Rating:  Summary: All hail the King. Wizard and Glass is a Masterpiece. Review: Not often do I read a book that not only captives my mind, but embraces my emotions as well. However, Wizard and Glass has done both. In this tale of Roland of Gileads early life you come in touch with Roland as a person. A trait hardly explored in the last three novels. This is Rolands story. It is a story of the horror, the courage, and the love of a boy that lives in a world that has moved on. Stephen King was true in his story telling. I not only believe that this is the best book in the Dark Tower series but the best book I have ever read. I advice to you is read it, you will not be let down.
Rating:  Summary: A great book! Can't wait for the next one!!! Review: WOW!! What a book! I first stumbled onto the Dark Tower III at the back of a dusty bookcase. Although I did not know the story from the beginning, I immediately fell in love with the book and the cast of characters, namely Roland, Susannah, Eddie, and later on, Jake. The way that Stephen King relates the story in such great detail utterly stupifies me. I've never before been this enthralled with a book of this genre. For my birthday, I asked my sister to buy me the fourth in the series, and she did. I was so excited the day I received it. It was a Friday, and buy the next week Sunday I was on the last chapter. I was so disappointed. I didn't want it the story to end, I was so in touch with the characters that I felt that they were a part of me. I couldn't put it down, and it was many a night when I fell asleep with it in my arms at 12:00a.m. Anyway, I think it is the most brilliant book I have ever read, and if YOU haven't read it, I would sincerely recommend it as a brilliant read! At the back of the book, S.K. wrote, as a prologue, that he hopes he will live to write the next adventures of Roland and his ka-tet, when they will finally find the Dark Tower. He is a brilliant writer, and I sincerely hope that he will write a 5th book, or more. If anyone knows if Stephen King is going to write another few books in this series, please e-mail me! Thanks in advance!
Rating:  Summary: Good Book, but DT3 was really better Review: Well, after a long while waiting, finally there was the book and i read it at once. I really love it, but I have to say, that the story of susan was a bit to long and the story itself (the way of the ka-tet) was to short. Also I didn't like the thing with the "wizard of Oz". it didn't really fit in. All in all it is a good book, but the 3rd part of the series was a lot better
Rating:  Summary: Par Excellence Review: As with all the King books, the more one reads them, the better they get. I loved the WasteLands the most...but Wizards & Glass comes a very close 2nd (maybe only because I haven't had a chance to re-read it yet!). The riddles were awesome, and I loved stumping my co-workers with them (I hope you don't mind that I borrowed them, Mr. King). I love that some of the characters from his other books are glimpsed. I was glad to learn about Roland's past...it helped me put his actions during the first book in perspective. But it also filled me with foreboding for his current friends... I have been ecstatic at Mr. King's choice of main characters (i.e., a druggie, a paraplegic, etc.), A far cry from the normally gorgeous and perfect heroes and heroines that usually appear in books. (THANK YOU!!! Mr. King.)
Rating:  Summary: A easy 10 !!!!! Review: I do not appreciate the whining. Any one who does not realize these four books are so intertwined, can not see the sun because of the extremely ackward position they have there heads. Wizard and Glass had only one path and that was to let us see what Roland had been through. I love the entire series. Mr. King please go to that dark place where this story lives and FINISH IT so I can go on with my daily routine.
Rating:  Summary: Starring Roland as the "Love-Struck Cowboy".... Review: This book was amazing. Having read the previous novels in the series and found them spectacular, I was undaunted by takin on the challenge of reading this 700+ page book. And every page was AMAZING. SK totally conveys the feeling of despair, hopelessness and pain when Roland can do nothing but watch as Susan burns. But not only does he give you a sense of despair, but also gives the reader a sense of what falling in love for the first time is like. The only thing preventing me from giving this book a ten is that it doesn't really forward the story of the ka-tet, which is what we've probably been waiting for these long FIVE YEARS. HURRY UP SK...PLEASE?
Rating:  Summary: dark tower series is king's best since The Stand and It Review: Where oh where has the ka-tet gone? Oh where oh where can they be? King has left his fans sitting on the egde of their seats in an anticipation for each new arrival of the Dark Tower series. Development of the characters is slow yet thorough and always leaves the reading believing they know what's around the corner, but never disappointed when surprised. The unfolding of Roland's story in bits and pieces leaves the true King fan salivating to discover what makes this "hard case" tick. A word of warning: Don't start with the fourth and think you can get the full experience--even with the flash backs--take a weekend and read the whole series. a page turner guaranteed
Rating:  Summary: Hopefully,SK will write the next one B4 I die..... Review: I liked Wizards and Glass....except it really didn`t stay current in the story line that I loved in the first three....And Roland getting his fingers munched on really killed it for me....I mean come on....who wants a crippled gunslinger?All in all,I still love the series,but they are too long in coming....SK,if your reading this.....get a move-on or the teddy-bear gets it.....
Rating:  Summary: Great, but... Review: I'm not a huge romance fan, but am a huge King fan. I've read Wizard and Glass twice now and make it a point to re-read the Dark Tower series every year. My favorite King has always been his adverture writing, the first three Dark Towers are my all time favorite books. I liked book 4, but didn't like Susan AT ALL!!! I had no sympathy for that whiny character, who reminded me so much of Kate Winslet in Titanic, a movie I also hated. The book however, was well written and the parts outside of Susan were fantastic and some of the best ideas I've read by King. For those that feel he doesn't know where he is heading, I suggests you reread It, the Stand, Insomnia, The Talisman and any other books with Dark Tower connections. They all fold nicely into this tale. So, my final opinions: I liked it, but Insomnia (speaking of his latest works) was better.
Rating:  Summary: A heart wrenching love tale between Roland and Susan... Review: I didn't know what I was getting into when I picked up this book....but as the story unfolds, I found myself wanting to fall in love all over again for the first time. King adeptly describes the feeling of falling in love for the first time....the happiness, bliss of waking up everyday and knowing that you've found a whole new meaning to your life. The anticipation, the heartaches, the sweet misunderstandings which all evaporates the moment you hold each other in your arms. A really superb attempt of King at romance and I'm sure it takes someone to truly experienced in love to be able to write like that. I really liked the way King builds up the tension between Roland and his best friend Cuthbert....the jealousy Cuthbert felt towards Roland, for the fact that he got such a beautiful gal and also for the fact that he was being neglected by his best friend. They say man don't shed tears...but I found myself doing so unshamelessly at the part where Roland could only watch helplessly through the Wizard's Glass when Susan was burnt to death....the anguish, pain and torture. In Susan's death, King immortalised the undying love between Roland and Susan.