Rating:  Summary: Stephen King is back! Review: At last, another King novel worthy of the author. Stephen King has digressed and veered so far off of his original style that I was beginning to wonder if he would ever come back. I am thrilled to say he's back, and just as good, if not better, than ever. His vivid descriptions of nine year old Trisha's experiences in the woods are hair raising at best, and the element of "something out there" adds flavor to an already suspenseful twister. This story needs no salt, Stephen King's flair for the bizarre and his brilliant, innovative mind will capture the reader just as in the King days of old. DON'T MISS THIS ONE.
Rating:  Summary: Never get lost in the woods alone, if so be perpared. Review: With the intelligence of Stephen King you can never go wrong with any of his novels, with this newest novel, it goes to prove I beleive he is the master when it comes to horror, or mystery books. I really felt for Trishia in this book, If I was her I would of never thought of the things she did to servive as she did, she was abrave little girl. Makes you want to hug your children, at every chance you get, cause you never know what can happen at anytime, never take life for granted, its to precious.
Rating:  Summary: ok Review: I am two thirds through this book. It seems good at times and then boring too. I am very tired of her circumstances as of this point and wish something quite interesting would happen. I do not like Kings science fiction works but this is too bland. I loved Shawshank.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat of a let-down Review: I was overjoyed to see that King had a new novel out. I really enjoyed his last, "Bag of Bones," which got back to his old "leave the lights on" style. But I was sorely disappointed in this book.It almost seemed as if he rushed through it. You never really 'connect' with Trish, the main character. And in most of his novels, you feel as if you intimately know all of the characters. I thought he did a much better job of getting into the mind of the father in "Pet Sematary" when he was digging his son up and redepositing him in the spoiled micmac burial ground. He didn't even come close with this one, as I thought he would. She slowly becomes delusional, just as Louis did, but there is a lot lacking in detail. The book is filled with uneventful and boring chapters. I do believe I was more terrified reading "Lost World" by Michael Crichton. The 'God of the Lost' is so poorly described, it is barely on par with the boogeyman, and, sadly, not nearly as scary. I believe this novel had the potential to be great, but I don't feel he was really into it. I will keep reading, but this one really felt like he "cheated."
Rating:  Summary: Superb, as usual. Review: Nothing is more frightening than our own imagination. As an adult, the thought of being lost in the woods, in the dark is one that I don't want to comtemplate for long. As a mother, the thought of my child being in the same situation is worse. Stephen King reminds us all that we should never stop looking under our beds. Sometimes our imagination does bite!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Written! Review: I really loved this book. Trisha McFarland was a great character. I love King's books in which he releases a single character in peril and just leaves them alone to be with their thoughts. One wouldn't usually think of a simple story of a girl getting lost in the woods of being all that spectacular, but King's character is so real that it is in this case. One can only imagine the scare that anyone would get from being lost, let alone a 9 year old girl. I also really liked the baseball references in this book because...I love baseball. They made an already enjoyable read that much more enjoyable: especially at the beginning of the baseball season.
Rating:  Summary: Great Novel Review: This book was a great read, I truly enjoyed it, definitely one of his best books.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant,and totaly grasping novel Review: This book was an outstanding peice of work.Although if your looking for the king of the past with all the blood and guts its not here. This does not mean he should hang it up it is an excellent book that keeps you on the edge of your seat from the first to last page.Anyone with an open mind can really feel the fear that Trisha does.If you figured out what the creature was before it was time so what for those of us who know the power of the bear could still feel frightened for her safety.This was a little out text for King but was still a fine reader this book will reach out to those who can't read his true horror novels theres nothing wrong with expanding his horizons keep up the great work i'll be waiting for the next one this summer.
Rating:  Summary: A good but predictable work by the all time greatest writer. Review: King seems to be tackling, new (to him)waters recently with Bag of Bones and now The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon. While I'm starting to miss the old gory fun of King of old, I enjoy his new found writing style. I actually care about the girl. I wanted to see her survive. Now that's a strange twist.
Rating:  Summary: Great!!! Review: Finally, after several so-so books, King made me a fan again. I've read all his books and his earlier works thrill me more than later ones. But this book brought me back into his fold and kept me engrossed.