Rating:  Summary: King Hits a HOME RUN!!! Review: As a grown woman who was once that lost little girl, waiting for 'it' to pounce on me from behind the bushes, or under my bed...I was caught. King reached into the recesses of a childs mind (or MY mind!) and brought forth all the fearful imaginations, the terrors of the unknown, and the real dangers of being small in such a big big world...and made us FEEL that all over again. Only this time...we were BRAVE. King is taking his work a step further. No longer is he settling for the rush of terror and in your face horror. Now he is expecting more of his readers. Forcing us to see beyond the words and into the real terrors. "what if...?" "what is...?" "what might...?" and the greatest terror of all "where...?" Bravo!!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money Review: By far the slowest King book I've ever read. Too much about baseball and not enough about the wilderness. PREDICTABLE
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ FOR ANYONE THATS EVER BEEN LOST!!!! Review: I feel that Mr. King captured the essence of innocence. A young girl lost in the woods with nothing but a few items and a great imagination. A must read for anyone who has ever been lost as a child, even if just for a hour. The way she used her imagination to get her through the roughest of times is a reminder that we all should teach our children the importence of imagination and good role models.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted this book to be special...but was left wanting Review: I simply felt the story had alot of potential but never got off the ground. There was a number of moments when I thought "ok, here we go, it's "King Time"", and the moment went away. The drive of the writing was something of a Stephen King who seemed uninterested in embelishing or even finishing the story at his usual level of excellence.
Rating:  Summary: King's on a hot streak Review: Stephen king has been on a hot streak lately. His past 4-5 books have all been very different from his old, darker style. His newer novels have all been much more creative in tyle, and this one is no different. This is a wonderful story, the suspense keeps up well and the various spiritual touches were nice. Also I thought the symbolism in the chapter titles[by baseball innings, e.g. the first chapter was first inning and was intro, and the Bottom of the ninth was the exciting final showdown, etc.] was great. all in all one of king's best works, along with the Green Mile and Gerald's Game.
Rating:  Summary: Blair Witch Project, anyone??? Review: I was a third of the way through this book and mentioned to my roommate that I wondered if the people who had made the Blair Witch Project had read the book. I love King's older stuff and I loved this book, too. He proves that you don't have to have goblin's and deamons jumping out and drinking human blood every other page in order to ratchet up the reader's fear. Patricia's desperation and degeneration as the days of her trek continue were very believeable and very frightening. The one thing I didn't particulary like was the "God of the Lost". It felt as though he just through this supernatural element in as a bone to all those people he knew were going to be whining because it wasn't another "Salem's Lot". All in all a good book and a scary read.
Rating:  Summary: Good writing, but where's the story? Review: I thought the writing itself was very, very good. But although the little girl seems to be a cute kid ...... where's the rest of the story? In the end, there just wasn't any point to the whole experience - and certainly no reason to read it.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say about this book? Review: I expected this story to be better than what it acutually was. Though it was good, I just thought that the plot was way too simple. A girl lost in some dark woods . . . that's it. And, as for the title, he could've had a better one. Something like, The Girl Lost in the Woods or The Girl and the Woods. But overall, I'd say, it was a fine book.
Rating:  Summary: Tom Gordon couldn't get to third base. Review: Tom Gordon. Who? I'm not a baseball fan. That aside, I always enjoy Stephen King's descriptions of people and things. He has a special, sometimes disgusting, knack for describing things that we can understand, but rarely have the ability to adequately put in writing. This book includes wonderful King descriptions; however, I think the story itself falls far short of fascinating. I expected the book to have some climactic moments, it didn't. Scary? No. Looking for a surprise ending? There isn't one. Maybe you must like baseball to appreciate this book? I finished this book and immediately felt compelled to look for the missing pieces. Oh well, I won't give up on Stephen King yet though...Bag of Bones, here I come!
Rating:  Summary: How can a Stephen King book be this BORING? Review: My least favorite Stephen King Novel. I kept waiting for something to happen. Anything!