Rating:  Summary: Fascinating exploration of emotional ties Review: I thoroughly enjoyed Threads! Not only did I gain historical knowledge and background of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, I also gained insight as to how past life bonds and emotional ties can play a part in present life relationships. Although a tale of fiction, Threads gave me much food for thought in terms of why we feel drawn to some people. It also was very insightful as to the strength of emotional bonds keeping souls tied together lifetime after lifetime, literally not being able to leave each other alone.Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, Threads is a compelling story filled with interesting historical content, personal intrigue, betrayal, jealousy, greed and a love triangle. Who could ask for more?
Rating:  Summary: A Captivating Spiritual Journey Review: I've always had a fascination with Anne Boleyn, but after reading THREADS, I feel like I understand her in a way I never have before. Yes, the book is fiction, but it's obvious that Ms. Gavin did some extensive research to explore the life of this charismatic but unpopular queen. It's so well written and the tale so eloquently spun that you feel it very well could've happened just as it's described. The execution scene in Anne's viewpoint is masterful. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Tudor history, and Anne Boleyn, in particular. I couldn't put it down!
Rating:  Summary: A Compelling Work Review: In two days I finished reading Threads by Nell Gavin. It held me captive, to say the least. I'm struck by its spiritual beauty and imagery, and also by its complexity. Certainly, the writing of this book must have taken the author on many twists and turns emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, in all ways. I know that reading it did so to me, and I fully plan to read it again at later dates so that I might draw from it more of its essence and meaning. Threads is a treasure lying in a compost pile of all the literary ... taking up bookshelf space in the world today; and this is not flattery, either vain or idle. I'm a very picky reader, and I confess that, although I've completed an historical fiction of my own, I seldom enjoy fiction. Threads so thoroughly transported me to other places and times that I felt I was actually there. I could smell the interiors, taste the wine and apples, hear the footsteps echoing in the halls, and touch the velvets and silks. I could see the laugh lines around Henry's eyes. I could feel the touch of Anne's hand. Usually, history is written by the winners. In Threads, Ms. Gavin has given a voice to a young woman who was not one of the winners, but a woman, who, through no fault of her own, found herself on a path between an ambitious King and his goals. A book like Threads is important not only because it helps to bring people closer to understanding Anne, but also because the spiritual wisdom in it is timely, important, much needed. This is a compelling, wonderful book. Stephan Karl Waller
Rating:  Summary: Different, original and thought-provoking Review: It isn't enough that Anne Boleyn is executed for adultery and treason. Just days before, her marriage to Henry VIII was annulled - she was never married in the first place - and her daughter Elizabeth's claim to the throne is in jeopardy.
Instead of a happy ending - a commoner chosen by a smitten king to be his queen - her marriage to Henry has resulted in her losing everything, and the time she spent as queen was a nightmare.
Anne and Henry are basically incompatible - forever and truly in love with each other, but having a difficult time learning to live with each other without hurting each other. This has been true for lifetimes, and they keep being thrown together like in the movie Groundhog Day so they can figure it out and learn to get along.
Threads is told from the point of view of Anne Boleyn. It starts at her execution, and goes through her "life review" as she studies the things she did in her lifetime, good and bad. She's told she has to forgive Henry VIII for having her put to death, and the story follows her as she tries to do this.
Each time she reaches a point in her life review where she needs to know why things happened the way they did, her memory shifts back to earlier lifetimes to show her what she did to deserve things, or to put things in perspective for her when she's inclined to be bitter and angry. It also introduces the other characters in their previous identities, and shows how she's interacted with them.
Even though it's a story about Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, it's also a story of personal growth, personal accountability and learning to forgive. What she gives, she gets, and the story is about her learning to not invite punishment by hurting others.
This book gives you food for thought, whether or not you believe in reincarnation, and will stick with you after you finish it.
Rating:  Summary: This is Christian Fiction? Review: It's definitely a well written book, but reincarnation and Christianity are mutually exclusive. This book is in the wrong category. That's my only complaint.
Rating:  Summary: Threads is an unforgettable novel... Review: Nell Gavin has brought Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, to vibrant life in her unusual historical novel, "Threads." Anne's path from that of an unloved and abused young girl, to the position of Queen of England, is presented by Anne herself as she looks back upon the circumstances that eventually led to her execution. Although there really isn't a lot of actual historical information about Anne, Gavin has created believable personalities with strengths and weaknesses, imperfections and understandable desires. Using a combination of fact and legend, she tells a story of passion, obsession, and heartbreak that will capture readers with its depth and humanity.
Gavin uses the fictional concept of reincarnation to showcase all of the characters that make up what is truly a tragic tale of love and betrayal. In several different "reincarnations," Anne and Henry, along with family, friends, and lost loves, are placed into different life situations, each one exploring another facet of personality and circumstances. The technique is unique, intriguing, and in the end, beautifully coaxes the dark ghosts of a long dead past into the present for an introduction readers won't soon forget.
"Threads" is a remarkable effort. It is, without a doubt, one of the best historical novels I've every read. I give it my very highest recommendation!
Rating:  Summary: DON'T MISS Your Chance to Read This! Review: Nell Gavin's THREADS is extraordinary. From somewhere in time (the Memories) Anne Boleyn, lately beheaded by her husband, King Henry VIII, must review her life to learn from her mistakes, as well as her successes. Many of the wonderful moments in her life, however, do not come from the 16th century, but from earlier, far less regal lives. In THREADS, Gavin advances the theory of Heaven as a resting place where the soul must review life and choose another to return for learning lessons necessary for the refinement of the spirit. For Anne, the lesson is forgiveness. Her bitterness toward Henry, a man she has loved through many lifetimes, is the roadblock on the journey of her soul, and she must find a way to move it from her path. In THREADS Anne's voice is strong, consistent, clear, and most importantly, never self-serving. The book is haunting. I could not get it out of my mind after I finished it, and sent it to several friends. The response as been uniform: everyone has loved it. Filled with dialogue authentic to the times, characters so viable they might be sitting with you as you read, and an exploration of the spiritual plane so believable you may rethink all your beliefs on the subject, THREADS is a remarkable and striking achievement.
Rating:  Summary: This story is a continuing marvel; buy it in hardcover! Review: Never, ever have I even considered writing a review, but this book deserves far, far more praise than it has received. The language is elegant and jewel-like and the story is transcendant. The use of the Hindu concept of reincarnation and the historically notorious relationship of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII are wonderful devices to explore love, trust, betrayal and forgiveness, in all types of relationships, throughout time. "Each society-each group within each society-chooses something with which to assign inferiority. ... Among the powerful, it is the powerless; among the rich, it is the poor; among the men, it is the women. ... Neither side sees the humanity in the other. Both sides are equally wrong in this." There are so many levels to the passionate, intricate and exquisitely expressed stories told here. It is a story of love, forgiveness, choice and redemption with some of the most beautiful contemporary prose I've ever had the pleasure to read. And I'm really glad my copy is hardcover, although I may have to order a softcover to loan to friends. I'm not letting my copy out of the house.
Rating:  Summary: Definitive, Eloquent, & Timeless: 5 Stars! Review: Recently my sister and I caught a television special about Anne Boleyn, and it left me wanting to learn even more about her and her family. I wasn't expecting much from this premise, quite honestly. Many an author has written about Anne and the entire tragic and enigmatic Boleyn cast, but they rarely do them justice. The reincarnation aspect in Threads further enhanced my skepticism.
What a pleasant surprise when I gave it a chance and read it while on vacation! I was gripped from the first page. Threads is well-written, intriguing, and surprisingly emotional at times. I truly loved it. I carefully brought it back with me from my trip instead of leaving it on the plane, and even bought another copy to give to my sister. Threads was just what I was looking for - an excellent story. I've discovered a new favorite author.
Rating:  Summary: Remarkable book ! Review: This book captivates you from the very first page. While you don't need an ongoing knowledge of Anne Bolelyn or a belief in reincarnation to enjoy the book, the reader may find a little rudimentary 'history' done beforehand will increase your enjoyment even further. That said, "Threads" is a breathtaking book and one I highly recommend.