the last few chapters )the book really got to me. It is a love story where the female character discovers that she has cancer. At the end of the book, they get married and the girl dies. After the book I decided to see the movie,I discovered that the book is nothing like the movie.So if you want to see the movie A Walk To Remember, I Recommend reading the book first.(also if you have read the book see the movie)
Rating:  Summary: Such a sweet book! Review: This book is really romantic and you'll definitely fall in love with it. It's sappy but also makes you really think about what's important in life. If you like the book then you have to watch the movie! Be prepared to have a box of tissues though
Rating:  Summary: LoVe ThE bOOk, LoVe ThE mOv!E... Review: A Walk to Remember... Obviously the title of this book tells us what is going to happen after we have read this book. A Walk to Remember did not only capture our hearts but it's also a book you won't soon forget. This book written by Nicholas Sparks had reveled true love that had change the main character Landon Carter's life. Landon Carter was simply nothing at first. He had nothing good to write on his University application. So he had to run for the student body president. After than his life starts to change. Then he was in the school play which also made him see more things in a different way. Finally what had change his point of view most was Jamie Sullivan, the girl who he least want to fall in love with. Jamie Sullivan was like an angel who always sees life beautiful. She had showed Landon how happiness and pain of life is. People always see her weird, including Landon (at first) but finally Landon see the inner Jamie and finally fall in love with her. Landon after fell in love with Jamie had decided to scarify himself to her but then he found out she was dieing. He had done everything to keep his best memories with her. After they had married, eventhough she was gone. To him she will always be there till the last day of his life. This book had touched me in everyway. This book had made me cry again and again. Nicholas Sparks have the skills to build your emotions to climax then your tears will run through you face. I'm inspired by this book. Then i look back to my own life. Infact along the path that i had walked i have met good and bad people. They are the ones who teach me the good and bad of life. The movie is not 100 percent like the book which is good because it gives you passion to want to read how the book is as well. Even though the movie did not make you cry again and again it sure does make you cry and want to watch again.
Rating:  Summary: The Ali Magraw Disease Again Review: Of course if there is a romance between to teenagers that seems oh so very perfect one of them is going to be sick it is written in the Bible somewhere if a boy falls for a girl of whom is completley different from him she must be ill with a terminal illness. The movie made a mockery of this book so don't watch the movie for one thing the story is supposed to take place in like the fifties but the movie takes place in modern day which makes no sense at all but oh well it is Hollywood after all. This is a good book but I would only recommend this to teenagers because adults will probably not get into it as much as teenagers would that is just how it all works out. I hope that you enjoy this book and that you take my advice and don't watch the movie unless you have to!
Rating:  Summary: Best novel ever read Review: A Walk to Remember written by Nicholas Sparks had touched every single heart. With it's romance it had made me see my love ones more precious. I really like the way Nicholas Sparks had arranged the order of the story, which build me to cry again and again. Another special thing was that this story is unpredictable. I didn't know that Landon was going to change his life upon a woman he fell in love with. This book had changed me in many ways. I had become a girl who sees things in a better way more then before and I appreciate every moments of my life. The way Jamie had treated other and look at the world in a beautiful way had impressed me and motivated me to be a better person.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk to Remember Review: Nichloas Sparks has done it again, with his book a Walk To Remember. A great book full of romance and comedy, a book filled with mixed emotions. Like most of Sparks other books this one takes place in a small town in North Carolina in 1997. When Landon, a rebel fall in love with Jamie, the preachers daughter. The love beteen the two young lovers grow when Jamie's condition outs a dent in the relationship. The book is easy to follow, it like you're one of the chacaters in the story. You'll start to hate and love some on the characters in the book. Sparks is very descriptive and he leaves out nothing, it like you're really in North Carolina in 1997. The dialog is also very to follow along to, you understand what the charcaters are trying to say and in what way they are saying it. This book is for anyone that has a big heart, who enjoys a good cry and a good laugh. A walk to Remember is guaranteed to stir up all the emotions you have you won't be able to stop turning the page. Like most of Sparks other books there's a moral, the only way you'll find it is if you read in between the lines. The moral I found was don't judge anyone until you have gotten to know them. Give everyone in your life that you have met and know than them right way don't judge.You'll be very amazeed you they turn out to be. This book is one of New Yorks's best sellers, I read the book a day I couldn't stop reading. Everyone with a big heart will enjoy this book, it was meant for all ages. The movie is equally as good but give the book a chance. It's one of my all time favorites let it become one of yours. Read A Walk TO Remember by Nichloas Sparks, just be preapre for a good cry!
Rating:  Summary: A WALK TO REMEMBER Review: the book A WALK TO REMEMBER. is a story that goes through the events of a boy(Landon Carter). Landon is 17yrs.old. it talks about is all about how the girl he falls in love with changed his life. how she helped him become how it is now. The ways two main characters, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan. Jamie is the girl that changes Landons life. Then There is Landon's friends that tease Jamie. I could relate to Landon in someways. One way is how he feels stupid when he writes out a list of things that he wants to change/do in is life. I really enjoyed this book. When i saw the movie for about the 200th time. i decided that i must read the book. My favorite part of the book was the part when Landon went to his dad's, because he jsut found out that Jamie was sick. If i could change the ending of this book i wouldn't because it is a great ending it just fits the book well. I would Strongly recommend this book to another person. i would say to a teenager girl all the way up to a young adult.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk to Remember Review: Annotation: A romantic novel written by Nicholas Sparks about true love for the first time. As Nicholas Sparks would put it, first you will laugh, then you will cry. This novel takes place in 1958 telling a tale so riveting and touching, it's a book you wont forget. Jamie Sullivan, the girl Landon Carter was least likely to fall in love with. She showed him the "joy and the pain of living," love and most importantly, spirituality. Author Bio: Nicholas Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on New Year's Eve 1966. As a child he lived in various places such as Minnesota, Los Angeles, and Grand Island Nebraska. His mother worked as a homemaker, then an optometrist's assistant, and his father was a professor. He lived in Fair Oaks California through high school where he graduated valedictorian in 1984, and received a full ride scholarship to the University of Notre Dame. He broke the Notre Dame school record on the relay team in 1985, but unfortunately, he injured himself causing him to spend an entire summer recovering. During that summer, he wrote his first novel, even though it was never published. He majored in business finance and once again graduated with honors in 1988. During that same year, he met his wife Catherine on spring break. At this point in his life, he wrote his second novel, which was never published. He also worked a variety of different jobs for the next three years, which include: real estate appraisal, waiting tables, selling dental products by phone, and managing his own manufacturing business. In 1990, he worked on a book with Billy Mills, the Olympic gold medallist. This book was published and this is where Nicholas Sparks received his publicity for the first time. From the years 1994 to 2001, Nicholas wrote many novels such as: The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, A Walk To Remember, The Rescue, and A Bend in the Road. Today he lives in North Carolina with his wife and five children. Evaluation: Overall, this book is an excellent book to read because of its content and its spiritual significance. It was a book that automatically captured my interest because it was a romantic novel. There were many main events that leave the reader thinking about spirituality, love, and hope. The book's main character was Landon Carter, who was a typical high school senior growing up in Beaufort, North Carolina in 1958. His life completely changed when was elected as student body president, when he was asked to play the role Tom Thorton in the school play, A Christmas Angel, and most importantly, when he met Jamie Sullivan. She changed his life dramatically, and showed him love for the first time. The best part about this book is watching Landon's character change when he falls in love with Jamie. It was ironic that he would fall in love with her because she was the last person he would've ever thought he could fall in love with. She was the minister's daughter, and changed everyone's life within the town in more than one way. I recommend this book to anyone, not just people who are interested in romantic novels, but anyone who is interested in a very moving and tragic story that leaves you feeling inspired and enthused.
Rating:  Summary: What an amazing book! Review: A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks was my first Nicholas Sparks novel, and was NOT MY LAST! I found this book to be very heartwarming, and very good. The story follows around Ben, now a middle-aged old man remembering the time back in the late 50's and how he fell in love with Jamie; a preachers daughter, and new to the town. Now Jamie is quiet, and keeps to herself, she is plain, but also she is a very beautiful person inside. At first Ben is assigned to do a scene with her for a school play, and they get to know each other, and they fall in love. As you get deeper into the book, they start to fall in love with each other deeper, and the book is just nothing short of amazing. Nicholas Sparks delivers how Ben just a normal boy and how Jamie changed Ben's life forever. I am not going to tell you the end, but it is very sad but it also delivers a message that love can come at whatever age, and still that person can still be there if he/she is gone forever, or just someone that moved away from you forever.